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Riddle me this Anti-American sentimentalists....

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posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: tadaman

if an asteroid came now, even if it just impacted right this second and we were reacting, there would definitely be a survivable populus because of technology. Even if caught off guard some people somewhere would be underground and safe in modern days, and most likely those underground (not meaning mines) would be of intellectual value, meaning a hopefully good restart.

I'm ok with a restart in humanity, but not technology.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Neutrality

We could have both. Technology is not even geared towards progress. Its geared towards military supremacy or profit.

MOST medical funding is cosmetic in nature. Thats why we run marathons to raise money for CANCER...while you have billions dedicated to weight loss.

MOST technology we see is military off shoots that are found to be able to be profitable and non threatening. Private profit after public subsidy. THATS the Free Enterprise of the industrial complex.

If we reset, we would have marathons for plastic surgery while BILLIONS go towards real medical needs. We would have NASA funded more than the pentagon...

And so on....

An asteroid would allow a select group of people to prepare while the rest watch TV and eat pizza. After a reset like the one I describe, leaders would also undergo the reset and would not save a couple thousand of themselves, but would have built REAL emergency shelters for all. Not luxurious bunkers but large scale civilization reboot bunkers...They would address REAL needs, not BS....

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: Neutrality

We could have both. Technology is not even geared towards progress. Its geared towards military supremacy or profit.

That is the problem with technology for sure, but shouldn't be it's demise. Technology actually should be allowed to flourish. The more techni-capable a human (with the proper understanding of fundamental living skills obviously) is, the better. If I can tend my garden, repair my car, fix my computer, and assemble a solar array to assist with my power needs, I'll take me over someone that tends a garden and has great knowledge in "family time".

Sometimes it's a personal level but sometimes it's a humanitarian level. So far we haven't figured out how to balance them

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: Neutrality

MOST medical funding is cosmetic in nature. Thats why we run marathons to raise money for CANCER...while you have billions dedicated to weight loss.

Tell you what ... there's a lot of money being thrown at genetics nobody's hearing jack-s#t about. If something apocalyptic happened, TPTB might be able to spawn out a bunch of super-humans to repopulate the Earth. Wouldn't surprise me to find out there's actually a plan in place to foster just such an event During the lifespan of the more youthful amongst us here.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: Neutrality

MOST medical funding is cosmetic in nature. Thats why we run marathons to raise money for CANCER...while you have billions dedicated to weight loss.

Tell you what ... there's a lot of money being thrown at genetics nobody's hearing jack-s#t about. If something apocalyptic happened, TPTB might be able to spawn out a bunch of super-humans to repopulate the Earth. Wouldn't surprise me to find out there's actually a plan in place to foster just such an event During the lifespan of the more youthful amongst us here.

Honestly I don't doubt for one second what we see in the movies regarding genetic research even comes close to what we can do. We cloned Dolly 2 decades ago

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: Snarl

At this point....I say Good.

I think that nothing we are doing now is changing the human condition and as such nothing is changing the problems we keep having.

Maybe a person who lives to be 300 and doesnt worry about food and sex so much will be better at being "human" than us.

I say go for it. I will try to reincarnate into them, or for my kids to be allowed to breed with them.

I dont care. Even if I am the neanderthal looking on at sapiens sapiens. I am not so self centered so as to think I should survive if I am not worthy.

I am fully prepared to die and DIE OFF if I must. I would rather the best of our world survive for a purpose than all of it just because.

Give them everything we learned and go home. We arent very good at what we are doing.

Sounds grim? Maybe. I think its practical. Its not enough to survive. We must be WORTHY of our survival.

over-man? Give him the keys and see what he does with it. I wish my children and I were born into that world.

I see nothing of great ingenuity so far. We are a re-hatched world of recycled ideas and aging circle jerks of wisdom. Nothing new besides our satellites and war machines. Even that could be a repeat I hear.

If we wont sacrifice and try to become more, lets make something that is more than us and just stay lazy and awful if its SOO important to us until we die form it. If we die the barbaric monkeys with satellites that we are then so be it. At least we would have established the next step in our path and a hope for continuity.

The gods disappeared leaving US as the replacement. This would be a step up from what they left at least.

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:48 AM
All nations are subject to corruption, naming other nations as threats and comparing them when the time period in which they were dictators or genuinely oppressive has past or saying it is "anti Americanism" to be opposed to it happening in your own nation just aren't accurate statement.

America has fallen victim to corruption it is "controlled" by various forces, corporate, international, political and ideological.

The very point of not demonizing other nations and acting as if "we" should at "all times" "hold the throne" is that ALL nations are vulnerable to this.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:57 AM
I don't hate the US, but I hate what it has become. We are slaves to the dollar. Growing OTHER country's economies with corporations who sold us out. Military might means nothing when your own people think you've sold them out. My own father got tossed out of the mill 2 month shy of his 20 year pension due to busting unions and imports. He said he hated the Japs back in WWII but his OWN COUNTRY SOLD OUT. A real country's best resources are it's people but we don't have healthcare, jobs, or contentment that a country provides it's people. Its a two way street.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: tadaman

The only thing wrong with America is all the loaning and borrowing that goes down.

Get rid of that and things'll be right as rain. Of course ... it's gonna rain blood for a little while, and that's okay with me. Sounds like you're good with that too, but I'd hope that kid of yours has time to stand on its own first.


posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 03:36 AM
I hope that some other nation becomes a world power, just so that everyone can bitch about them instead!
No matter who is in power, there are always those who feel resentment against them.
I am somewhat tired of us being in the spotlight, the focus of admiration and jealousy, love and hate. I wish my family back home could just have a decent life, without the pressures of extreme consumerism, a larger middle class.
I would be quite happy if there was a temporary fall apart of current systems, but that the country get back up quickly and restructure things differently.

