It's up to another Sheddite to come forward and reveal the mystery, but she isn't quite ready yet. For now it remains a mystery. Hang in there and
stay tuned.
Happy Mother's day to all Mom's including pet Moms!
My problem is that I've either been getting on here too early or too late and it also depends on what day it is as well. Whether people are working or
sleeping, it's been taking a toll on this place. It may also have to do with where we are in the world compared to the others. I mean I found a sign
this morning that read, "Gone fishing..... be back before sunset. Signed....... The Dragons," on it when I came in this morning.
Even I've been keeping myself busy on my days off by going out and taking video with the new camera. Sad thing is that this month, the month after
this, the month after that, the month after that, and the month after that are going to be busy for me and some friends of mine. I mean we have two
gas engine festivals we are planning to go to next Saturday and the Saturday after that. The last weekend of the month will put me down in North
Carolina and Virginia when the old Norfolk & Western 611 makes her run from Spencer, NC to Roanoke, VA.
And I've been uploading videos as well!!!!!
I just LOVE the sound of a product of the ElectroMotive Division of General Motors makes when it's hard at work!!
edit on 10-5-2015 by gimmefootball400 because: (no reason given)
I just got the sales figures for the first two weeks that my new book was out for. 36 sold. I am very happy with that! It is a good start for an
unknown author.
Yeah, sometimes it's hard to be on at the same time as others. Oh and yeah, the dragons like their fishing and other out door activity. The faeries
and pixies like to be in the gardens etc. As long as we drop in when we can and say hello and what-not letting other Sheddites know we are ok...or
not. We like to be here for those who are also having tough times.
Good evening, good morning, where ever you may be Sheddites. Across nation and around the world!!
Winding down with some good ol' country music tonight to get ready for bed. Have to get some rest since I've got to be up to be at work at 9AM. Not
to mention that I'm going on about four hours of sleep from the night before. I've had a somewhat busy weekend that was very productive on the
Youtube side of things for me. This entire week ahead for me is looking about the same as well.
I think some of you may enjoy what I'm listening to even though some are more than twenty years old.
Gimme – Thanks for the tunes. I hope that you were able to get some rest so you are ready for the work week. I LOVE Kenny Chesney. I am hooked on
American Kids right now. I cannot sit still when I hear it. LOL
CC & Syx – I asked BFFT for a favor…and of course he came through as always. My intention had been to add a story entry to match the photo, I’m
sorry I’m stumped! I have started a couple but really don’t like them so I will post the photo and will continue to try on the story. If anyone
else has any ideas, please post.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Now back to the grind
edit on 5/11/1515 by Martin75 because: (no reason given)
Morning/afternoon Everyone! Hello gimme and Martin!
Doctor's have cancelled my echo cardiogram for the third time! First time the machine was broke, second time the lady who worked the machine
wouldn't be in and the third, they said they wouldn't be doing that kind of test at their office any more and I would have to go elsewhere. I'll
just wait until I have some medical coverage.
I should clean my turtle tank later and one of the fish tanks. I should also go out and water the garden. Just got up and on my first cup of coffee.
So hard to wake up and get motivated.
Have a lovely day! I miss all our people who are busy in real life.
Hello every one...hope you day is full of what you like..its raining here so not sure what to do..i hate when it rains as then there is nothing to do
if we wanted to be now i have to think of what to do inside...maybe syx will help me clean things up around here..have a great day
“For many nights I would dreamed of the New Beings. I saw many different beings crossing into our world. The first night I thought it was a meteor
shower that I was dreaming of. Brilliant streaks of color would shoot across the sky and end with an explosion of light. It was breathtaking to
watch the night sky light up.”
“Then I began having dreams of you. You were lost, alone, cold, and hungry. Each night I would have another dream of you in another state of
distress. It worried me horribly as I thought you were already here and I would find you too late. That is when I gathered The CCs to help me find
you. They told me that they had also been dreaming of the New Beings but they seemed to be dreaming about others. We think that you and the others
have been sent here to help us. We feel that you are the Chosen Ones to help us heal Acacia from The War.”
Jala took another piece of bread from the basket she had packed and drizzled honey all over it before stuffing the whole thing in her mouth. We had
been sitting outside our new makeshift home having breakfast. After being woke up from the middle of the night we have been working to set up a new
“home” area. Remy and Asa have gone to the garden area and gathered the fruits and vegetables that were ready, so at least we have some fresh
food to cook with. Jala and I have been fishing and gathering the other items she thinks we might need.
While out gathering berries and herbs we made an amazing discovery. Jala found a beautiful necklace just lying on the ground. It has gems of every
color imaginable on it! She wanted to wear it but her muscular neck it too large so she gave it to me. As soon as we closed the clasp I could feel a
humming within my body as if the necklace itself was full of excitement. I took it off immediately because it startled me so much. We are going to
show it to The CCs to see if any of them know what it could be. I hope it isn’t negative energy I felt. Until then we have it hidden in a cloth
pouch in the base of a tree, the tree promised not to let anything happen to it.