posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 10:00 PM
Hey lads and lasses, just thought id give an introduction of myself and abit of how I came about this forum :-). (My apologies if this becomes long,
if it is I hope you find it interesting!)
Some background- Im a 23 year old male living in Australia about to finish his university degree, and I hope to one day become a mediator as solving
disputes and helping two parties understand the other's point of view is something I am extremely passionate about.
How I came about this forum- initially I had the coolaid and believed all the mainstream media's blatant lies regarding what was happening in the
world. What woke me up (the process took a long time) was actually my dealings with women- how they say one thing then go off and do another (eg. the
classic "I want a nice guy who takes cares of me and writes poetry for me" yet goes off and sleeps with an asshole who abuses her cliche.)
At the age of 19 I started becoming obsessed with why women did that (also wanting to get laid was a motivator haha), and eventually took the "red
pill" in-regards to women- i internalized the "alpha fux and beta bux" mindset, became somewhat of a pick up artist and thus was quite successful
with women, to the point I had multiple harems in my 20's (currently back down to one girl for the moment.)
A by-product of this was I saw how society and families literally brainwashed men into being "blue pill"- all girls said they want a nice guy so men
think they should be nice, but that is not how the dating market really works. Additionally I saw this being promoted through movies and pretty much
all television- I realized that men were actually becoming oppressed in our society, with laws stacked against men (particularly in divorce courts.)
Furthermore when I tried to help my former blue-pill male friends out of the matrix they would actually vigorously defend the system that is
oppressing them- they became jealous that I was so successful with women and became petty, toxic people who I was forced to cut out of my life. It is
like the analogy of having crabs in a barrel- when one is about to get out, the others pull him back down.
(Don't worry I know ive gone on a tangent, almost finished though :-P)
Through this realization about society in a social, gender-related context I started seeing how third-wave feminism was a really big issue for men in
society and how some claims they make are actually blatantly false, ie. 1 in 4 college girls will experience rape, the recent rolling stones article
about a women who was raped which was false, ect.
Then per chance, a youtube suggestion link showed a snippet of Aaron Russo stating that feminism was started so the government could tax women, and
that blew my mind. I did my own research and sure enough, the CIA together and others actually started up feminism! I then watched the full interview
with Russo and Alex Jones, and it was scary stuff. (I realize there is some controversy with Alex Jones though)
Through that interview I realized the world isn't what it seems, and started doing my own research and although this has only been recently (about a
week or so) the fact that my eyes are actually open and ive taken the red pill of society and the world, not just with women, I know that through
places like this website and forum I should be equipped with the information I need to go forward into the future.
Be posting soon, goodwork making it all the way through :-P.