posted on May, 13 2015 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to:
Thanks very much for dropping by my thread, and reading the tale that dwells within!
Between one thing and another, I do not have any intention of writing any more of this story, any time soon. Certainly not within the time frame of
the competition. I have some things happening in my life at the moment, which although positive, are very time consuming. Couple that with the fact
that as the days grow longer and warmer, I grow wearier and more muzzy headed (summer... What can I tell you, it just is not my season), and the
result is a big old "Hell NO!".
As I mentioned in response to other queries I have had which strayed into similar territory, if I am ever going to add to this story then a) it will
take a bloody long time to write, to flesh out. And b) as a result this will only be able to happen when I have large blocks of free time. I have a
chaotic methodology when it comes to sitting down and writing something. I tend to write whole chunks of story in massive blocks. I am not one of
those people who can sit down for twenty minutes every so often throughout the day, and crank out a story in fits and starts. I have to have a few
straight hours spare to get the content out, and in a format with which I am happy.
I would LOVE to have the time to do it, since I love writing, all kinds of writing. But when it comes to story telling, I have to have freedom of
time and headspace in which to do it, or else whatever comes off my keyboard will just be disarticulated, timelines get all mangled up, characters
dissolve into obscurity and dialogue collapses into meaninglessness. I like writing enough, that when I do it, I like to do it as well as I possibly
can, and so I do not want to be in a position where I am just forcing myself to shoehorn it in around the chaos that is my life.
You can bet your bottom dollar though, that if I do find time to do anything more with this, then I will be all over it like a magnetosphere on a
planet with a hot iron core! It just is not on the cards right now is all!