Let me jump right into this .... while looking for the lineage of my male line ancestors I created this grand theory. I'm curious of your
My grandfather the furthest back is Dutch, born around 1620 and we don't know his parents. Our DNA is e-v13, and a subclade of e-v13 called L117.
This points to Jewish roots, which I knew of zero history of.
Not only is Adam's last name debated, but so is his surname. His last name is either Brouwer or Berchoven. It is debated that Brouwer is just a
profession as near his end life Adam wrote that he was "Berchoven". The confusion is that he was known as Brouwer his entire life.
Adam was from Cologne, Germany which raised additional questions because many then doubted that he was even Dutch. To me, this is easily explained as
current day researchers are attributing current day boundaries to 17th century residences. Adam's wife had long Cologne connections also. She named
Verdon. Not only was she descendant of the Habsburg/Verdoun lineage, but her father "Verdon' was of lineage of Master Gerhard (first master mason
of Cologne Cathedral).
I would love to be able to connect Verdon straight to Verdoun, but the diverted Habsburg lineage is also important to my theory.
So, let's go back to Adam Brouwer. His family crest is fairly simply, yet I have not fully deciphered it's meaning or history. There are two
crossed swords with a single star of David (filled) above it. (this comprises the lower 2/3 of the shield). On the top 1/3 of shield is 3 doves.
Above the shield and helmet is a single bird holding a twig of something. The motto "Vrij Vochten Nederlandt" translates to "Free Fight
Netherlands". It has been proposed that this beckons to the family's service during the Crusades.
Hitler's first action was to capture the Spear of Destiny. This was from the Habsburg museum. While it is proposed the spear that pierced Christ's
side we do know that this is the spear of Charlemagne. As a man with a devout studying for the occult, it was very "interesting" that this was his
first step, for it must have been the utmost importance.
Hitler himself was e-v13, which made me curious to find out the reasonings behind his actions. Unfortunately, we have none. I propose that he left
us several clues. Of course, the first clues were his actions. As second and third clues, I propose the residences that the built and named at the
far south of Germany. First is "Eagle Lookout' and Second is Berghof. Berghof was very interesting, because of my works to find Adam's father.
In the search for Adam's father, the best clue that we have is his annoucing that he is "Berchoven". Doing some research, I found a region that
was once ruled by a Theodoricus de Berchoven in the 12th century. Something happened and the family was forced out. This region was called Berghof
and is near to the present day city of Dortmund.
But wait, if Berghof is Dortmund and Dortmund is by Cologne, then why did Hitler name something Berghof up in the mountains a thousand miles away.
Perhaps it is a clue. If we look at both of the southern residences, we see Eagle Lookout Berghof. I am not accounting for the German, so if it is
substantially different, please correct me. What is interesting about the Eagle reference, is that the black double headed eagle is an ancient
Hamitic symbol. With the knowledge of Hitler's e-v13 lineage, was he drawing parallels to his lineage. Was he possible saying to look for the Eagle
from Berghof? I like to think it is the latter. There is no proof, but Hitler was a very overt guy. The things that he wanted, he talked about
often as they were his obsession. This is one reason I draw references to his quest and the naming of his residences.
So, what do we know about e-v13. It is half of the dna of Ethiopians. This is the general region that is said that my ancestors are from. That they
come from north eastern Africa, and that on a 60 thousand year migration they traveled to north western Africa, back to North Eastern and then out of
Africa. I believe myself to have African origins, even though people see me as "white"
It is known fact that there are north African tribes whose oral histories say that they came from white people, that their originators were white.
We know that Hitler was searching for the Ark of the Covenant. One story says that the Ark was smuggled to Ethiopia. I give a strong possibility to
this theory based on several reasons. There was a King Solomon connection to the Ark. He built the temple that housed it. The Solomons were from
Ethiopia. It is said that many families journied with the Ark as a military escort. Could my family have been one of them? They would have been
going back to their ancestral lands at this point. Could this be the origins of "Free Fight Netherlands"?
The theory of the Ark's removal to Ethiopia is strengthened by the acts of the Ethiopian people themselves. They say that they have it, and they
parade replica statues around in honor of such. The Ark is said to be housed in a Temple. There is only one person allowed to see the Ark, and that
person is rendered blind. There are clues that something is there.... do we have reason to disbelieve what they say is there?
E-v13 - there is a Hamtic.wordpress website that proposes that e-v13 is the Hamitic DNA of Nimrod. Is it possible that there is a connection with my
family and Sumerian descent? I have no proof of this, just the DNA and that Hamitic website does not seem to be the best sourced.
In my research of my family, I have been studying alot of ancient religion. The stories of Abraham's sons tell of them buillding wells and
travelling to Beersheba. I found the name of this town "odd". Beersheba, what did this mean?
There was a reason that I was interested in this name. It said Beer. The Adam that I was trying to find the lineage of was a Brewer. He had one of
the first mills in North America.
So, Beersheba was called such because of the ancient word Be'er, which means "well". It has been shown that there have been Beers of Israel built
in this tradition all over. Such brought my research to the Lost Tribes of Israel.
I went into studying the Lost Tribes as an absolute skeptic. The more that I read, the more that I could draw parallels to my family. Tribe doomed
to wander the Earth. This sounded like us. I'm sure that many people could draw this vague parallel. But I did find some interesting suggestions
into Lost Tribes being on North America. I'm including this to show that perhaps the Lost tribes extends to a much more broad ancestrage than we
initially though.
I would really suggest that link.
I'm a bit lost here. Not sure if it's all connected, but would love your opinion.