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The Shining Serpent

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posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 05:14 PM
In light of some of my research, I'm beginning to wonder some things...
The new album produced by Eminem, Tupac's Loyal 2 the Game...
Its been said that Eminem has piece vocals together to make Tupac say what he wants... some examples are

"2005, Banks, Em, G-Unit, and various others" which I suppose seem possible even though there are effects added but they seem pretty smooth
The song loyal 2 the game has a lot of the vocals I'm talking about...

Then I remember hearing some news or something back in 2002 that the pentagon of all people have news that tupac is alive and working with fidel castro in cuba, along with Christopher Wallace (BIGGIE) training militants... (Even Eminem himself in a freestlye called "Got it Twisted" says Tupac is in Cuba)
Then I said well this could all just be hyped up, then I looked into some other things and found that a family member of his, Assata Shakur escaped and went to Cuba and had something to do with Fidel after finding out that she was planned to be killed by some of the inmates...
is it possible that this could be true? I am aware of a movement in Cuba known as Tupac Amaru.... Does anyone have any information they are willing to share?
it would be interesting to know where this came from .. like whose saying the pentagon had this information, there was even mention I think, of pictures.

A secret militant movement forming and training in Cuba?

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 05:23 PM
The purpose of and inclusion of rappers who what when and why......the effect of using entertainment figures is precisely for the purpose of entertainment and the distracting you from other things.......sorry buddy, but theres no reason for it

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
The purpose of and inclusion of rappers who what when and why......the effect of using entertainment figures is precisely for the purpose of entertainment and the distracting you from other things.......sorry buddy, but theres no reason for it

it has direct relation to the movements and happenings of the world, Tupac is one of the few members of the entertainment industry to mention the illuminati let alone KILLuminati.... your ignorant and not even reading, please don't comment unless your going to actually research what your talking about

[edit on 21/12/04 by dnero6911]

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:09 PM
Explain what research I need to do to connect rappers with radical military movement? Seeing as how the entertainment industry is more or less controlled by a conservative manipulation of public perception(and don't tell me big money doesn't corner the market under all musical/entertainment genres, Billboard is designed to gauge public consumer habits), it would stand to reason that rappers only area of influence is with public opinion. Hesitate before snapping out with an accusation of ignorance....I suggest you do a bit more research yourself, oh enlightened one.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:11 PM
Besides, you yourself provided nothing to back up this thread.....

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 05:22 AM
Put your handbags away.

I think you have a number of conspiracy theories, urban legends mixed together in one story.

The are many theories regarding Tupac and his "death", and other than the one where he is actually dead, none have any evidence except supposed sightings abit like Elvis

There were military organisations trained in Cuba for most wars "apparantly" and both America, Malitia, and Even the Orient have been accused of using this country as a training ground over the years.

There was a rumour that tupac was in Cuba, Mexico, Brazil and most south American countries at one time or another, the escape of his family member was, I imagine, just tied into one for more realism.

Entertainment is a money game, and big money at that, and yes money makes the world go round. In saying that groups have tried to manipulate the public through this medium, again apparently, just look at the rat pack and there will be a long list of reasons and conspiracies as to why they were so successful.

I would recommend breaking your story down into elements and researching each part, there is no point just posting a load of stuff without showing you have done a bit of research first, you'll just get flamed.

Have a look into a re-post if your find anything, including where you found it.

Best of luck

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Then I remember hearing some news or something back in 2002 that the pentagon of all people have news that tupac is alive and working with fidel castro in cuba, along with Christopher Wallace (BIGGIE) training militants... (

Thats the dumbest goddamned thing I've seen today, and I've been on this board for a while this morning.

Its just so freeking stupid that I can't help but state that it is.

Do you actually, in anyway, actually beleive what you just wrote?

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by dnero6911
Then I remember hearing some news or something back in 2002 that the pentagon of all people have news that tupac is alive and working with fidel castro in cuba, along with Christopher Wallace (BIGGIE) training militants... (

Thats the dumbest goddamned thing I've seen today, and I've been on this board for a while this morning.

Its just so freeking stupid that I can't help but state that it is.

Do you actually, in anyway, actually beleive what you just wrote?

I agree completely, that is definitely in WAY left field. I was going to let it ride, but oh well.

The man is dead, let him rest in peace.

I mean Castro for crying out loud?!?!

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 10:12 AM
Ya I'm Suuure Tupac and Biggie have tons of military training. If i was in a militia I would give my life to train under two tactical genius like them. Does their training include a drive by in a low rider impala with mac 10's in the cuban jungle?

I dont buy it sorry.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 07:48 PM
I didn't say I believed it, but you guys are really a bunch of retards... atleast I went to go see if I could find anything, all you idiots do is come on here and insult me.. what the hells wrong with you? denying ignorance.. it was posted I wanted to see what anyone else could find on it so I COULD make up my mind on the subject but thanks to biased jerks like you who don't bother to even search for anything and just come in here and ridicule I'll only have what I was able to find...

and if you do look there is a militia called Tupac Amaru in Cuba.. although most likely not related...
but nonetheless thanks for your positive inputs

[edit on 22/12/04 by dnero6911]

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911
I didn't say I believed it, but you guys are really a bunch of retards... atleast I went to go see if I could find anything, all you idiots do is come on here and insult me.. what the hells wrong with you? denying ignorance.. it was posted I wanted to see what anyone else could find on it so I COULD make up my mind on the subject but thanks to biased jerks like you who don't bother to even search for anything and just come in here and ridicule I'll only have what I was able to find...