The armchair critics will continue, regardless...but who cares?

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

Bluesma, You know I agree with you.

I would LOVE if we returned to being an agricultural country with nothing to worry about besides who our kids are going to marry and what we are making for dinner.

It would be awesome. Let Dubai become the center of the world and its capital and let everyone bitch about Saudi royalty and its efforts as a country. Let them entertain retarded alliances and fend off psychotic morons. I dont care. Anyone. This is just getting old.

The arm chair critics need new meat. This horse is tired and starting to kick.

Have a good one.
Hold it down.

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: Snarl

yeah man,

We are only digging deeper. I dont think its the end of the world if it does happen, there will be universal suck handed out is all.

The kid is going to be tough whether he likes it or not. I am sorry about that, but he has a better chance of staying up if he gets knocked down a few times. He will know how much it sucks to be down. Hopefully that lesson will stay with him if he has to live it.

I still think this is all a long way away if ever on the horizon. He will reach puberty in any event in the same world I did, I think.

Have a good one buddy.
Hold it down like you know how.

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 07:30 AM
OP you come across as quite paraniod.

Like totally.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: tadaman

Like, what if the US economy does collapse and like a week or month later, we are up and running? again?

If like when you are old and fat, and your dreams of popping those bottles you have been saving havent come to fruition?

Depends in what form the USA takes in 50 years time doesn't it?

The way it is slowing turning into a fascist state and if it resumes it policy of wars of aggression then I don't think even you would want it to exist in that form would you? As you would be as bad as the alternatives powers you presented.

But is the USA goes back to defending its old ideals of freedom and human right a and tones back the aggression then yeah id rather it still be around in 50 years time than China or Russia. ~Though I would prefer a more balanced and equal partnership between the USA and its allies.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: tadaman

Hey, I KNOW there are awful aspects to our country. I dont dwell on them since I think thats not exactly productive towards a greater end.

I think you got that the wrong way round.

If you ignore those bad bits then they can fester and rot you to the very core.

Do you honestly trust your congress and government now? Or can you see at the moment they have rotted to the very core with corruption and greed?

I can see it in both mine and your own country.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: tadaman

I see nothing more as a justification about US government not being bad as it is, being cloaked in a bunch of questions in your statement.

What is the point of the OP ?

Showing your really scared for change or trying to make people scared by asking about a lot of "if`s"?

You can write, "you like the things are the way they are," but don`t you think it`s really self centred when hundreds of millions of people are suffering in this World by it all, so that you can justified it because you`re sacred about change and what it may bring?
edit on 29 4 2015 by BornAgainAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: BornAgainAlien
a reply to: tadaman

I see nothing more as a justification about US government not being bad as it is, being cloaked in a bunch of questions in your statement.

What is the point of the OP ?

Showing your really scared for change or trying to make people scared by asking about a lot of "if`s"?

You can write, "you like the things are the way they are," but don`t you think it`s really self centred when hundreds of millions of people are suffering in this World by it all, so that you can justified it because you`re sacred about change and what it may bring?

I see you taking a clear advantage to "AmericaBash" as you like to.

USA Americans know if it became a recluse it would survive no problem due to fertile grounds. Infrastructure already in place (sure needs some repairs, restos, and upgrades) but that is WORK! Since we farm so much and keep costs of food low we could also recluse and do SERIOUS damage to the world economy by dropping out of it.

Food -check, Oil - check (we now make a bunch of it FUUU fracking), Infrastructure - check, reserves - check.


As much as I hate it, America isn't going anywhere anytime soon

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

Answer ANY question I proposed in the OP.

If not YOU are just too scared to because it would show that you are IGNORANT in your blind hatred for the US which you did not think through to its logical conclusion.

BUT what else could I expect from you BAA. You never think. You are an anti American drone. No better than a Pro American drone. A drone non the less.

We need less people like you, not more. Throw your "zingers" elsewhere propaganda fan boy. TRY an intelligent adult conversation (maybe I didnt do that here) THEN SHOW ME. Refute my points, or confront me on them....dont post and run because you have no substance to your ideas that you have poorly thought out.

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: Bluesma
I hope that some other nation becomes a world power, just so that everyone can bitch about them instead!
No matter who is in power, there are always those who feel resentment against them.
I am somewhat tired of us being in the spotlight, the focus of admiration and jealousy, love and hate. I wish my family back home could just have a decent life, without the pressures of extreme consumerism, a larger middle class.
I would be quite happy if there was a temporary fall apart of current systems, but that the country get back up quickly and restructure things differently.

The armchair critics will continue, regardless...but who cares?


you said it in a nutshell.

I tend to talk about China a lot...

That's in part because i'm damn well excited that there is a nation that can take the position because "this sucks"

a Trillion a year in military expenses? North Korea gets an A-Bomb made from Mentos and Coke it straps to a fleet of Carrier Pigeons and no one can screw with them, we don't need this "for defense"

Meanwhile our education system is crap, we have to essentially each work as hard as five Chinese guys to maintain this with our population size, our kids bomb everyone that needs bombing, everyone hates us, we pay for health care and our inner cities are imploding.

I want to be.... "Big Sweden with Nukes and Lasers" and a giant Ocean between us and everyone else

4 day work week, hefty checks for the poor so they don't give me Hepatitis and the only country we need to do smack for is Mexico because they are the only ones we have to live with... Northern border is an ice field, Southern is a 20 mile stretch covered in land mines under Mexico... and we all get Jet Packs because we ban travel to terrorist countries. (Elon Musk can get it done, trust me)

But enough! This is awful

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: criticalhit

You win.

That was AWESOME. LOL, effing funny as hell...and true.

You win.

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

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