posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 12:24 PM
Its far too early to leap upon this crash as proof of defective electronics, manufacturing flaws or anything else. Any number of things could have
caused that plane to have its unscheduled lack of sky incident.
However I would take issue with the posters who have claimed that the crash of a prototype is to be expected or that it is no big deal because it was
a test flight. Come on guys, get real. it isn't the 1950's anymore and the crash of a prototype is a disaster to any programme, even more so to one
this expensive. With the question of the Raptors funding very much a sore point at the moment it would be catastrophic if they were to suddenly beging
falling out of the sky. Hopefully it was a one off caused by a bird strike or something and thank god the pilot is OK.
After I posted this I remembered that the Spanish Typhoon DA6 also crashed and I googled for info on it. I was immediately reminded of the
sensationalist tripe that passes for reporting in the UK as the story of the so far one and only crash of this aircraft was reported by 'The
Scotsman' with the headline "The Crash Prone Eurofighter"
Seeing as two Raptors have now bit the dust they'll probably have it down as 'the
Widowmaker' or something
[edit on 21-12-2004 by waynos]