posted on Apr, 15 2015 @ 04:52 AM
I have financial background but I am firmly on the side of the little guy.
Stock Market is a rigged game where about 10% on top drain the accounts of 90% other participants. This is nothing new, this has been going on since
the late 1800s.
Some participants get drained very slowly so the poor bastards think they will come out on top eventually.
The top 10 % make their money through insider trading, they know when there will be false flags, real scandals, market crashes, positive announcements
and so on.
Some people (very few) are quick enough to play the game and make money without insider information. These guys (very few) know the difference between
luck/randomness and statistical edge, these guys are very good at math so most of you shouldn't bother trying to copy them.
It takes about 5-10 years of true dedication to learn to play the game without being skinned alive by the insiders that have everything rigged.
here is the money
It is only a matter of time before US stock market "corrects" LOL, more like crashes good 40%
When that happens Gold and Silver will have an upswing of at least 40%
But this little gem called FAZ, is going to go from 10-15 per share, to 20 000 - 40 000
To put it simply it is the opposite of US Stock market, and when markets crashes this baby reflects that several times over.
It is like betting against the US markets.
So why is this so cool.
Well think about it, FAZ is licking the low numbers of 13, 12, 14,
FAZ can go to ZERO, big fat ZERO
But it is far far far more likely mathematically speaking, that FAZ will reach 30 000 before it reaches zero, because for FAZ to go lower than say 7,
US market has to go up significantly, and for FAZ to reach 5, US market would be so *high* it wouldn't be able to walk talk or see
People are afraid because people don't know how to manage their money, because neither school nor parents teach their kids.
You take 10-15% of what you have and you risk it, that way if you lose it, things are still ok, but if you win, you are well off possibly for the
first time in your life.
DISCLAIMER = I don't own it yet, and I am not pushing it, and I am not guaranteeing you your broker will actually give you your money if the crash is
deep enough and SHTF.
US brokers since the 2008 don't have to give you your money. How can they pay you your cool million dollars when they are bankrupted by the crash.
It is called Hypothetication and RE-Hypothetication, it is in the small print.