posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to:
Ok, My Bad. Sorry about the panties comment. I just like seeing the word on the screen! LOL!!!
I now can understand your original intent and meaning of that post. With that under the bridge, we can now move on. I appreciate your understanding of
me, in all this too. Thanx.
However It is a way of thinking when you stated that fact. It was you who thought to write that, so it was your thought. That's all I meant really,
That thinking like that may be hazardous to your health! I don't buy that line. When you think like :" Some events are bound to happen while a
drill is going on, since they're going on all the time." You may not be seeing the whole picture. The big picture. Where Something may occur exactly
as it does in a drill, and you will not see behind the curtain where it was SUPPOSED to happen at the same time as a drill, so you would not see that
it was an intended event, and the drills are there for a cover up.. Hard to put into words what I am trying to get across here, so I hope it did come
across the way I wanted it to... Later, Syx.