posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 03:00 PM
I don't really consider myself to be judgmental, but I do have 'opinions' of various things/people/occurances etc.
I learned long ago that first impressions are irrelevant. I may meet a person for the first time on a day that they are having a terrible time. They
may be angry or upset or grieving. I never take much store on first impressions - You can't know a person from one meeting after all.
I also learned that appearances are equally irrelevant. Why is a person considered more acceptable by the public if they wear a suit rather than a
goth outfit with piercing ? Let me see inside the person and I'll make my opinion about them that way. I don't care what you look like.
I take a person as an individual. I always have done. If I dislike a person it is because of something that person has done, not because of
their colour, race, religion or political party. If there is one thing I can't stand its an arsehole - so maybe I am judmental after all.