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81 years looking for Nessi.

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posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 11:26 PM
A creature that's mystified people and thrown all sorts of theories into the mix of truth vs myth.Heard somewhere the original Drs photo was a fake but still things keep people guessing..
Nessie Video

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: Blackfinger

An 81-year old cash-cow in that loch - check out Google home page today.......

edit on 20-4-2015 by Sublimecraft because: it's called a loch - not a lake

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: Blackfinger

Castle Urquhart Loch Ness

I tried to bridge a connection between nessy and Aleister Crowley .

Aleister Crowley's House At Loch Ness

You see Crowley worked on a spell at Loch Ness , one of the longest he had ever worked on ,somewhere around 6 months i believe.

I after his time their Sightings started to occur.

If i recall correctly the legend of dragons had been around in that area for century's before they dammed up Loch Ness when it was just a small river or stream .

The first recorded sighting of the monster was in 565 AD. St Columba, while on a mission to convert the northern Picts, stopped off by the loch side to preach to some local people. While Columba was preaching there was a disturbance in the waters and the monster appeared. By some accounts one man was slain only to be returned to life by the divine powers of the saint. By other accounts the monster attacked a member of the congregation, at which point the saint made the sign of the cross and invoked the power of God to drive the beast away.
Anyway It's been years since I looked into this but I am not fully sure if Crowley finished his spell or not , maybe another member with more knowledge can fill us in


edit on 20-4-2015 by Kapusta because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2015 by Kapusta because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 11:54 PM

Y'all are behind the times. They found Nessi. It's proven! Just check out this amazing footage a group in Scotland caught on film. Undeniable!!!

edit on 20-4-2015 by TheElectricPriest because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: Blackfinger

Back when I was a little kid, at some point, I remember holding my stuffed Simba and firmly declaring to my parents that I wanted to find Nessie one day. lol The story of Nessie has always enchanted me. I love it. And I do think something is probably there--and in oceans as well. I bet there are deep tunnels where these things can access the ocean. Like those holes in the ocean that MonsterQuest once explored & got this like huge tentacle looking Kraken thing on tape. It was pretty messed up and I'm sure you can find the episode if you look.

Anyway for more info on these black holes in the ocean (which I personally, along with the existence of Noah's Ark, believe as proof of God opening the holes and bringing forth the waters from within the earth during the Flood. Lol just saying, it's a pretty odd 'coincidence'--which don't exist mm'kayy)


check it out--and that episode of monsterquest as well, because it's pretty funny in parts lol:
> Scientists discover 'black holes in Earth's oceans'

> > Great Blue Hole
edit on 21-4-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: Kapusta
a reply to: Blackfinger

Castle Urquhart Loch Ness

I tried to bridge a connection between nessy and Aleister Crowley .

Aleister Crowley's House At Loch Ness

You see Crowley worked on a spell at Loch Ness , one of the longest he had ever worked on ,somewhere around 6 months i believe.

I after his time their Sightings started to occur.

If i recall correctly the legend of dragons had been around in that area for century's before they dammed up Loch Ness when it was just a small river or stream .

The first recorded sighting of the monster was in 565 AD. St Columba, while on a mission to convert the northern Picts, stopped off by the loch side to preach to some local people. While Columba was preaching there was a disturbance in the waters and the monster appeared. By some accounts one man was slain only to be returned to life by the divine powers of the saint. By other accounts the monster attacked a member of the congregation, at which point the saint made the sign of the cross and invoked the power of God to drive the beast away.
Anyway It's been years since I looked into this but I am not fully sure if Crowley finished his spell or not , maybe another member with more knowledge can fill us in


Good ol' Uncle Al.
The Prince of Clowns.
I'm sure he died with a grin on his face.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: Blackfinger

The movement seems regular, a bit like those fake bird spy drones.

When a boat passes down the loch on a still day the wake reaches both side of the loch and bounces back. After the boat is out of sight the unnoticeable wakes collide mid loch and raise a line of humps.

Sturgeon are not unknown. Catfish were stocked locally in Victorian times. Seals follow the Salmon boats, then get shot. Porpoises have entered the loch on occasion.

The most logical explanation for present day sightings is a Sturgeon/Catfish/Seal/Porpoise hybrid mutant raised in the old sewage slime beds below the Urquhart Industrial Scale Visitor Fleecing Centre.

There will be smaller processing plants such as the controversial one which was dumping semi processed human waste at the Visitor Centre at Urquhart Castle some years back.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:52 PM
I remember seeing a doc where they claimed that the eco-system of the loch wouldn't support a breeding population of something as large as what Nessie was thought to be, so they claimed that if there is a monster, it is a visitor, not a permanent resident.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Perhaps a visitor from another dimension.

I've seen ducks spontaneously appear in mid flight. The black leopard type cats often seen throughout the land have been seen by experienced observers to disappear. An ancient tribesman was seen by a friend, as if he was a time traveller. He saw her, raised his hand, shouted, and ran into the trees. The difference between sea level and loch level means there cannot be any hidden connecting route underwater. That theory is impossible. A portal between dimensions is a possible explanation.

A visitor just pointed at that referring to Nessie as a monster is rude. He says she always looks friendly to him.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Kester

Yup, to teleporting wildlife ...and humans from times past... and perhaps from times to come or sister universes... between energy critters that might take any form they want, human and other sentience generated "tulpas," merging dimensions and universes, Corliss and Fort's tons of biomass raining down on us, etc., it's hard to pick the most probable answer.

I have a couple odd sightings of improbable critters and have been told by folks I trust of disappearing pedestrians and appearing 18th century cabins in the Hudson Valley, replete with blunderbuss wielding occupants, that come and go in an irregular manner, ghost dogs, phantom cats and bet there's been a few zombie opossums as well ... etc., etc.

So "stuff" like Nessie does, indeed, happen... even if it isn't an actual biological critter as we understand it.

edit: and wonder if it's a two-way street at Loch Ness... any fishermen ever report a visit to the Jurassic? Or disappear completely?
edit on 4/21/2015 by Baddogma because: add

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

My parents kayaked the length of Loch Ness in the fifties towing a salmon lure. They were biologists specialising in trout and salmon enjoying a holiday. Whatever took the lure was bigger than they anticipated, breaking the strong line instantly. They didn't take a canvas kayak on Loch Ness again.

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Blackfinger

When did they move Loch Ness to Ireland?

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Argyll

Hey. It's only advertising for the tourist industry. Who cares about the finer details as long as the coach tours keep coming.

Four minutes forty four seconds.

posted on Jun, 3 2015 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

That's what pretty much led me to believe that Nessie was a crock, particularly as it pertains to recent sightings. This thing can't live forever, so there couldn't just be one, there'd have be enough to breed and survive all these years.

posted on Jun, 3 2015 @ 11:49 AM
Looking at the video from the OPs link, it appears to be a staged event by a film crew. Why is there a guy in a suit on the fishing boat making the film? Do fisherman in that area normally wear suits?
edit on 3-6-2015 by eManym because: (no reason given)


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