posted on May, 3 2015 @ 11:20 PM
Alien is one of my favorite films, and not because of anxiety spiking during the chest-burst etc.
a reply to:
Skid Mark
To be privy to the producer/director discussion on this matter would give such a tremendous insight into the social climate perceived by the "media"
think tanks. That's part of how I experience cinema; why does the director want to show me this? What does the environment and characters represent
in relation to myself?
Carl Jung proclaimed that in dreams, men perceive their subconsciousness as a female, and women perceive it as male. Cinema is so vastly programed
and acutely thought-out that there is a real intention to affect your psyche somehow.
One reason to cast a female lead, besides making women look tough, could be that the intention was to put men's subconscious under pressure. By
using Geiger's designs and the suggestive sexual violence, this effect is amplified. Thankfully the film ended with the heroine slaying the
I'm not particularly fond of Geiger's art. In fact, I find it quite unwholesome to the soul.
Aliens was very good too. The others and then A.vs.P. are too cheesy for me.
edit on 3-5-2015 by Boomorangatangarang because: (no reason