posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to:
Yeah, everyone! "Nothing to see here! Move along! This is all in your best interest. No, you don't need to know what the details are..." ?
It's not that I think you're lying or anything, but it sounds like when you went to basic, they ACTUALLY broke you, so they could "build you back up."
(or however that cliche's supposed to go) And it doesn't matter what was in the Secretary of State's e-mails, that SHE deleted, after being told to
turn them in, or whatever? She said, basically, "Nothing to see here! Move along! Don't worry... Those were just personal... I mean, what
difference does it make?"
It's not that I think the govs coming for us, or anything, but PUBLIC officials, should be PUBLICLY scrutinized, especially when it seems like they're
hiding something...
Or whatever...
As far as Jade Helm goes, I don't know too much about it... I see the need for some operational security, but when/where do you draw that line?
edit on 4/19/2015 by DoppelGangsta because: Just changing some stuff, is all... You don't need to know what... What difference does it