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Did I See A Shadow Person?

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posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: UNIT76
a reply to: Char-Lee

you either researched some of the associated stuff (knocking) or you had yourself an experience..

..what have you been doing lately?

..fwiw, they're EVERYWHERE

Well actually I have been trying to meditate lately a recent change and looked into it some online and listened to a bunch of different sounds and CDs online to find one I may like. So the knocking is a known thing?

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Ultralight

As I understand it, it wasn't the knocking sound that caused your fear; the knock was to wake you, and with a gentle , soft , familiar knock.

When you saw the shadow figure did it remain still?

This is true, no there was no movement but I did look away as soon as I decided it was just the dark of the open door.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

The intent doesn't seem to be one of harm, but be alert and cautious....and turn on a light!

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

It sounds like you just had mis-identified something. It doesn't really sound "Shadow Person", but if it happens again try to examine any possible items that could be causing the shadow to appear.

The fear you had could have been the shock of seeing something that seemed unfamiliar to you at the time. Once I got up in the earlier morning hours, and freaked out that some guy was at my door. Turns out that it was the paper guy (I always thought it was a kid for some reason)

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

I know some will be likely to dismiss this as a dream remnant, but that could be too hasty. The knocking sound, followed by the shadow, seems like too much of a "coincidence". I don't believe in coincidence. I recall hearing someplace about someone having a "haunting" where knocks would be heard at the door, then something would happen. I can easily see why you'd be upset by this! These things seem to love acting up when it's a woman alone, too!

a reply to: lonegurkha

That is freaky!! I think I'd have fled the house. The cats watching the spot......I had one do that in a friend's place where I was staying, for a few minutes one night, then a picture on that wall fell off. No thumps, no vibrations, nothing to cause it. No broken wire of bent nail, either. That pace did have something acting up, too; a nasty thing that would try and shove her on the stairs, and once scared her young son.

My dad called this sort of thing "shades". Usually not a distinct shape, as in the one case here, but something, and they can move, and often aren't seen directly. I have seen some of that, a time or two, but the weird one I recall best wasn't dark, but white. I was in high school when that happened. The way the house was laid out, well, look here - bedroom door was between the living room and the hallway kitchen entrance. This is a very rough sketch, and not to scale. I was in bed, with the headboard on the wall between my room and my brother's. I was reading, after everyone else was asleep, and facing the door, which was open. For no reason I could name, I looked up, toward the door, and saw this white something pass by, as indicated by the red arrow. From the bedroom end of the house to the living room, in direction. No real shape, though it didn't seem to touch the floor. I got a distinct female impression, and immediately jumped up, and ran down the hall to see who, if anyone, was up. Now, I knew it wasn't my mom or sister, but I still felt it was female. No one was awake, or out of bed, and no one could possibly have moved fast enough to go all the way around, through the kitchen, and back down the hall, before I got up and checked. No one was breathing too fast, either. Never could explain that one. Weirdly, in the living room, in line with where the shape seemed to be heading, there was a hanging plant that would randomly swing a little, now and then, with no draft or air blowing.

a reply to: Char-Lee

Ah, meditating! There you have it. Seems you might have attracted something you don't want around. I'd recommend ceasing that.
edit on 26-4-2015 by LadyGreenEyes because: additional comment

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I looked up, toward the door, and saw this white something pass by

Gave me chills! I have decided if I hear anything I am not going to open my eyes, if i don't see anything than it won't bother me! i hope!

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: Char-Lee

originally posted by: caladonea
a reply to: Char-Lee

You were seeing a demon in spirit form; if it appears again...pray to Heaven and it will leave.

Thanks for the response, I have to say all of the odd things that has ever happened to me has never made me feel that stab of fear all through me like this thing some places have. But I have to wonder why, why it was here.

Demonic spirits are allowed in when one dabbles in the occult.

It was there for one of several reasons. It could be as simple as you were watching something spiritistic on television.

Many people, including not a few atheists have demonic encounters when they watch movies such as Poltergeist.

Of course involving yourself with anything related to the occult, tarot card reading, astrology, yoga, etc opens the door to demonic harassment.

Also owning books on the subject, CDs in the house with demonic music, especially Heavy Metal, and Death Metal.

Obtaining an object from a person who practices the occult can open the door to harassment as well. Amulets and good luck charms are another good way to invite demons in.

I'm not accusing you of anything, you just asked why it would be there. There is an explanation. If it isn't you, it could be your husband has something or is doing something. It could be as simple and innocent as picking up an object at a yard-sale that has been used in occult rituals and your not even being aware of it.

Hope some of that helps.
edit on 27-4-2015 by JackReyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Char-Lee

It sounds like you just had mis-identified something. It doesn't really sound "Shadow Person", but if it happens again try to examine any possible items that could be causing the shadow to appear.

