posted on Apr, 18 2015 @ 12:11 AM
originally posted by: bucsarg
Hello again,
Upon my review of the replies to my post, my indeavor is not being taken seriously. So with that I will ask the Mods to remove my post.
I'll go it alone.
a reply to: bucsarg
Sir, the choice to over-personalize the issue and take offense was yours alone. I doubt Mods will remove anything...
Others were merely engaging and responding. The rest of us, who often choose to observe the quite effective and intriguing commentary rather than add
banter for the mere sake of chiming in, welcome your initial inquiry, but we fail to see how acting out as if the topic is your private possession and
others should not discuss it without you achieves anything at all.
What do you gain by bringing this toy to the sandbox to show others and then stalking off in a huff and crying that others don't care to play by your
special rules of, what, "seriousness"? C'mon...
Pay attention: Schuyler, Antar, Jadestar and others here have already explored and commented quite eloquently and specifically many times on this
issue in recent years. You can learn much from them. They don't always agree with each other, but so what -we 're all enjoying the experience and
trying to learn something of ourselves in the process. (Tip: check the search function - THEN pose your question. You'd be amazed at what ATSers have
already digested and regurgitated in your absence!)
Well, we're sorry to see you go, l'il Bucsy (sort of). Maybe after your mum wipes your nose you can come back and rejoin us. We'll be here - ready
to share and play along nicely...
my dos centavos:
edit on 4/18/2015 by Outrageo because: