The main character theme of the scriptures(what is written) is about a nation of people named Israel which mean struggles with Elohim(the term for
Gods).Israel is the name given to the man Jacob the son of Isaac the son of Abraham after he struggled with “Elohim” and lost.
The nation of Israel is the archetype for all of mankind.It is mans nature and character (the meaning of a name) to “struggle” with Gods because
mankind's nature is religious.
The nation of Israel were always seeking “Gods” through religion.There were no formal “ceremonies” for the original 12 sons of Israel which
became the nation of Israel until they exited Egypt and entered Mt. Sinai the archetype of “religion”.This is where the ceremony of their religion
They believed they were told many things to do the most significant being the commandments in form of Law and the sacrifice system.The Israelites
religion served a purpose.Israel (mankind) always sought after “strange” Gods (El….Baal) this united them into a system of religion of one God
named Yahweh( which means I will be what I will be).That system is far to complicated(convoluted is a better word) even for them.It eventually
morphed into full blown Judaism in around 540 B.C.E on the elites return from Babylon captivity.
While they were in the wilderness desert of Sinai Israel built a “tabernacle” (temporary house) .This was the center of their religious ceremony
where they practiced cyclical feasts.The high priest(Aaron, Moses brother) would “commune”(communicate) with “God” once a year inside the
tabernacle in a place called the Holy of Holies.
To enter the Holy of Holies and into Yahweh's presence Aaron would enter as a representative of all of Israel.He would wear a breastplate (vest)
adorned with 12 stones representing each of the 12 tribes of Israel.The stones were in a matrix of 4 rows and 3 column.It went it the order of the
birth of the sons of Israel going right to left top to bottom.Here are the 12 tribes/sons in the stone matrix.
Gad- Naphtali-Dan
For those that know the 12 sons there is a modification with the tribes.Joseph (the 11th son) is represented by his 2 sons Ephraim and Manasseh whom
he gave his birthright(and btw Israel/Jacob gave the 1st born birthright to Ephraim the last born….the first will be last and the last will be
first)…Levi is the 3rd son and became the priests (Moses and Aaron are of Levi) and were not considered one of the 12 patriarch/heirs.
Now for the math.The Hebrew number system called gematria is where a letter equals a number also.In Greek it is called isopsephy.John was told in
Revelation 13:18 to “calculate(the root meaning of isopsephy which means to count with stones) the number of the beast and the number of
Here is the gematria for the 12 patriarchs of Israel in the “stone matrix” order of the Aaron’s breastplate.
These numbers and their patterns are very significant however the Israelites had no idea(and still don’t) what their name/numbers
represented.Gematria was not implemented until about 300 B.C.E a century after the last writings of the OT.
The math patterns of this matrix are very complex however the main sums are not.The bottom row sums:
In Greek isopsephy(the language the NT was written in) the name Yahoshua is written Iesous(English transliteration)
the isopsephy for Iesous sums:
There are still more in the matrix.The 3rd row plus the 1st name of the 2nd row:
The remaining 5 patriarchs name sum:
Revelation 13:18
“This is wisdom let him that has understanding calculate the number of the beast which is (also) the number of man(mankind) and that number is
The beast=666
That is the meaning of Revelation 13:18.It is not the “antichrist” number of evil.It is the number of the beast of mankind represented by
patriarchs of Israel names.The name and number of the beast is mankind.These name numbers are too perfect to be accidental.Here is another
“simple” sign of the meaning of the names are not arbitrary.
The patriarchs of Israel names sum:
The sum of the Israels name is divisible by 37
The main patriarch names sum are also divisible by 37:
All the groups of the names are in sums of 37.(here’s just a few for brevity sake)
etc etc
The “odd names” in the matrix sum:
The “even names” in the matrix sum:
These number patterns of the patriarchs in the matrix go on and on from simple math to complex.The bottom line is the book of Revelation is not some
hidden code for a great cataclysm and Gods wrath upon the world and mankind.It was a dream/vision given to John to uncover/reveal(apocalypse) the
meaning of the “deliverance/salvation of Yahweh (Yahoshua).It’s meaning is ALL of mankind will be delivered/saved from Hades(the realm of death
and imperception).
The book of Revelation and it’s content is not “mystical” nor was John stoned on “shrooms” or was he a crazy old man propagating fear.It is
the beast of mankind that has created those stories(lies) in their religious carnal mind and preach their fear mongering.The number 666 is a statement
of fact not an indictment of evil.
edit on 10-4-2015 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)