The fear you had could have been the shock of seeing something that seemed unfamiliar to you at the time. Once I got up in the earlier morning hours, and freaked out that some guy was at my door. Turns out that it was the paper guy (I always thought it was a kid for some reason)

Well the room had a king size bed and two nightstands and two lamps and nothing else. The only way a shadow could happen is if the lamp was on and something (like a person) was in front of it.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 01:23 AM

originally posted by: Char-Lee
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I looked up, toward the door, and saw this white something pass by

Gave me chills! I have decided if I hear anything I am not going to open my eyes, if i don't see anything than it won't bother me! i hope!

If you do feel something is there, order it out. It is YOUR place. Avoid anything even close to an invitation, too. The weird thing is, when I saw that, it didn't give me chills. You'd think it would have!

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

originally posted by: Char-Lee
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I looked up, toward the door, and saw this white something pass by

Gave me chills! I have decided if I hear anything I am not going to open my eyes, if i don't see anything than it won't bother me! i hope!

If you do feel something is there, order it out. It is YOUR place. Avoid anything even close to an invitation, too. The weird thing is, when I saw that, it didn't give me chills. You'd think it would have!

I guess it is all in the feel at the time. When i was 11 I saw a "man" standing in the doorway to the bedroom, he was looking at each of us kids and looked relaxed, he had a cane in his hand and dressed nicely in 1800's style. I was not afraid although i did yell for my Mother. When I yelled he disappeared.
When my Mother came I told her there was a man standing in the doorway looking at us! She said, "he won't hurt you. From this I realized she already knew about him and I realized he didn't seem hostile at all just curious I think.

This was clearly very different I have never experienced a darkness nor any other then several places that made me feel terror. I will do as you say if it happens again.

We have had an ongoing experience for the last few months that recently stopped. Behind my husband when we sit in the livingroom on the sofa we keep hearing a sound like small chimes loud enough for me to mute the TV and try to find where it comes from. We could not find the source of this sound, but when we start to look it always stops. It happened every evening about the same time night after night but the last time we ignored it and it has not happened again.

The last time was maybe a week before this dark thing but my husband was not home and the pretty little chime sound was alays right behind him like if it were near the back of his head.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee
I was experiencing chimes when I had an entity stalking me about a year ago, but at the time I did not make the connection--I honestly thought the chimes were coming from me! (thats where they sounded to come from anyway). I still dont know what caused the chimes, but I'm sure there is some connection--possibly like your soul setting off an alarm when something "dark" is near??

For me the chimes would be more active if I was moving (stretching, doing yoga), like I was wearing bells. Maybe get your husband to dance round the room or something?

Why I never connected the chimes with the entity was because the entity would give me a MASSIVE sense of dread when it was near, but the chimes seemed to be a peaceful, almost soothing sound that was kinda the opposite to the dread of this entity.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: ItVibrates

Why I never connected the chimes with the entity was because the entity would give me a MASSIVE sense of dread when it was near, but the chimes seemed to be a peaceful, almost soothing sound that was kinda the opposite to the dread of this entity.

Yes exactly, I had forgotten already about our weird chime thing in the evenings, it was not anything we felt threatened or negative about it was just so mysterious. But I guess two unusual occurrences so close together could be connected. I was so glad when my husband made it home from his trip safely!

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 04:39 PM
I've never encountered a shadow person before but my mom did a few weeks ago. We've had some weird paranormal stuff happen lately including my 2 year old niece wave to someone standing near my bedroom door a few nights ago. My sister is potty training her and decided to take her to use the restroom in the middle of the night and that is when she said my niece started saying hello to someone. My sister did not see anyone standing there.

I do have to add that about a week ago, an elderly lady died in her sleep in the apartment below us. I wonder if her spirit is roaming. My niece is afraid of strangers and would have never say hi or wave to someone that she did not know. She did on occasion meet this lady so I am wondering if she saw her and that is why she did not get scared. I posted a thread about feeling something pushing me last night and as soon as I woke up, I started to pray and ask that whatever it was, to leave in the name of God.

I'm almost scared to go to sleep tonight again

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 09:33 PM
if it happens again please interrogate it. everytime I see a shadow person it runs away =\. not kidding.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: Char-Lee
I guess it is all in the feel at the time. When i was 11 I saw a "man" standing in the doorway to the bedroom, he was looking at each of us kids and looked relaxed, he had a cane in his hand and dressed nicely in 1800's style. I was not afraid although i did yell for my Mother. When I yelled he disappeared.
When my Mother came I told her there was a man standing in the doorway looking at us! She said, "he won't hurt you. From this I realized she already knew about him and I realized he didn't seem hostile at all just curious I think.

