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dendera temple lights

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posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 05:59 AM
Is it possible the ancients stashed a miniature 'lamp' right there in front of our eyes? i mean why would somebody cut a small piece of stone from a larger one n the put it back..

other perspective

edit on 10-4-2015 by fr33coll3ct1v3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: fr33coll3ct1v3

DO you think the extra deeply carved section at the base there was due to an error in the original carving that had to be corrected, or was carved at a later date (perhaps MUCH later) to obscure something that was deemed to be wayyy out of place for an AE wall carving

The images of the lightbulbs themselves are one thing, although have been proven to be open to interpretation...but what if there was originally carved a bank of electrical switches, lights or control panel that was thought to have been 'too much information'..and hastily re carved to erase it?

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:13 AM
Or are you suggesting there's actually something behind the panel?

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:15 AM
It appears that there may be or may have been something behind that stone. I would think someone would have thought of that and removed it and stole what was behind it already. But you never know.

Those aren't light bulbs anyway. Anyone should be able to see they are big chainsaws.[
edit on 10-4-2015 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
It appears that there may be or may have been something behind that stone. I would think someone would have thought of that and removed it and stole what was behind it already. But you never know.

Those aren't light bulbs anyway. Anyone should be able to see they are big chainsaws.[

I thought they were full body condoms for snakes.
On topic,
We have glassware from AE, we don't have any lightbulbs though. We also don't have any power cables or generating stations.

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 11:34 AM
i don't think it was an error since other less prominent 'reliefs' of this contraption/tech exist,as it is the pyramid is way out of place .This specific contraption shows the application of 'Heavenly fire','divine light' --not how to harness it so its unlikely anyone would be trying to obscure it.

Also the 'fire' was directed mostly by mental concentration by the priests/ the expanded photo(google) you will notice a monkey standing upright holding two knives...

i don't think any switches were needed to channel the force; maybe latter when men went out of sync with nature..

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

chain saws don't end with detail of a lotus flower--see how the narrow end of the tube ends in a lotus funnel.

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: fr33coll3ct1v3
a reply to: rickymouse

chain saws don't end with detail of a lotus flower--see how the narrow end of the tube ends in a lotus funnel.

So they are lotus flowers, not light bulbs?

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 03:00 PM
might have been from erasing a name of someone that fell out of favor ?

I'd be more inclined to think something was placed behind it, then looted at another time, but it looks "too" obvious

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 06:19 PM
Definitely looks like something was behind there. Given the weight of that block, it would have to be something valuable and that didn't need to removed very often. Those two objects that they are holding up. Were they really glass and translucent or made of clay? Are they simply oars or windfans to keep things cool? Or are they representative of something celestial like the light from the Milky Way? I thought the ancient Egyptians saw our galaxy as a river. They did have decorated pottery back then. This is from 1336BC:

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 03:54 AM
the 'djed with hands holding the tubes in place' was a real object just like the ankh,the was,and the wedged pyramid stone.those who think the contraption is a 'big lotus flower'/'chainsaw' might want to explain why a djed is being used as an anchor while a 'Y-shaped branch of a tree wud just have served the same purpose with less effort involved.

its unfortunate how men of today remain ignorant of the accomplishments of the ancients...the ancients were able to harness 'aether/gravitational currents' --modern man is hesitant to accept that..there4 man continues tumbling down the hill of illusionary domain of existence.

i don't have the proof of such bold claims..but wait until technology gets to the "Femto-scale".Unfortunately by the time man realizes he will be part of --collective social domain complex.I wonder what will happen to the rights of the individual then..

edit on 11-4-2015 by fr33coll3ct1v3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 06:01 PM
I know it's a big assumption, but if there is anyone at ATS that really wants to know about these reliefs, a good place to start is here.

See, all the reliefs in that tomb are accompanied by writing right there on the walls concerning what you're looking at.

It's all perfectly explained by an ancient (even by then) myth about Horus, and the room you're looking at was the room the decorations/statuary/icons were stored in until they were brought out into the temple for whatever festival was involved.

Instructions on the walls even include the script the priests were supposed to follow.

