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Will we ever be able to make a system that works for 100% of humans?

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posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 04:56 PM
What I believe in and what I hope society can also adopt:

1. Food, clothing and shelter is not an option that should be dictated by weather or not you have enough currency to afford it or not. They are a necessity.

2. Borders and division among nations are pointless and we should work towards uniting and making a strong planet instead of a strong nation.

3. Everyone deserves a say in huge world decisions and the only way to get everyone's opinion is through a computer program ran voting system.

4. If government decisions was done through a secure computer program where everyone gets a say in decision that will effect them then we would get rid of most corruption.

5. Life should be about pursuing goals that will make you happy and not just settling for a job that will allow you to make enough money to obtain the illusion you are living free.

6. The people volunteering/teaching/healing/helping/feeding/giving should be living the kind of life celebrities live because they contribute to society. Instead of money how about a contribution point system? The more you help others the more you make. Let's make it a goal to help others instead of yourself.

7. Instead of trying to make ourself successful and only focusing on the progression of our lives we should show true humanity and progress together as members of the same species. How can we solve starvation? How can we prevent people from having to live homeless? We throw away a lot of food, there's enough abandoned houses in the world to give every homeless person a home. We need to stand and unite to do what we think is best for us as humans and not what is best for us as a nation.

Separation through borders, currency systems, and beliefs only hurt us as a species. Think of what we can accomplish if we just adopt the thinking of be happy and allow others to be happy.

Who else agrees? There has to be someone out there that stopped and looked around and realized that just because we don't see the damage it doesn't mean it isn't happening in the background. Humans adopted the thought of supporting a nation/king/military leader/warrior/etc and forgot to support the human race. Why should we follow systems that only seem to keep us unhappy?

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 05:00 PM
It's great ideas.

You know we have that in a real democracy. If we'd just change a few things we'd have that in the US now.

1.Get rid of the Electoral collage and make every vote count one for one.
2.Reduce our black and military budgets by half at least. That would actually give us more than enough for all the clothing, food and medical care anyone would ever need We could take care of everyone and still reduce the deficit and balance the budget.
3. Give everyone term limits. 1 term each. no matter what for senators, Congressmen and women and President.
4. Campaign reform.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: amazing
It's great ideas.

You know we have that in a real democracy. If we'd just change a few things we'd have that in the US now.

1.Get rid of the Electoral collage and make every vote count one for one.
2.Reduce our black and military budgets by half at least. That would actually give us more than enough for all the clothing, food and medical care anyone would ever need We could take care of everyone and still reduce the deficit and balance the budget.
3. Give everyone term limits. 1 term each. no matter what for senators, Congressmen and women and President.
4. Campaign reform.

I see your point But some part of me feels it will always go wrong with one person in power. I feel that we would be best off with no leader and everyone getting a say in huge world decisions. I feel people don't need someone to represent them they just need a fair chance for their voice to be heard and acknowledged. I love to get input on this topic so thanks a lot for telling me what you think.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: stopxmove

I share your hopes and beliefs but in this world humanity is enslaved by dark forces intent on our total capitulation.

Check out Jordan Maxwell. It's not doom porn but many decades of study on the human condition.

A small example. The word in your thread title "system" is taken from ancient Greek meaning sewer. Think about what that implies.

Knowledge is power and Jordan has that in spades.

edit on 4/28/2015 by dezertdog because: added sentence

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 05:33 PM
Are you willing to accept a system that provides everybody on Earth with food, clothing, medical care, shelter, safety and all the other things as long as they give up their "right" to reproduce freely?

Because above everything else, people love to breed. And all the other problems always come back to that.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: stopxmove

How about by a show of hands;

Who actually did sign documents while in the birth canal? Everyone acts like they signed the same unconscionable document?

Is there a place on the Earth I can go without getting molested by government administrators?

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: stopxmove

Who else agrees?

I Absolutely agree with the spirit of what you are suggesting

We need to focus on what unites us

In order to survive we need co operation rather then competition

We need to realise as you so rightly point out that we are all the same species ... the same family

It is our duty to care for our fellow beings no matter how humble or high we are in the current pecking order of things

The more this sort of thinking is expressed and considered and put into action the better off we all will be

Those who are plain greedy and corrupt with no regard for the welfare of the whole will be made to feel shame

edit on 28-4-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

edit on 28-4-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: stopxmove

That's what democracies are suppose to be about, but we are humans, as humans we have free choice we have free spirit, we are unique in our individuality, and no matter what perfect system our incredible minds can come out with, we humans. . . perfect are not.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: stopxmove

Some good ideas here but...

...but technology ought to be leveraged like the
Bitcoin Blockchain (i.e., an open-source ledger)
so the "system" is decentralized.

I suggest starting small and work up (at the city level).
Real change ought to come bottom up and not top-down.


Systems and community exist to accomplish different things. While systems may be the best structures to meet production goals, they were never really intended to meet the needs of individuals. On the other hand, community organizations are expressly designed to meet individual needs. In order to illustrate this point, let us look at some essential differences between a system and community. Here are a few:

1. PAID versus WILLING

Systems were created to organize large groups of people to perform specific and repetitive tasks. They are deliberately designed to be inflexible and resistant to change. Obviously, this is desirable if the task is auto assembly. Mistakes can be costly and dangerous. Changes that may interfere with the outcome or the quality of the product must be avoided.

Community organizations are usually smaller. As a result, they can be more flexible. Individual preferences and idiosyncratic ways of getting the job done are not only possible, but desirable. Creativity and innovation are valued. Mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn.

