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Is this the moment that "Time Travel" was discovered?

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posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: chelsealad
Perhaps I try too much to be a bit of an optomist, but I would think (or maybe I just hope) if time travel was possible - even if it was just to send a message back - that maybe we would have sent back messages to our past in order to change the things that have brought us to our present timeline. I lived through the "duck and cover" days in school back in the early to mid 1970's and (in my not so humble opinion) we are closer to a world war with Russia/China/Iran/etc. than we were back then. What about natural disasters and terror attacks that we could have made less devastating with some sort of warning? Not to mention that the good ol' USofA is now the hated bully of the block...

Wouldn't we have warned ourselves about these and other things that make the world suck so bad right now so we could change our path and make a better life for everyone?

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: 38181

I have heard of this before where you can only travel to the point i n which "time travel" was discovered/created or however you wish to describe it.
That was part of the point of this thread, although I did not make it clear in the notes, and is this the very first point in which we discovered time travel and is it at this this moment we can only travel back too?

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 01:21 PM
Deja VI is just your "old memory" and "new memory" overlaping or being used at same time, by u or another. I think, I could just be a crazy. Shcitzophrenic...

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

I understand your thoughts on this and to the normal person what you say is perfectly reasonable and you and I would use such power to prevent such disasters. However, the Collider has been backed heavily by private investors with only profit and a big pat on the back as their motivation. So, if you think back, to our very recent history, to major discoveries that have seemingly come from nowhere and made companies billions of dollars could that not be a sign of "time travel" and "insider trading" from messages from the future. That is highly far-fetched but a possibilty all the same, as they clearly say in the article that it may be possible to send "messages" to the past or to the future.
I will be honest with you, if I had the power to make millions if not billions of dollars by exploiting time travel, even with the best of intentions to help people at the beginning I still would be sorely tempted to use it for my own personal gain.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

Just some food for thought...

Not really a question as such...

No time = no entropy, hence a reality/dimension without time would be viewed from our perspective as 'afterlife', 'heaven', 'eternity'....

its hard to put into words so im sorry if this doesnt help much.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite
a reply to: [post=19254345]amurphy245[/post

Why? excuse my ignorance.

Titor maybe real anyway. maybe!

Because that would be too wild a coincidence to ignore ,titor said time travel would begin at cern ,so far that hasn't happened but if it did happen it would add a lot of weight to his claims.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: chelsealad

Yeah, unfortunately you are right. To those in power, the only thing that is important is gaining more power and more money. How I long for the day when the people who care about humanity outnumber the people who only care about themselves...

Having said that, I can admit that I would also be tempted by the promise of excessive wealth. I would like to think I would be above that, but I couldn't honestly say unless I was actually in that situation.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:54 PM
I think literally travelling back in time is impossible and will stay impossible.
It's like saying we'll be able to walk on water past the point that somebody figures out how to do it.
It's never going to happen because it's impossible, kind of like walking through a wall, or teleportation.

Going forward in time is theoretically possible, but it is a one-way trip based off of sheer speed (faster than light).
However, there's no "slowing down" enough to make it a negative and actually start going back in time to be a part of things that have already happened. Even going forward in time is probably impossible too. If you are travelling faster than the light itself, the future doesn't exist, because it hasn't been created to be seen by the naked eye yet. Does that make sense?

The past no longer exists.

It happened, but cannot re-happen or be re-visited. There's no such thing as a timeline, other than the one and only timeline. It's all fanciful science fiction fantasies that people either enjoy talking about or wish were true.

You can't split off onto a 'new timeline' if you go back in time and kill your father's father etc, because that would mean you just simultaneously created a universe, a planet Earth, and every living thing on it, all by your homo sapien lonesome self. Unfortunately, you are not God and never will be, no matter how much technology you utilize. You are one being, you cannot control 10 versions of yourself on 10 timelines. Someone else cannot clone you and the rest of the world into a new dimension / timeline simply by time-travelling.

Physics is God's law and cannot be broken.
edit on 4/19/2015 by r0xor because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:18 PM
Kind of reminds me of Steins;gate, awesome how pop culture turns into new tech nearly every time. One could speculate as to why that's an effect, I happen to think it's due to mass consciousness manifesting itself.

I've had a number of instances of accelerated time, where the amount of activity which takes place is nowhere near possible in the short amount of time that passes. Timeline switches, where things that took place, with multiple witnesses never happened, etc. Time speeds up, and slows down, and even has different patterns in different geologic locations.

It's all very fascinating and can be controlled to some degree. Then you have the whole Berenstein / Berenstain Bears controversy, of which I'm firmly in the Berenstein camp. There's the guy that brought back a Beetles album from a dimension where they're all alive and posted it online. Also, on an unrelated yet similar note, the dress is blue and black lol.

I think time travelers are active. I think something is different about the fabric of reality from even a few years ago, and others would agree with me. Whether it's a consequence of, or enabler of time travel is irrelevant, you can tell by the anomalies all around. MH370 is fun speculation, maybe it's in an alternate universe? Or maybe it was just greed and about patents. Who knows?

What if the Earth's electromagnetic properties shift with each age, eg. Pisces->Aquarius, enabling different effects? Or maybe just during the transitional phase are things in such flux. We live in exciting times my friends, glad to be in this time and space with y'all.