And there's no civility in your post either, you have reaped the bounty of your posting indiscretion. Enjoy the cornucopia of your efforts, rather than rue the bitterness of your harvest ale.

Speaking of ale, latrine duty for you, potty mouth.

Carry on.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by dnero6911
I didn't say I believed it, but you guys are really a bunch of retards...

That kinda posting really isn't going to help your cause. It is already explained why you are getting flamed

I wanted to see what anyone else could find on it so I COULD make up my mind on the subject

Until it looks like you have done a bit of research yourself, people are not going to jump on board, your orginial post was a lot of "I remember hearing some news or something back in 2002 " but no so I looked into it and found... You have to do a little bit yourself to show your theory or suspiscion is worth investigating.

but thanks to biased jerks like you who don't bother to even search for anything

Search yourself before expecting anyone else too. Substantiate your claims with at least at little bit of evidence, not a two year old memory.

and just come in here and ridicule

I haven't ridiculed you yet, and yet you have tied me into your "retard" and "jerk" statements. (not saying that anyone involved on this thread is

I'll only have what I was able to find...

Try telling people what you have found, where you found it, and what methods of research you have used, these will generally substantiate you and your thought. May not get people interested, but should stop you getting flamed.

and if you do look there is a militia called Tupac Amaru in Cuba.. although most likely not related...

Then you have negated this point yourself

but nonetheless thanks for your positive inputs

I will be egotistical and presume this is the only part of your post directed to me. THANKS

[edit on 22/12/04 by dnero6911]

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by dnero6911
I didn't say I believed it,

What a cop out.

but you guys are really a bunch of retards... atleast I went to go see if I could find anything, all you idiots do is come on here and insult me.. what the hells wrong with you? denying ignorance
The guy who is saying that tupac shakur and Biggie are training communist guerillas in cuba is telling other people to 'deny ignorance'?

but thanks to biased jerks like you who don't bother to even search for anything

Why don't you cry about it?

and if you do look there is a militia called Tupac Amaru in Cuba.. although most likely not related...

Thats because his mother named him after 'The Shining Serpent'. Not because she wanted to train him as a military commando in south america.

but nonetheless thanks for your positive inputs

And your baseless sensless suggstion, which even you don't back, that these guys are guerilla leaders and not corpses, is somehow a positive contribution? Is this supposed to be a conspiracy discussion site or a rumour mill?

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 11:04 AM
Look guys, I must make a confession.

I am Tupac. I am currently in Cuba, but only because Fidiel offered me free ho's and cigars. So hopefully this has put an end to the rumours and innuendo.

Tupac, out.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 11:17 AM
what knowledge could biggie and tupac have that castro didn't already get from the cia already ? drive-by techniques ?

these rumors persist because people don't want to believe they are dead.

let them rip

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 11:29 AM
I am teaching my Cuban homies that the best way to fire a pistol to cap someones azz is to hold it sideways. Also fashion sense so they can look fly in the hood.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by DeltaNine
I am teaching my Cuban homies that the best way to fire a pistol to cap someones azz is to hold it sideways. Also fashion sense so they can look fly in the hood.


Yeah, they have to wear their pants half falling off in the field and are absolutely required to rock the bling-bling at all times. Makes it tough to camoflauge though. Damned platinum teeth. Plus they're always sippin on that Alize or Hennesy, and smokin' the fatty blunts, yo. How you gonna hit what you're shootin' at when you're drunk and stoned all the time?

P.S. I listened to the album dude, yeah they overdubbed and did something to make Tupac's voice say new things, but all I can say to that is that Eminem and his guys are extremely good at what they do. Didn't like the album as much as Pac's older stuff, though. It sounded more like an Eminem album to me.

[edit on 12/23/04 by The Axeman]

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 11:29 PM
But is it crazy enough?

I have seen no evidence which suggests that famous rappers have any connection to a secret military training ground in Cuba and therefore I can not really say I believe it.

That being said I can hypothetically see the utility of rappers in intelligence service operations.
1. Anyone with tallent can be chosen, propped up, marketed, and made a wealthy in this industry. A great fund raising tool.

2. Music is something people sit and listen to because of a certain mood they are in and it strenthens and reinforces that mood. Music can't make you angry, but if you are angry already it can get you pumped up. Music can't make you hate somebody, but if you already dont care for them it can reinforce that. Catchy and well-marketed music can be used to encourage and spread social trends.

3. Rap above other music is popular on the street. Rap is the music you would use to encourage trends and gain following among people who are most likely to be involved in gangs. Rap can definately be used as a minor tool for pressing a message to armed and criminally active young men in urban centers.

4. Rappers gain a personal following. They have money, they have influence, they have appeal, and in many cases personal charisma. They also have fans- the root word here is fanatic. If you wanted to find a small pool of people who were willing to fight for you on the streets, you would prop up a rapper to gain such a following.

Rap is certainly not unique in the opportunities it offers, but it does offer these opportunities. I don't think it would be used in such an elaborate way as has been suggested, but it could certainly be used to raise money, encourage or discourage trends, and perahps even generate petty hitmen for certain targets.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 10:21 AM
Normally I'd just s'n-word' at this sort of thing but it must be said that 2Pac wasn't your average rapper.
Both his parents were founding members of "The Black Panthers" and his Mom is still publically active for several "Black Power" groups so its not as far out as saying that Elvis is training Al-Queda terrorists in Outback Australia.
All things said though, pretty much everyone in his family and circle of friends says he's dead, had an open coffin ceremony and I know guys who reckon they've got bootleg copies of several home videos of the funeral.
Incidentally I don't like his music...really hurts my ears.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 10:23 AM
You're right- I'm far above average.

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