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Absolutely Preposterous Prices for Everyday Objects! Snobbish Consumerism.

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posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:20 PM
Holy ripped nylons, Batman !

I love the way you two are thinking....

I heart nefarious thought processes !

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: eeyipes
a reply to: CranialSponge

No No you have to sell the hipster stuff on Etsy, you'll get $350 a piece for them easy.

Yes! Better yet, cross stitch a picture of the tire swing with the word "F$&@" underneath. Hipster bait. Now you're rich.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:21 PM
Quantitative Easing (flooding the economy with notes) is responsible. Get ready for hyperinflation…

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: ShayneJUK
look at it this way if someone can make a profit from people stupid enough
to pay that then good for him.

and anyone stupid enough to pay that for an item like that deserves to be shafted

Indeed, the cloth diaper crowd is the same. I've seen cloth poop catchers run upwards of $100 (some are even more) Just because. Like the material really makes it worth THAT much (it doesn't) I went with basic old-fashioned diapers (aka tri-folds) & simple covers. I didn't spend a fortune, less than $300 through 2 kids, & saved quite a bit instead of tossing disposables. A friend got into "collecting" these butt wraps, and spend thousands of dollars on fricking diapers. At last count many years ago when hers were still in diapers, she had spent close to 6 grand.

A fool & their money are always soon parted.
edit on 4/7/2015 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: Atsbhct

"Made from 100% natural materials"

Now THAT is hipster bait... I can quadruple the price just with those five little words !

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

I cross stitch real good. I could cross stitch some hipster butt wraps. Dang.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

I totally get this. Ive made a few cloth diapers for mothers requesting them on online forums. Easy money...but they're mostly wackos. You're willing to pay me $40 plus materials so your kid can poop on the face of an obscure Japanese cartoon character? ...a fool and his money.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:30 PM
Probably bought by the sort spending £1k on dinner /wine in top restaurants.

It's all in the name I guess. I like some Habitat products but I look for the items I like elsewhere first and often find very similar or better in other stores for less than half the price of Habitat.

My experience of most designer products is that they aren't better made than a well made item of less cost, most people don't recognise them so it's just you that knows you are wearing it, so essentially pointless unless it's something unique that lasts a while and pays for itself.

edit on 7-4-2015 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: eeyipes
a reply to: Nyiah

I cross stitch real good. I could cross stitch some hipster butt wraps. Dang.

The same person was a fan of "upcycled" underwear. As a concept,it's pretty cool, making undies out of old t-shirts, but the price of them is asinine. You'd make bank on hipster tighty whities, I guarantee it.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:33 PM
If im out in the city and an feeling particularly stressed from all the idiots, i like to walk into the yuppie "outdoors" shops just so i can browse the garbage and laugh at the ridiculous prices. Come on, $400 for a 2 man nylon tent? lol

On the other hand maybe i should whip something up with sticks and grass from out back then label it "rustic art" ...nah i dont like money that much

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: theabsolutetruth

I've never heard of the brand personally, but I understand.

I'm certainly not knocking personal tastes, but like you said...why not try to find similar or better things for a more reasonable price?

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:42 PM
Crap. Three of those things are worth more than the car I currently drive. On a good day, I can maybe find the reverse gear and get it to back up, but for the most part, I just pull through everywhere I go and try not to drive it anywhere other than work.

Who has the money to blow on things like that when you could just make them and who is so full of fail they can't just make one?

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: Atsbhct

You think $120 for a rope swing is rich?

*snobby accent* Pleeaase.

Again, I offer this site for comparison:

Get back to me when you've spent 40k + on an ink pen or 30k on a bottle of champagne.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 01:56 PM
I think by the looks of how the seat tips forward that is was owned by Miley Cyrus and that' how she learnt to twerk.
I also have some empty jam jars that are filled with Elvises breath, at 300 dollars each, a steal.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: gottaknow

That site made me want to vomit.
100+k for a pen..... what is wrong with the world

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

I also have some empty jam jars that are filled with Elvises breath, at 300 dollars each, a steal.

Glue on a couple of sparkly sequins and tie a sweaty neck kerchief around the lid, double the price, and you've now got yourself a multi-million dollar business in the making.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Atsbhct

Discretionary items are only worth what people are willing to pay. The market for discretionary items is a function of discretionary money. The arc is clearly down.

I'd rather get ticked at things you need that are elevating in price.
heath care.

Those are the things that leave a mark.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

I'm not mad. Just shocked.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: JimNasium
a reply to: Atsbhct

I can get You something even "better" for $100 even.. Hand strung fiber from the elusive "White Palms of Flori-Duh" these are albino in nature and grow within the confines of the famous Coral Castle. Legend has it that the fibers each contain hidden messages.
The wood is "ALL Natural" and is hand gathered as it floats to it's end upon the world famous Withlacoochee River, one of 2 rivers in the world that flow North..

$100 + Postage & Handling figure about $25.00 for that...

Butt (pun intended) the one I'm going to get You a deal on is "All Natural" even the wood it is way better..

Lol I just googled "how many rivers flow north" because you said 1 of only 2 in the world that flow north.

I knew of 3 myself.

Apparently there are at least 33.

Good sales pitch though.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: enlightenedservant

I firmly believe each and every person who wants a rope swing should be making their own rope swing.

I thought using an old tire and your dads archor line from his bass boat was a time honored right of passage for every 10 year old boy.

Sure dad was mad, but we got to keep our tire swing.

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