Other fun speculation: when we die, we "wake up" in an alternate dimension, until all of our alternates "die"?
edit on 19-4-2015 by djedawsr because: to add

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:33 PM
I believe time travel is indeed possible,

however, I dont believe pasts or futures can be altered.

You see, if the cause of an effect ceases to exist, does the effect. So a time traveler can attempt to change whatever they want, but when they travel back to the future it will be as if they never existed in the past, thus any changes they made cease to exist as well.

however if they stayed in the past, they would continue to live with their changes in an alternate universe.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

Yeah, I get what you mean. I suppose in a sense time travel could be considered as a death type of experience, as you would not be held in the same time constraints and at the same time being inter-dimensional. Interesting theory and certainly food for thought.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:58 PM

Is this talking about the God Particle ? Everywhere at once, and why not every time at once, everything connected. No two points not touching.. I had always pictured it as H G Wells authored time travel in his stories. Time will one day be manipulated the same as gravity might be manipulated today.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:21 PM
I'm of the opinion that we wont be able to time travel along our time line any information sent forward or back will materialize in a seperate time line diverging from when the info was sent.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:34 PM
I truly believe that John Titor was able to use his knowledge of "eternal recurrence" to time travel.
Its not new the Pythagoreans understood it.
Time traveling like Nietzsche.
There seem to be specific intervals in the timelines as another poster mentioned.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:55 PM
I think time travel will be a one way journey into the past, once there you wouldn't be able to return and the events that unfold before you, from that point on, will be an alternate one that has no effect on this timeline at all.
edit on 19/4/15 by woogleuk because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 11:10 PM
Time travel is something that has fascinated me since I was quite young and read my first sci fi book.

I'd like to think it will be possible.

Many times I have wondered if UFO's are really time travelers
observing various points of time on earth.
I could easily see human kind entrophy into the "gray's"
and needing to obtain healthy genetic material to restore future humans.

Since "cloaking" is no longer the stuff of fantasy
but is now reality and in a short time
will be better than Harry Potter ever imagined,
I think time travelers would be careful enough
to remain cloaked while visiting the past.
Accounting for many ghosts and people in pictures who "weren't there", but captured on film.

I too think time slips occasionally.
I think I lived through one time slip that I wrote about
in a much earlier thread.
But even recently I looked at a clock and it was say 10 AM
and then a while later looked at the clock and it was still 10AM
and then went and checked other clocks and it was still 10AM.
The older I get the more I think I actually notice time slips
because I am aware that they exist.
Before this awareness I would have passed off the anomalies as my imagination.

As for John Titor, I think he was an elaborate hoax, but time will tell.........

edit on 11Sun, 19 Apr 2015 23:13:19 -0500pm41904pmk190 by grandmakdw because: format correction

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: tallcool1
a reply to: chelsealad
Perhaps I try too much to be a bit of an optomist, but I would think (or maybe I just hope) if time travel was possible - even if it was just to send a message back - that maybe we would have sent back messages to our past in order to change the things that have brought us to our present timeline. I lived through the "duck and cover" days in school back in the early to mid 1970's and (in my not so humble opinion) we are closer to a world war with Russia/China/Iran/etc. than we were back then. What about natural disasters and terror attacks that we could have made less devastating with some sort of warning? Not to mention that the good ol' USofA is now the hated bully of the block...

Wouldn't we have warned ourselves about these and other things that make the world suck so bad right now so we could change our path and make a better life for everyone?

Sending a message to the past doesn't really work if the recipients aren't actively listening for that message. Back in the 50's no one was thinking to listen to the linked subatomic particles that make sending a message through time theoretically possible.

I bet they're working on listening to them now though.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: r0xor
I think literally travelling back in time is impossible and will stay impossible.
It's like saying we'll be able to walk on water past the point that somebody figures out how to do it.
It's never going to happen because it's impossible, kind of like walking through a wall, or teleportation.

Walking on water is very possible. I'll tell you three ways to do it right now:

1. Put the water in a container and walk on the container (standing on a box of bottled water for example).
2. Freeze the water. Ever been out on a frozen lake/river?
3. Wear special shoes that utilize the concept of displacement and keep you afloat, the same way those multi ton steel ships do it.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 01:37 AM
... Only if you ascribe time as a dimension. Euclidean or "Einsteinian"? Dimensions were described mathematically as physical dimensions, not temporal. So the first 3 are physical, then the fourth a divergence to the non-physical, cheap yet succinct... Hmmm.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 02:07 AM
If time travel was ever possible, how come we dont have visitors and messages?

Oh yes, there will be those that say "how do you know we havnt" and claim that some group such as the Illuminati or presidential club can control everything, including Alien contact but I dont go in to that. No not even the Hipster Time Traveller convinces me.

If Scientists at CERN discovered it, or if future scientists in a future CERN discovered it, they would probably contact Scientists back here, not secret societies that control the earth.

However, if you contact someone like say a Scientist and they change something because of that, say they invent time travel sooner, and that means that the contact you got from the future Scientist doesnt happen in the future but it has already happened in the past, and considering you cannot unlearn something, would you break the space time continuum?

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