I'm sick of working within a system, for me live would
be more fulfilling living and working within a community.
...but community only works in small groups.

So I repeat, to reform a system, decentralize it.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: stopxmove

During this century, we did something quite absurd. We developed human service organizations based on a hierarchical model. In other words, we tried to meet the needs of people within a structure that was intended to be used to manufacture goods, not to meet the needs of people! The consequences of this action have been frustrating human service workers and the people they support ever since:

1. People Change to Fit the System's Needs

In a system based on an industrial model, individuals are expected to fit into services. Programs are developed, and people are slotted into them. Those in receipt of services seldom have input into their development. Sometimes the fit is a good one, sometimes not. When it isn't working, the expectation is that the individual will change, not the system.

For example, most hospitals and institutions operate on strict timelines. Residents are assisted to get up at six a.m. Bedtime is nine o'clock. If you happen to be a "night person", it is unlikely that you will be able to change the schedule to suit your needs. The system simply isn't set up to accommodate your individual preferences.

2. A Demand for Compliance

Systems require compliance. Individuals are expected to "fit in" and go along with whatever behaviour is expected of them. Sometimes this means forcing people to do things they do not choose to do. Self-determination and control over one's own life often runs counter to the goals of the system, which are, as we have noted, conformity and uniformity.

3. Clients versus Citizens

Consumers of human services are seen as "clients" rather than citizens. This distancing euphemism reflects a fundamental power imbalance, subtly making peer relationships between someone receiving and someone providing service less likely.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 06:54 PM
You will never get 100% of the people to agree.

Other than the ability to trade goods and services I don't want anything from society except to be left alone. You can keep everything else.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: wasaka

So I repeat, to reform a system, decentralize it.

^ ^ ^ This

We don't need a Federal Government or State Governments or at least they should be minimal. No national or regional Government should be able to supersede the rules, beliefs or laws of the local communities.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: wasaka

So I repeat, to reform a system, decentralize it.

^ ^ ^ This

We don't need a Federal Government or State Governments or at least they should be minimal. No national or regional Government should be able to supersede the rules, beliefs or laws of the local communities.

Bitcoin Paves a Way for Evolution of the Species

Is that overstating the case? I don't think so.

edit on 28-4-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 07:32 PM
Considering it only works for 1% of Earths residents
there is plenty of room for improvement.

Maybe we can start with some of the OP's
ideas and get this incredibly large ship turned around.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 09:49 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. How's this sound?

A united earth where everyone gets a voice and no group of people run the world. My idea is a socialistic united world ran buy a computer form of government. Basically a program where everyone can vote on important world decisions and everyone can have a say. If they don't agree with any choice they can explain why and it will be shown in a Facebook type news feed where people can read and up vote on alternatives they like. This will allow us to easily determine the most supported idea to solve a problem. This computer based voting system will also allow the language barrier to be broken and allow everything to be translated into the language of your choice.

Maybe a first step would be to create a base system then have others add ideas to perfect it. I think a voting system that can accommodate a united world will really get people on board. It would need to translate and be as independent as possible. The people who work on the program would have to go through security protocols such as the ones they have in database centers. Key cards linked to their identity, retina scanners, and cameras running at all times in the areas the program is worked on. Could even get some of the best programmers and cyber security specialist or white hat hackers to work on the security of it. It's just a skeleton of an idea but we could defiantly make it happen. I appreciate all the input because to make a system that works for us all requires collaboration.

So I'm interested in knowing what you guys think would be an effective system. What about a contribution point system instead of money? if you could create your own fair system how would it work?
edit on 28-4-2015 by stopxmove because: Spelling errors.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:46 PM
Why is it that a system in which everyone is simply free is never on the table?

Why would everyone not be happy with that?

Free for each individual person to do ANYTHING that they like so long as it does not hurt or hinder another individual and their right to that freedom.

Free to ingest what you like. Free to work and live as you like. Free to make alliances and research new advancements as you like. Free to do whatever.

Yes, with billions of people to account for this idea can have many complications that can be remedied by basic laws and limitations of the individual, by why can't we use this as a start and truly allow people to come out from under the draconian world of master/slave that we currently live under and have lived under forever?

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:01 AM
To answer your title question:

Probably not, but that's no excuse not to try.

And to comment on your OP:

That's socialsim - of which I heartly support (and we do in in an disfunctional socialist state in the US).

That's simple fact. Other forms of government only benefit the wealthy capitalist class.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:04 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
You will never get 100% of the people to agree.

Other than the ability to trade goods and services I don't want anything from society except to be left alone. You can keep everything else.

Forgive me. For someone that only wants to be 'left alone', you spend an awful lot of time 'interacting' with others on ATS.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:11 AM
In my opinion, it has to start from the bottom and work up - as we are seeing in many different areas (but we don't hear about them much on TV, you have to look for them).

Local organizing and the building of coalitions with eventually work up to a global level but it will not happen over night and I believe it's happening as we speak. The biggest and most difficult change will be learning to see all humans as 'US' and not 'THEM'.

You have denoted some very important points for future development, a wonderful use of the imagination.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:14 AM
A system that would work? Education. Not restricted education, not flawed or ideological education. Pure unadulterated education free from the bounds of persecution, ridicule, or cost.

The smartest societies always seem to do well.

*Oh, and add a little compassion in the mix. Wondrous results.
edit on 29-4-2015 by Neutrality because: (no reason given)

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