Now that sounds like something at a cousin's house! I never saw the "man", but he did a couple of times. Once, when very small, he was in the living room, and his mom was in the kitchen. He went in and asked his mom who the man was in the living room. she freaked, of course, and ran to see, but no one was there. All doors and windows were locked, and he was way too young to make up such a story. Another time, he looked down the hall toward his bedroom, and saw what looked like a man in old-fashioned clothing holding a book. The man waved, he waved back, and the man put the book in the shelf and vanished. This house had a warm spot in the hall, and NO reason for it to be there. They checked everything. Whatever this was, it followed them. When first married, the aunt and uncle were short on money, and not sure how they would buy food. They woke up, in a locked house, and found food on the table - bacon, eggs, brad, coffee, etc. No way anyone could have come in and left. In the house for the rest, the one I know, there was other weirdness. My sister had someone unseen move a lock of hair to behind her shoulder once, and one time I had someone unseen sit next to me on the bed. The bathroom was reached through a laundry area, and as often as not, when passing through there, you could feel someone brush against you. I got in the habit of turning sideways, to avoid it. Disconcerting, but never scary.

originally posted by: Char-Lee
This was clearly very different I have never experienced a darkness nor any other then several places that made me feel terror. I will do as you say if it happens again.

Glad to hear that! Some friends and I had something chase us one night. Creepy night, that one! Unseen, spooked a neighborhood dog, and even stalked the one friend's brother who was camping.

originally posted by: Char-Lee
We have had an ongoing experience for the last few months that recently stopped. Behind my husband when we sit in the livingroom on the sofa we keep hearing a sound like small chimes loud enough for me to mute the TV and try to find where it comes from. We could not find the source of this sound, but when we start to look it always stops. It happened every evening about the same time night after night but the last time we ignored it and it has not happened again.

The last time was maybe a week before this dark thing but my husband was not home and the pretty little chime sound was alays right behind him like if it were near the back of his head.

Odd, that! Do you still hear it with the television muted?

I don't think all ghost occurrences are the same thing. Some, the ones that interact, I mostly suspect are demonic. I don't think any are "spirits of dead people". I believe other things mimic them. Others, that don't interact, I think could be some sort of "echo", or residual energy, maybe. Maybe even some that seem to be like someone recently passed. I reject spirits of dead, but after a much loved cat died, for a time, I would hear the sound he had made scratching at a window to get in, and no other animal there, or feel what felt like him jumping into the bed. After a couple of weeks, that was all gone. Some, though, I wonder if they aren't some sort of time slip, and we see into some other time, for brief moments.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Odd, that! Do you still hear it with the television muted?

Well the sound has been gone but last night it started up again, it is loud enough to annoy in the background when watching TV so muting it and trying to find the source was what we did before, it would stop a little after we started checking for where it came from. Eventually it stopped when we mentioned it.
This time we just ignored it.

So it seems from you post and blackmetalmist clear little children as well as cats can see things sometimes we do not.

My best friend was a cat and after she died I also had a really strange visit from what i believe to be her, I also saw her often for a year or so.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: blackmetalmist

I've never encountered a shadow person before but my mom did a few weeks ago. We've had some weird paranormal stuff happen lately including my 2 year old niece wave to someone standing near my bedroom door a few nights ago. My sister is potty training her and decided to take her to use the restroom in the middle of the night and that is when she said my niece started saying hello to

Was your Moms experience a different one than the niece? it seems like these things come in waves and then go away a while sometimes a long time and nothing happens but this shadow thing is new to me.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

It actually was a different experience. My mom stepped out to the porch momentarily to grab something and when she turned around, she saw a shadow pass by and slam the door. The first thing she thought was that someone had broken in and since the 2 yr old was in the living room watching tv, she immediately started freaking out. She opened the door, ran in and saw the baby hidden under a table very scared. My mom checked all over the place and she found nothing.

It is interesting that you said it comes in waves. I have noticed a pattern that things like this will happen and then go about a year or so with nothing happening. We've never really had anything happen in that house before though
But we've only been there a year so who knows.. And yes, this whole shadow thing is new to us too. It is just plain weird.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 02:40 PM
I had a similar experience. I was home alone and it was getting late so i decided to go to bed. When i walked in to my bed room, i glanced over to my wardrobe and saw the silhouette of a man. The room was dark with just a bit street light illumination the room a little bit but the shadow was pitch black. Much darker then the room.

Needless to say i got a shock but was stood next to the switch for the light. I switched it straight on and the shadow was gone. I switched the light straight back off to make sure it was not something i was mistaking as the of a shadow person. It was gone. I am convinced by what i saw, the head and shoulder part of the shadow was crystal clear to me.

I have had a few weird things happen occasionally, a lot of knocking and stuff but i have never felt scared in this house, Shocked at seeing the shadow of person in my empty bed room but not scared.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Megatronus

I am convinced by what i saw, the head and shoulder part of the shadow was crystal clear to me.

Yes I am convinced I saw what I saw also. There have been things over the years that i have questioned and things that you can't question, like when pictures are removed from the wall and put at the foot of the bed while you are alone in the house.

I have never been scared of any of these things more than a few minutes this was the first that I could describe as terror.I am glad it has not returned.

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