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Was John Titor his own babysitter in 2000?

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posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 02:09 AM
If John Titor was born in Florida in 1989, and came here from "his year" of 2036 in his time machine. He would have been on Earth as a 2 year old child, as well as, a 38 year old man at the same time, in the year 2000.


I wonder if he ever babysat his self while his mother was a Walmart? Text

John Titor's idea of a humble post-war America is interesting, and I believe we should ALL ALWAYS be prepared for a disaster of any type.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 02:11 AM
Excuse me......for the typo, he claimed to be born in 1998 in Florida, not 1989. Even still, same scenario.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 01:08 PM
The John Titor site is very interesting. I have always been interested in Time Travel. I read a book when I was in high school that was very similar to the John Titor story. The book was "Alas, Babylon". Please read it, if you get a chance. The things that John Titor said about the Mad Cow Disease, etc., did happen, and now I'm watching to see if we have a Civil War. I always wonder, though, that if there are people going back in time, why wouldn't Hitler be stopped, and why wouldn't 911 be stopped? Also, have events and people been stopped that we don't even know about? I wonder!?!

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Blueangel7
I always wonder, ...why,... why wouldn't, been stopped.

Maybe because the bad guys are leading in the ninth, and nobody cares.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:11 PM
Titor is something of a prophet (or) he is from the future, either way if you listen to everything he said he is coming true. No one knew about Mad Cow in 2000 ... and no one could have seen what was to come to bring us to this point in history.

About the American Civil War. I don't see there being a Civil War fought in America as it is now. The election was heated, but the losers just walked away and didn't put up a fight or form a resistance... so i don't see it happening as it is now.

However, I do believe in John titor's future and i think that he may have done something that most prophets do and that is disguise his answer somehow. What i mean is, when Titor said American Civil War...maybe he was refering to a Civil War in another country that America was responsible for causing... hmm, Ukraine? Iraq? Iran? Pakistan? just a few hot spots in the world where Americas influence has caused BIG Problems. So in the future maybe a civil war in Ukraine or elsewhere will be BLAMED on America and called "america's civil war" I see Ukraine as being the best guess for this war. Because calling it americas civil war basically blames america...and in John Titors future it was the Russians that end up winning, and for propoganda reasons as well as reasons to launch the nuclear strikes on our cities in 2015 i can see this happening.

thats all i have to say for now.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:27 PM
Titor is a fake. he did quote that book Alas Babylon. they figured him out. also there were many things said about him that did not come true. it's all an internet hoax. just think about how easy it would be to look up this stuff for a couple months then get on the internet and say "im a time travler!"

for all i know compared to his story, im from the year 2036

the scaryest thing thou is the letter his "mother" wrote. i had to look far to find it but i lost it now.

go look for it if you want, i'll never find it again

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 11:21 PM
i dont get y people are so angry at people who believe in john titor and say he's a fake like yes he may be a fake and all but its better to believe him and be perpaired for a war then not believe him and probibly die in a war if it happens

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by BeLowUIdontevenknowu
No one knew about Mad Cow in 2000 ...thats all i have to say for now.

You may have not known about mad cow disease in 2000, but that doesn't mean everyone didn't.

It's been in the news since 1996.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Blueangel7
The John Titor site is very interesting. I have always been interested in Time Travel. I read a book when I was in high school that was very similar to the John Titor story. The book was "Alas, Babylon". Please read it, if you get a chance. The things that John Titor said about the Mad Cow Disease, etc., did happen, and now I'm watching to see if we have a Civil War. I always wonder, though, that if there are people going back in time, why wouldn't Hitler be stopped, and why wouldn't 911 be stopped? Also, have events and people been stopped that we don't even know about? I wonder!?!

I believe in the multiple universe theory and apparently this is in fact how time-travel is achieved without breaking any physical laws according to Titor. If indeed time travellers have stopped Hitler there is an almost infinate number of worlds so he may have well been stopped on some of them but the rest remain unaffected. Remeber that show "sliders" it is the same idea and holds water.

As far as I know Titor has not been proven a hoax nor has his story been proven true.......however anyone is entitled to their own opinion on the subject.

Remeber Titor's time line is different from ours so there will be small discrepancies between his "predictions" and what will happen in our time line. In fact his very presence has already altered our significantly nobody can tell.

