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More Than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton's Twitter Followers Are Fake or Never Tweet

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posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 01:54 PM
It's called 'Digital Astroturfing'...(FAKE 'Grass Roots' support)...but what it really is, is an illusion to make someone look waaaaay more popular than they really may be.

In this case...HRC's efforts take that illusion to soaring new heights of deceit, and should give a very early indicator of the type of campaign Ms. Clinton plans on running.

Facebook and Twitter alike, this campaign is literally buying the illusion of massive support. A TRULY popular candidate wouldn't need to present such an illusion...unless said candidate is either used to having their followers bought and paid for...or is simply incapable of garnering genuine support via their own character and accomplishments.

More than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton's Twitter followers are fake or never tweet – and she's already under fire for 'buying' fake Facebook fans

Two different online audit tools say no more than 44 per cent of Hillary's 3.6 million Twitter fans are real people who participate in the platform

The newly minted presidential candidate is fending off accusations that her Facebook page is full of fake 'likes'

Her Facebook fan base includes more people from Baghdad, Iraq than any US city

When she was secretary of state, her agency paid $630,000 to bulk up its Facebook likes, but pledged to stop after she left

Although Hillary Clinton boasts a robust 3.6 million Twitter followers, not even a vast right-wing conspiracy would be able to interact with 2 million of them.

According to two popular online measuring tools, no more than 44 per cent of her Twitter fan base consists of real people who are active in using the social media platform.

And at least 15 per cent – more than 544,000 – are completely fake., the oldest publicly available Twitter-auditing tool, reports that 44 per cent of the former secretary of state's followers are 'good'; 15 per cent are 'fake'; and 41 per cent are 'inactive,' meaning that they never tweet or reply to any tweets.

Just 4 per cent of President Barack Obama's Twitter followers, by comparison, are considered fake.

The White House worked overtime to purge most of them after a September 2013 report found that more than half of his followers didn't really exist.

Michelle Obama's Twitter audience is 25 per cent fake, according to StatusPeople, along with 21 per cent of Vice President Joe Biden's.

Another tool,, sampled 320,000 of Mrs. Clinton's followers and found that 18 per cent were fake.

The new measurements will add to the Clinton presidential campaign's embarrassment following news on Tuesday that a large number of her Facebook fans may represent 'likes' that were purchased rather than earned.

Vocativ reported that at least 7 per cent of them listed Baghdad, Iraq as their hometown, a larger number than any U.S. city.
That would represent more than 46,000 people.

Additional evidence of digital astroturfing is that while most of her U.S. Facebook fans are older than 55, most of the Baghdad contingent is in the 18-34 age range.

While Clinton was America's top diplomat, her State Department was buying Facebook 'likes,' according to an Associated Press report from last year.

'In 2013, the State Department, which has more than 400,000 likes and was recently most popular in Cairo, said it would stop buying Facebook fans after its inspector general criticized the agency for spending $630,000 to boost the numbers,' the wire service reported.
Clinton left the agency while the inspector general was investigating.

Article and video:

edit on 14-4-2015 by IAMTAT because: correction

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 01:57 PM
Wow does that mean she had 2 million fake Twitter accounts on her Computer before she deleted it?

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: Greathouse
Wow does that mean she had 2 million fake Twitter accounts on her Computer before she deleted it?

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: Greathouse
Wow does that mean she had 2 million fake Twitter accounts on her Computer before she deleted it?

Actually, yes. And they were bought and paid for by Taxpayers.

While Clinton was America's top diplomat, her State Department was buying Facebook 'likes,' according to an Associated Press report from last year.

'In 2013, the State Department, which has more than 400,000 likes and was recently most popular in Cairo, said it would stop buying Facebook fans after its inspector general criticized the agency for spending $630,000 to boost the numbers,' the wire service reported.
Clinton left the agency while the inspector general was investigating.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

You know, I am not a racist, a sexist or a classist but, I may actually be becoming a geriatricist.

I believe that I actually know what goes on in the mind of specimens like this.

Clearly you haven't finished destroying this country yet. Way to unify us baby boomers.

edit on 14-4-2015 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I heard it cost something like $38 per like. You have to love the state of politics in this country.

Its all an illusion

edit on 4 14 2015 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:08 PM
If you have an old and unused/dormant Twitter account...check if you may be one of that 2 Million.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:11 PM
Actually, it's not all bought and paid for's. There are followers who will get their followers to follow, and so on. When i first began using twitter (old account), I ran into this problem.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:14 PM
Hold on.... some one really spent their time dissecting her twitter followers?!

Holy jebus.

She has enough baggage to focus on without getting into nonsense like this.
edit on thTue, 14 Apr 2015 14:28:03 -0500America/Chicago420150380 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

2 million fake Twitter accounts?

How many fake votes? I'm being pre-conditioned by the media to accept Hillary as POTUS. I feel it.
edit on 14-4-2015 by InverseLookingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:16 PM
A dishonest politician? Why I never! Next you will tell be the world aint flat!

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: Ironhawke

Even if it is just 1 fake, paid for 'follower' it is pathetic. Anything to perpetuate the illusion.

And I am sure it is a tactic used by ALL sides.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Say it isn't so!!!

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

That got a star and a
from me.

Thank you

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:20 PM
This woman even makes her appearance on social media corrupt. Is there no end to this shrews treachery?

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:22 PM
Aaaaaand I'm sure it will happen with Koch Brother-funded candidates too. This likely isn't something mutually exclusive to one party over another.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Attacking the person fallacy. let's do better, shall we? Besides, she isn't a tiny rodent.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
It's called 'Digital Astroturfing'...(FAKE 'Grass Roots' support)...but what it really is, is an illusion to make someone look waaaaay more popular than they really may be.

I work in SEO, Internet marketing and on-line sales and I can tell you that while it might mean someone has paid for a few fake accounts, it's more likely millions of fake accounts have simply started following her for credibility.

Hilary is also one of the numerous people Twitter recommends you follow when you create a new account, and as millions of people have created new accounts that they then never use, this doesn't need to be a deliberate deception.

There are also millions of spammers, fakers, trolls and all kinds of people out there using social media, it doesn't have to be the account holder "manufacturing" fake accounts, and for someone like her they are more likely to be bots automatically set up to follow the most prominent figures.

What you're claiming is deception on her part is actually nothing more than deception on the part of those creating bot accounts for spamming and marketing, and automatically following her.

You really need to learn a little more about social media before making claims like this

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: stosh64
a reply to: Ironhawke

Even if it is just 1 fake, paid for 'follower' it is pathetic. Anything to perpetuate the illusion.

And I am sure it is a tactic used by ALL sides.

I agree, both sides use it. But pathetic? I disagree. It's merely a way to increase visibility.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
Hold on.... some one really spent their time dissecting here twitter followers?!

Holy jebus.

No, there are a few bs "services" out there able to go through an account and the followers to see how active they are and whether they're liokely to be bots.

Because this particular nonsense is politically motivated, they're ignoring the reality that these might not have been faked by the account holder, or paid for by anyone, and they might not even be fake followers. There are millions of accounts on Twitter and FB which have been created and then abandoned.

This is all nothing more than political bs, someone desperately trying to look for any excuse to attack a politician they don't like, as if it makes any damn difference.

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