Thanks for your responses. Some of them are really inspirational and nice
Talking about myself, quite frankly, I don't know the answer myself... I can't seriously tell.
I probably wouldn't die for a random stranger or some old person, or anything that would just serve the greater good.
I think I am willing to die for someone for whom I have profound, deep feelings. (doesn't necessarily mean it has to be a girl I love, but someone I
admire as a person.)
I've had pretty superficial priorities in my life. I have chosen wrong ways many, many times.
Been through some twists and turns and I am not satisfied with who I am and what I have become.
But in the core, in the real me. I quietly admire deep principles of honesty, loyalty and love.
Even though I don't show it on the outside and actually, very often, the opposite is true.
So then, I am willing to die for someone I consider being a wonderful person on the inside. Someone I would really miss.
This means, of course, that when I die and thus save the person, I am not going to see/be with them ever again.
But I still think it would be worth it.
And then, there is that thing about IDEAS.
because, ideas are bulletproof,... they never die.
if there is an exceptionally grandiose idea, which would not only serve the greater good, but would transform the global consciousness or alike....
then I would consider dying for it.
(like Sonmi 451 had to die in Wachowski's masterpiece - "Cloud Atlas")
To sum up = I would probably die for a person I would miss if they were gone.
Or for an idea that would save humanity from A.I. deception and overtaking of the world in the year 2045 for instance.
edit on 9-4-2015 by Necrose because: (no reason given)