Accepted translations of parts of those writings are provided on the linked site by the genial Frank Doernenburg.

You'll find a lot of other info there as well.


posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 11:35 PM

The so called myths of the gods are allegorical ..
They describe technology , elemental forces , etc ..
Their true meaning is totally beyond most archaeologists to understand .
They are simply to wrapped up in the dogmatic system they have been trained in .. not educated in .

" Ihi, the great, the son of the Hathor, the noble child with shining plait "

Look at the glyphs in the name Ihi its not the letters I and H and I they are symbols describing the subject .
and they are Not reeds and flax .. omg and we are not talking about shinny hair either .\

It does not mean what you think .. you have been trained to think of these myths as fiction to explain the unknown .
Nothing could be further from the truth .

why do we see the ? mark so often in translations with regard to the subject ?
Its because they Dont Know .
They are guessing and telling you thats the best we can do .. because they are the experts .. what a load of Crap .

" He lights up in its house in the night of the child in his nest, by donating the light to the country from the birth bricks. "

That sounds like a light celebration on july 20 the new year to me .. the confusion is also compounded by Thousands of years of reinterpretation through religious fracturing .


posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 02:48 AM
its a pity that 'man' of today posses little knowledge of his 'light being' he does not see he is illuminated from within and the little that do see probably prefer their light to themselves.

as thoth says the hoards of time beyond the barrier/veil stole mans light along time ago,at first man was free being with multiple degrees of freedom.

man was all those impossible things mentioned in folk tales clairvoyant,claire-audient simply put he was multi dimensional able to feel the flow of time from different dimensions/time now man sees the light coming only from only one FACE OF THE CUBE where are the other 5 faces,have they been lost through genetic degradation?will they ever be recovered?

those who do see the other planes are hole up in 'hidden domains/secret pockets of space-time' perhaps too afraid to reach out to their kin perhaps seeing the loss of the other light cones as our own undoing who knows?

time hasn't been kind to us since the knowledge of the 'divine light' went into the control of the maji ...

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 04:15 AM

originally posted by: R0CR13

The so called myths of the gods are allegorical ..
They describe technology , elemental forces , etc ..
Their true meaning is totally beyond most archaeologists to understand .
They are simply to wrapped up in the dogmatic system they have been trained in .. not educated in .

" Ihi, the great, the son of the Hathor, the noble child with shining plait "

Look at the glyphs in the name Ihi its not the letters I and H and I they are symbols describing the subject .
and they are Not reeds and flax .. omg and we are not talking about shinny hair either .\

It does not mean what you think .. you have been trained to think of these myths as fiction to explain the unknown .
Nothing could be further from the truth .

why do we see the ? mark so often in translations with regard to the subject ?
Its because they Dont Know .
They are guessing and telling you thats the best we can do .. because they are the experts .. what a load of Crap .

" He lights up in its house in the night of the child in his nest, by donating the light to the country from the birth bricks. "

That sounds like a light celebration on july 20 the new year to me .. the confusion is also compounded by Thousands of years of reinterpretation through religious fracturing .

We all anxiously await your own translation of these glyphs then since you obviously know more about the writing than any Egyptologist.


posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: Harte

You are aware that the glyphs are translated subjectively .
look at the translations ..
Do you really need me to prove that point ?
Thats a waste of time as you are aware .

The glyphs have an ancient deeper meaning that is lost and confused .

Take the Ankh for an example .
What does it represent ?
To Egyptologists its known as " breath of life "
Which is true enough ... but it does not tell you what it is .
The Ankh is a description of a specificly engineered flow of energy .
Look at the ankh as it is written in three symbols
Ankh (A?) + symbol for water/energy (N) and Sunrise (set) (KH)
So we call it ANKH .. but what is it ?
Energy from a connection with the Sun .... and that exactly what it was simply speaking
with out going into plasma physics
Why is this symbol closely associated with the Djed ? defined as meaning stability
Because it regulated thus stabilizing the Energy that generated the field .. (N) symbol is Energy not Water as often attributed
although the Egyptians knew water was energy too .

