posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:42 PM
Kat, OW! Watch out with that eye and take care of yourself.
Earthquakes would freak me out! Never experienced one and hope I never do!
Wis, that was lovely, very relaxing! Love the little house, but is our roof caving in? Tell the trees they can stop growing now. LOL
Oh no...he's awake! The cat. MEOW, meow, meow! Ha, a long leaf from one of my tree plants fell off and he's swatting it all over the floor. You can
spend a fortune on toys and cats will play with fallen leafs, boxes, hanging ribbon, paper bags. You know, the free stuff. And he when he's really
playful he likes you to chase him. He'll run like a bat out of hell then come back for more. My husband started that one day when he acted like he was
going to reach out and catch him quickly, lunged at him and he ran off. I said, "Awwww, poor kitty, that's mean!" He laughed and said, "He loves it!"
So now I'll chase him like I'm going to catch him, he'll run off then comes back for more. Weird and funny cat. Of course with my bad back, it doesn't
last long. LOL I much prefer the snuggling and kitty kisses.