originally posted by: Saylesie17
What i mean is how do you get to heaven
Whelp , let me Put it this way .
According to True Christian Theology "jesus" is an extension of god him self .
Example : you have a Head ( head being god ) then you have two arms one being Jesus the other being the holy spirit .
therefor you have "extensions" of god .
Now we can say at this point jesus is a part of god correct ? ( according to true christian belief )
So if this "part" of god is no longer in the flesh ,then why worship it ? why not just worship god him self? would that not be idol worship if your
worshiping something other than god ?
Now if you go from an "evangelical" understanding of Jesus ,they will tell you the he is the "son" of god ...
then i would reply "but who are Adam and eve ? " who are we ? are we not the children of god ?
You see throughout Religion god has always appointed Messengers ,Prophets if you will.
Adam,Mosses ,Abraham, etc . Only at "jesus" did that change .
My questions for you is ,Who was Jesus praying to in the desert ?
Why would god the almighty ! who created the heavens and earth, and worlds beyond ours decide to create apart oh him self to have him self "killed" (
the very act of sacrifice or killing is sinful ) just to have our sins forgiven ?
Does not make a whole lot of sens , But what makes a whole lot of sens to me is that Jesus was a Messanger of God ! a great Messanger ! who's words
were true and pure .
Muslims believe in Jesus but we see him how he was , a man with love an compassion for mankind a messanger a prophet .
edit on 22-4-2015 by
Kapusta because: (no reason given)