The glyphs include the Djed = stabilizer regulator out of which we see the Ka extending arms = Energy and connection
this is feed by the Lotus or Essence .. the container is just that and the snake denotes energy that can bite or KILL .

Together with the texts I think the answer is obvious .
And it was most likely a relic technology .


posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: R0CR13
a reply to: Harte

You are aware that the glyphs are translated subjectively .

look at the translations ..

Do you really need me to prove that point ?

Thats a waste of time as you are aware .

Two words.

Rosetta Stone.

Not subjective.


posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 03:26 PM

I expected you'd say that that .

No its not but the interpretations based on their alphabet are ..because they are only half the story

Hieroglyphs are an ancient pictographic language and those characters carry deeper meanings .

The myths such as Hathor and Ihi are descriptive of aspects of nature and in some cases technology .

Such as the Djed the Ankh ,Was Sceptre , Ark , crook and flail .....

These harken back to the to the earliest attempts to perpetuate the technology of the last ice age .

This is evident in the cultures as a common thread of pyramid building " the shining mountain. "

And what did they say all this effort was for ?

To open the Gate to Heaven
To make a man a God


posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 05:03 AM

originally posted by: R0CR13

I expected you'd say that that .

No its not but the interpretations based on their alphabet are ..because they are only half the story

Hieroglyphs are an ancient pictographic language and those characters carry deeper meanings .

The myths such as Hathor and Ihi are descriptive of aspects of nature and in some cases technology .

Well, since you are obviously much more well-versed in the meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphics than any Egyptologist, we anxiously await your translation of the Greek-era glyphs written on these walls - as I said earlier.

That is, unless you fear to reveal such astonishing outcomes to us mere sheeple.


posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: R0CR13

Our divine lady Hathor ,may peace and joy follow her soul in all of eternity.

many men and women are born on this earth some mean some kind some good some evil .its that which retains it childish grace to the very end that history has given up trying to erasing ,its roots untraceable ,its grace in mans collective mind in the past,present and future.

i'm not very religious/spiritual but i do know that man should strive to know as much as knowable within the degrees of freedom of perception as bestowed upon by their creator(s).after all if the transcedent creator is of unknowable qualities then it is out of the limits of what is knowable.

the easiest way for an intelligent being to learn is by man does as nature(representation of creator) n nuture(parents) teach.

so tell me is it wrong for a child to aspire to have the qualities of its parents and perhaps go beyond them within the guidelines by which they are taught.if man hopes to one day transcend nature they will do so only by learning from her and following her guidelines into -her beyond/horizons!

back to topic :
i feel that one day man will regain nature's trust ,in the usage of certain ELEMENTAL force that could even allow him to re-shape his own being n habitat .that force known to the ancient's those who -curved out territory-for the current human archetypes in this sphere of reality ->universe/galaxy...

most of the ancient knowledge is locked up in vaults n minds of those who are hesistant to have faith in the current progression of human essence..i think it is the high time that such knowledge becomes re-incorporated into the mainstream curricula ...

for example it can be proven that certain geometric concepts are necessary for the safe usage of that ancient force i.e The Torus,Trion re
as it is one goes thru high school and college without learning of such geometries ..only circles,triangles,squares,rect n polygons..i think that basic knowledge of the torus n associated geometries 'hopf circles'..should be taught on some level in the elemental curricula..

the torus geometry is important to the creation of geometric manifolds that model possible space-times(calabu yau manifolds),torroids(magnetic confinement->tokamak),nanotubes e.t.c

it can be 'projected' that these geometries will profoundly shape the way man adapts to environments in terra,space,possibly other dimensions ..@ a latter time when overpopulation and 'natural evolutionary catalysts' have pushed man out of this beautiful blue marble

it would be good if humanity's descedants do not take arms on each other over a certain habitat having been built according to one groups perception/likes due to the other's lack of knowledge on search matters.

as to hathor may her real name remain unknown to man until he becomes 'understanding of nature's gift to him n his descedants'.
edit on 29-4-2015 by fr33coll3ct1v3 because: (no reason given)

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