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Why is ATS so Right Wing?

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posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: thesearchfortruth
What about this site attracts so many conservatives? I know there are many who seem to hate all political parties, but it seems that most of the hate is directed towards the Democrats. Just so my position is clear, I like and dislike aspects of both parties, but I'm more liberal than conservative.

I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with the fact that most here are republicans, I'm just wondering why that might be. So, why are you all conservatives? And what brings mostly conservative people to this website?

What? Really?

Anyway yea its probably a shock to hear and see "conservatives" in a conversation when you have been going to liberal university. Why by golly a few semesters down there and you would think they don't exist.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: thesearchfortruth

Me personally, I believe that a society where the government are subservient to the orders of the people in all matters, at all times, where the government have no power to act on any individual matter without the permission of the people, is a society which will provide the correct circumstances for a fair, and citizen centric society.

In short, I lean left on most issues. I am far from the only one around here who believes the same way.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 06:00 AM

originally posted by: thesearchfortruth
What about this site attracts so many conservatives?

I don't know if I agree that this site is made up mostly of hardcore conservatives.

But I have asked myself this exact same question before many times. "Why are so many hardcore right wing fanatics so attracted to a conspiracy theory forum"?

I've since come to the conclusion that the simple answer is simply 'America' dude, lol.

Just seems that white trash & middle america seem to usually be hardcore right wing fanatics that are prone to being interested in conspiracy theories.

lol, I'm just kidding America, you know I love ya!

But let's not beat around the bush here, outside of Cali and New York, you can all be a crazy bunch at times, lol.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: rockintitz
It's not right wing, it's distrust in government, because it has been proven time and time again that power corrupts.

If you can disagree with that please provide links.

Even democrats will agree with that, but still think the government should enact some more laws to fix it.

Isn't it ironic.

I just can't understand the mindset.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: rockintitz
It's not right wing, it's distrust in government, because it has been proven time and time again that power corrupts.

If you can disagree with that please provide links.

Even democrats will agree with that, but still think the government should enact some more laws to fix it.

It's idiotic to imagine that only the government is corrupt by power. The corporations and financial system are ten times more. And there is only one power that can stand against corporations: the political.

It's really the lesser of two evils to let the government enact more laws to control the misdeeds of corporations and financial giants. Something a lot of Americans cannot accept simply because it's not in their culture. They truly believe the capitalist system works better unregulated. We can see the terrible consequences of such a position every day.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 07:42 AM
Ats is so right wing because people on the right are more paranoid. They believe everyone is out to get them from a "gay agenda" to feminazis, the PC brigade, muslims, blacks. Latinos Atheists and gun grabbers and of course liberals and progressives It's been like this for as long as I have been here. Probably got worse when obama took office. I can't comment on before.
edit on 21-4-2015 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2015 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 07:43 AM
I'm not sure we are reading the same ATS. There are the same 4 or 5 conservative leaning posters in what seems like all the political threads that get attacked and argued with by countless liberal leaning posters.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
Ats is so right wing because people on the right are more paranoid. They believe everyone is out to get them from a "gay agenda" to feminazis, the PC brigade, muslims, blacks. Latinos Atheists and gun grabbers and of course liberals and progressives It's been like this for as long as I have been here. Probably got worse when obama took office. I can't comment on before.

Did it ever occur to you they are under attack from all those groups?

Gun grabbers are trying to take their guns, one paper cut at a time.

The Latinos have invaded their country and taken tens of millions if jibs from them.

The gays do push there agensa and the left is helping.

So I mean yes, I do see the right under attack in america.

Hell even the gov labels them extremists on a regular basis.

For the heinous thought crimes if being religious, wanting rights, believing in the constitution, believing in the sanctity if marriage between a man and a woman.

I'm not even on the right and I see that clearly.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:28 AM
Part of it is also the conditioning that "liberal" is some kind of dirty word. When you have guys like Limbaugh, Alien B. West, Focus of the Family, ad nauseum, telling you being liberal is a disease...well, to a certain mindset, already paranoid that "THEY" (tm) are coming for your guns/Bibles/kids/souls/American Way of Life, coupled with not only an already burgeoning distrust of government, added to a belief that Things Are Not What They Appear.... yeah, you're going to get a higher-than average number of conservative-leaning folk on a site such as this. Nature of the Beast. And, even though I'm a Liberal's liberal, I cannot always say they're wrong. However, I very much doubt you'll ever catch me saying they're Right.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: johnwick thanks for confirming my post more eloquently than I could have written.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: Ironhawke
...yeah, you're going to get a higher-than average number of conservative-leaning folk on a site such as this.

Is that based on your years of experience on this site?

I heard the same rhetoric when Bush was President, 'Whaaa, why is everyone so Liberal!'

Someone mentioned it earlier, it is distrust of the government, period. Dear Leader earned our distrust and therefore our disdain. If people want to think that is some sort of Conservative groupthink, they are open to have that misconception.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
a reply to: johnwick thanks for confirming my post more eloquently than I could have written.

My favorite is the "gay agenda"

These evil gays! Always trying to force me into there orgies! Playing their gay music super loud in their garden! Wearing their colorful clothes hurting my eyes!

Evil gays and their evil agenda!

Lol yeah, paranoid people tend to be conservative. Fact

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
Someone mentioned it earlier, it is distrust of the government, period. Dear Leader earned our distrust and therefore our disdain.

I'm always baffled at how Americans distrust their government enough that they want it to have always less power. But on the other hand, they claim that they don't trust corporations neither, and yet say it's OK that corporations have all freedom to do what they want.

Talk about a coherent position. Not.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: JUhrman

Who said those are mutually exclusive paradigms? Why does a smaller government have to equal a Corporatocracy?

edit on 21-4-2015 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: JUhrman

Who said those are mutually exclusive paradigms?

Not saying it's exclusive.

Basically saying that despite saying they both hate the gov and big corps, Americans only seem to want to remove power from the gov.

I wonder why such a bias. Probably decades of brainwashing regarding the virtues of unregulated capitalism.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:49 AM
Yeah, it's so conservative it's hard to stomach at times. And the atheists travel in swarms on religions thread. The atheists claim to know more about religion than anybody else. I guess because they are obsessed with it, they can't allow anyone else to have a conversation about it. Same ones over and over. It gets so tedious. And folks have their little "entourages", making it appear as though they have tons of support. They also band together in attacks, and run everyone else off, I've noticed. It gets to the point it's not worth the effort.

I'm not sure if these attitudes are genuinely representative of the entire country. Guess we'll find that out in 2016, but ATS favors Rand Paul, who doesn't have a dog's chance on the national scene, so that's telling.
edit on 4/21/2015 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: JUhrman I've always been interested in why it's government is the main bad guy not the corporations. I always thought american citizens were the government, by the people for the people. That's where I get a little confused. They have no say in corporate matters no representation. Their power lies in representative government . Not through corps. Where they have no say in decision.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: angeldoll ats is definitely not a representation of beliefs held by wider society. I don't think it was ever intended to be

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:54 AM
There just ashamed to say they voted for bush and romney.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
a reply to: JUhrman I've always been interested in why it's government is the main bad guy not the corporations.

American history and culture...

Mega corporations are relatively modern. In the collective American psyche, businessmen are heroes and pioneers. While today they are more like technocrats maximizing returns regardless of creating value for the people. The objective of a big company is in contradiction with the welfare of people. Maximizing returns only implies diminishing costs (salaries, quality, safety) or increasing prices. In both situations people loose.

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