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Bradford City Fire Was Deliberate, (Disturbing)

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posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 12:04 PM
More info coming in.

Meanwhile, City fan Trevor Eager has backed up what former detective inspector Raymond Falconer told the Telegraph & Argus yesterday about the man who dropped the cigarette which started the fire.

Mr Falconer told how the man was "devastatingly honest" about how he had dropped a cigarette and intended to put it out with his foot. But it went through a hole in the floor and, despite attempts to pour coffee on it, the fire started.

Mr Eager, now 76, of Cleckheaton, said: "I was sat within five yards of where it started. I saw the first smoke and the first lick of flames coming up.

"I saw it happen. He emptied a flask on to it."

He continued: "I feel quite angry that this person has made these comments in this book. This whole episode has been made up.

"Nobody could argue with what happened. It was purely an accident." s_new_evidence_found/

So we've got a fire that can't be put out where a fire has never taken hold before.

One word.


Rats inhabit areas where food is dropped. Poison is used against rats. You could easily pay someone to put 'rat poison' down the holes. Or even more easily do it yourself.

The only time a cigarette starts a fire here and the litter is so flammable a flask of coffee doesn't stop it.

posted on May, 11 2015 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: Kester

Now the silence has been broken the stories are coming out.

Until now May 11, 1985 has remained almost entirely personal to me. Nothing there to share even with my wife, my son, my daughter or my Southern friends. I’ve never attended the annual event in Centenary Square and I won’t get bullied into supporting growing attempts (well intentioned I’m sure) to ‘glorify’ things with some sort of branding for the so-called 56.

Please don’t ask me to wear the t-shirt or the hoodie. I won’t be forced to ‘Stand up for the 56’ or applaud in the 56th minute of a match. Please don’t tell me how to remember. I was there. I’ll support the BRI Burns Unit like I always have done. Quietly. Privately.

I’ve kept my story to myself for 30 years.....

As time goes by, with fewer and fewer people who were actually there on the day I get more and more concerned at the ‘pressure’ to remember those who perished or were injured. I’m not a fan of memorabilia, tee shirts, flags, applause and stand up for the 56 but I will always have my private memories and thoughts with which to remember.

I don't need at every game to be reminded of what happened by applause every game ,sorry but that's my feelings

I've been trying to build up the courage to post for a few weeks as I've wish to comment but it upset me so much composing something I could not do it. It makes me start shaking each time and I am doing now but I'll try again....... Even though I don't want to remember because it distresses me so much, I feel it is important that we have the end of season remembrances. I accept it is the honourable and dignified thing to do for the dead victims and their families - to provide sympathy and let them know they have not been forgotten. But what about the other victims that are still with us? There were over 300 injured (the offical number is too low as some did not seek treatment as the emergency services were so stretched) and 100s, if not 1000s, were traumatised like myself....... we need a bit more sensitivity in how we remember the fire. I brave the end of season ceremony but get deeply upset by this trend to try remember a deeply traumatising day at every opportunity. I'm trying to forget it but people want to stand up and sing about it and wear hoodies with a number on which remembers one set of victims but not the rest. I find it terribly confusing and upsetting. I can't understand what these people are thinking. I assume they can't realise how much distress it causes. I see people laughing and joking and having a pint wearing something that instantly brings back awful memories and deeply upsets me - and plenty of others there that day, judging by some other posts on the issue. Other city fans talk about us being a family but my family would not torment me like this but I suppose my family would understand what happened to me whereas, at CIty, I'm just another face in a crowd. By all means wear the hoodies for the last game of the season. I'll be happy to see the rally around in support and sympathy for family and survivors on that day. It would be appropriate and I'll be upset that day anyway. I know the hoodies have raised loads of money for the burns unit, and I welcome that, but can we please have some more consideration for the survivors and try and avoid doing things that cause them distress..... If you were there, it is impossible to forget.

I can't even talk about that newspaper. It makes me furious. It has misjudged the feelings of the fans and behaved despicably, although I can find sympathy for Mr. Fletcher despite the upsetting arrival of his book.

Even after nearly 30 years there are those who are only now able to think about articulating their feelings. There remain many voices still to be heard. This can be achieved in many ways. A whisper, a quiet conversation, a hug, a knowing nod of the head. Some even write things down. But most do this for no other reason than to find a way to deal with upsetting and life changing events. These are people with no other agenda. They are the ones I hope my writing may have encouraged to share.

Notes for Journalists
The 30th Anniversary Commemoration is a continuation of memorial events and activities that have taken place in Bradford ever since 1985. Bradford City FC and its supporters welcome the interest shown by journalists and media commentators in the Commemoration, and do not wish to impose artificial or restrictive conditions on the media coverage.

It is hoped that all those who compose words or choose images relating to the Commemoration or the Fire Disaster will keep in mind the feelings of those connected with the tragedy, above all those survivors who witnessed the events at Valley Parade, and the families and friends of those who died.

We know that families of the victims and survivors of the Disaster would be grateful if photos of the Fire in progress were not used. We would kindly ask you to bear that in mind and refrain from printing them.

....survivors of the Disaster would be grateful if photos of the Fire in progress were not used.

Once a year we can discuss this respectfully. Never is it permissible to use fire images, unless for training purposes. The media use fire images which traumatise and silence survivors. Why? Simple uncaring greed or an overall establishment agenda to keep the lid on this.

posted on May, 12 2015 @ 02:22 AM
The Bradford City Fire has been at the forefront of my mind recently with the anniversary and with social media etc. Whilst watching Look North/BBC Breakfast they drew attention to a programme on TV tonight, following this idea of the visiting Australian dropping a cig. Immediately I thought of an ATS thread I remembered reading and here I am.

The programme is on tonight with Raymond Falconer (police.) He names the fella and said the police had always known his identity.

BBC One 10:45pm
Missed Warnings: The Bradford City Fire.

Just thought some of you might be interested.


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