I suppose he might have met the john titor in our time line but I don't think he ever mentioned it in any posts as far as I know.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 02:23 PM
I don't know about Titor...the guy's sort of a nut. Civil wars, World War III's...that's nothing new. These types of predictions have been made for decades now.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 06:26 PM

Remeber Titor's time line is different from ours so there will be small discrepancies between his "predictions" and what will happen in our time line. In fact his very presence has already altered our significantly nobody can tell.

This is why I think it's a good hoax. If his predictions don't come true, those who believed him can fall back on this idea. Let's hope they don't come true... for our sake.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 11:31 AM
If you look at the physics behind his so called "time" machine its a bunch of BS. Also From every thing i read none of his prophecies came true. I do admit he is a tough act to crack, I'll give him to 2006 to prove his civil war if it doesn't happen it only goes to show he is nothing but an ignorant lair with way to much time on his hands.


posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Blueangel7
I always wonder, though, that if there are people going back in time, why wouldn't Hitler be stopped, and why wouldn't 911 be stopped?

My guess would be that these horrible people and/or events were allowed to exist because of the galvanizing effect they've had on human society-- where would we be right now if we had never fought World War II?

If there were a time traveler out there somewhere, I'd wager that some part of their chronoporting technology stemmed from some military hardware that was created to fight one of these wars. If the war had never occured, the technology would cease to exist, and thus the chronoporter would never have been created.... there's a paradox for ya

Also, have events and people been stopped that we don't even know about?

This is one of the most interesting questions I've ever even considered... and, if one is willing to accept the theory of time travel, it may be entirely possible. I will thoroughly enjoy getting stoned off my gourd and thinking about this one tonight

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 05:46 PM
I had a similar theory about time travel, alternate realities, ect. Some of you may remember it. I have a thought. Maybe in this reality Titor was a real time traveler and he was telling the truth and in some other reality he really was a hoax. I believe that most of the stuff he said is at least probable.

About the babysitting thing, he probably did babysit himself.

[edit on 2-1-2005 by invader_chris]

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 07:44 PM
I have only just recently read his postings, and i have found them very believable. If it is a hoax, he is one hell of a multi talented guy - to keep in character for a year, know enough about physics to argue his case, develop a realistic looking manual and diagram, and to come up with imaginative insights into the world in the future, is an impressive task.

I'm not decided yet, but have absolutely hated comments made by people that brush him off by referring to his postings and evidence as "BS theory" on this or that without giving reasons or information as to why his thoughts are supposed to be BS.

Also, i have noticed a lot of flaws "skeptics" have found, are very unimpressive and mostly opinion and not at all good at discrediting his theory. Why not be truthful and say "Nah, thats just too unbelivable i dont want to believe that?" than to pick at straws?

On the other hand, why did John make predictions about certain things and not about others? Surely there could have been a prediction he could have offered if he wanted us to believe him - in fact i believe the majority of us do want to believe him, so why did he not try to give us a little something more?

Anyway, i hope i can talk about this some more and read some good arguments (Note: NOT shouting matches) over this some more...

The most inspired part of it all for me - he had to go back to the 70's to get an IBM computer to fix the computers of the future. Ironic and brilliant.

[edit on 3-1-2005 by paranoia]

[edit on 3-1-2005 by paranoia]

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 03:53 AM
someone should form a survailance group and go spy on this guy

if all he does is go to work everyday come home drink some beer jump on the internet and go talk about being from the future....
well its a good chance its a hoax

but if he spends his time making superadvanced gadgets in his garadge well maybe he is from the future

but i find it hard to even consider the idea that someone who spends so much time on the internet in 2004 as being a human from 2037 or whenever

think about it
a person from the future
comes all the way back in time to now...
Just for the ONE pure reason to get on the internet and drive the conspiracy theorists nuts???

seems like a complete hoax to me

and please dont bash me because i dont believe in him
did i bash anyone for buying into it?
remember the golden rule....

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 06:25 AM
You could at least do a little research into the topic...

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 07:46 AM
I saw a vid somewhere of a device JT alledgedly made in operation in which he vanishes infront of the camera. Anyone have a link to it?

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