posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:43 AM
This is a dream i saw in Good Friday night. I took some time before i was ready to write this in here.
In dream, i was walking away from some sort of stadium , there were about few dozens of people chatting each other on the field, nothing so special
only that i felt no connection with them so i left, after sometime i looked back to the stadium field from the side and i saw more and more people
gathering there till there were no space between them and station was full of people. People were not chatting with each other anymore but all stared
in front of stadium without expressions ( like watching a movie screen.. there were no screen ) they all were just standing, staring and waiting for
someone. I left the place and was going home.
One street close home there were a yard of the house and someone closed the gate, warned me that there is exorcism going on and not to come closer. I
didn´t find this odd at all more like these were very common.
I came home and there were religious people ( about 40 to 50 ) gathered there celebrating Jesus and Lord, they were singing "Isaac´s song" ( i
don´t know what song that is ) and it sounded familiar. They were very normal people and there were one man who asked me to sing with them said that
I know the words. I started to sing with them, i was unsure in beginning of the song but got in to it shortly.
Then i saw kitchen, there were some people who damped plastic bowls in gasoline and added water in the bowl ( i have no idea meaning of this ).
Man who asked to sing with them left to that house which had exorcism going on. He came back later, opened a front door in the hall and door to the
living room where people were gathered, from the hall there were another door which were violently opened by some kind of evil spirit, spirit changed
its direction and came to living room where people were gathered.
When i saw spirit was coming to our direction i said " You are not welcome here" i felt this spirit to come in my direction and said again " You
are not welcome here", next i felt excess pressure in my throat and upper lungs ( both in dream and reality ) and i said as well as i could " in the
name of the Jesus Christ, you are not welcome here!"
And i woke up and i still had some pain in my upper chest.
I was not scared or panicked i was totally calm, i sat down and wondered what just had happened.
Any input, was i attacked for real ?