posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 06:32 PM
It's a lie
It's a lie
It's a lie.
There is no "water shortage" human populations require the movement and acquisition of water, we have been irrigating for a really long time, it's
not "over population" it's not "climate change" people any place you settle that needs to be irrigated and isn't is "over populated" the
weather changes dramatically, it's normal.
What is "Abnormal" is not irrigating settled locations claiming there is a "drought" and charging people for water for profit.
We pipe Oil we dig from the ground, miles deep, refine it in Alaska and pipe it to sandiego, but no one can bring water via pipe from all of Northern
Canada and Alaska lol, lol, lol
There are so many ways and means to bring water it's a joke, they refuse, you pay for the "crisis" there is no other story here.