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Illuminati and Cabal?.....

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posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 09:13 PM
What's the Cabal and what's the Illuminati?

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 04:37 AM
Well since no one else has bothered to.

The Cabal I have NO clue, never really bothered to look into it, but from the snipets by Dragonrider I think it is like a "plan" to take over the world or something...

The Illuminati, is gone...hasn't been around since 1780s, definately not after 1790.

But people like to think they are still around, some jump forth claiming to be some Illuminati this or that.

Others believe they are the "34th degree" masons lol

But I overall, think that something of such interest is doing nothing or doesn't exist because there's no way in hell today that you could not track some movement of cash here, or policy change there.

In the 1700s yeah sure the Illuminati could vanish without a trace, but today? No.

Not even the machines could change the matrix without people noticing those changes. lol

So I tend to disbelieve that the Illuminati exists, their "works" are just works of fiction like that one paper that supposedly came from russia, that was just recently proven to be false.

I can't say that there IS no Illuminati for sure though.

But saying that there is or isn't the Illuminati has as much bearing as saying there is or isn't a God.

We almost have no clue of either.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 05:31 AM
If one were able to give due credit to the claim that the Illuminati is what it has been perceived to be than one would find out that it is too late.

For the network of the secret system is very keen to outsider tactic. "They" know that secrecy is the key. Therefore any thing that "They" can do to discredit such claims is met with with great efforts on their parts to see that such is done. "They" don't want us to see.

You See?

[Edited on 5-6-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 09:04 AM
wow, u guys are real experts, and i'm addressing every member of this forum. If no-one hear can even put forward a theory about the illuminati and what it is, this really puts the whole illuminati/new world order theories in question. It is only sites like this that propose such theories and no-one is brave enough to put they're thoughts up.

Good luck convinsing people of ???????????

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 09:21 AM
The cabal is essentially what a lot of people call the Illuminati.

I started using that term as something I got from a quote by Nikola Tesla, who also termed them the "dark empire" or the "Evil Empire".

Basically, it started as a group of Europes wealthiest aristocracy in the 1500s. They used thier money, influence, and political connections to form a network across Europe, and began to engineer international activity, up to today.

The very world we live in has been created through social engineering by this group. This group is very much alive, and is centered in the US, and western Europe.

I will post more extensively when I get home on this subject.

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 09:56 AM
"This group is very much alive"

this is the part i find hard to swallow, it is Capitalism, of course it is still alive, what i would like to know is why people are so quick to believe this evil agenda with no actuall evidence that it exists. Somewhere along the line people have convinsed themselves that the Power Elite is some sort of secret cult that plans to take over the world, well they already control the world.

So, even although things couldn't get much better for these people, we are supposed to believe that they want Global Military Dictatorship. You see the huge jumps made here. The way i see it, is that maybe at the time that capitalism was thought up/invented some people had evil intentions, but to say that this still dominates the ruling class today is presumptuous.

If you play the capitalist game, and succeed you will become wealthy, powerful, greedy. That is my theory, i haven't seen any evidence at all to this day that proves the Illuminati exists in the form claimed by many.

Please prove me wrong, i am open to debate and perhaps the reason i doubt the existance of the illuminati is that before this year the only time i had ever heard of it was in the rag The Daily Mail, not exactly world famous for reporting the facts.

Please anyone with some FACTS about the illuminati share them with me.

Also, any FACTS about how the UN is controlled by the Illuminati?

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 10:01 AM
Im at work and dont have my material with me. I'll have something for you later tonight.

posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 11:59 AM
One of the reasons why you might not be getting alot of responses is because this very forum has loads of posts (long, analytical posts) about this very subject. Yes, they are woven into several different threads, and it takes some time to sift through it all and read through it.

No offense meant in any way by saying this, but I honestly don't have 30-45 minutes to re-type something that I worked on a month ago. I wish I did, but I don't.

I encourage everyone to look around in the forum, check out different threads, then ask questions that are unanswered.

A great place to start is the Bilderberg thread started by NANS. You can find a listing of individuals in the Bilderberg group (this is just one subgroup of the illuminati/Cabal).

One doesn't need to look very far to find evidence of centralized control, military dictatorships, and fear tactics (which are used to control the public). Facism is the ideal governmental model that the illuminati/Cabal are pushing on the world.

Please do the research, but realize that you see evidence everyday on the news. Allow yourself to investigate the claim that "there are no coincidences". 9/11 is a perfect example. The illuminati/Cabal's power has increased significantly BECAUSE OF 9/11, and I personally believe that it was orchestrated to attain this very goal.

posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 12:36 PM
try for illuminati info

the history of the illuminati is real and voluminous and the facts are irrefutable for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

The Illuminati system of control is highly compartmentalized and shaped like a pyramid. At the top are found The Illuminati, also called "Olympians" and "Moriah Conquering Wind," are a "network" of interconnected "bloodlines" who call themselves "The Family" or "The Circle." Intergenerational satanism, or more accurately Luciferianism, is their primary belief structure. They consider themselves a tribe set apart, a proud super race who trace their genealogical origin back to Nimrod. By the way, they also believe that they are the designated rulers of Planet Earth.

� Uri Dowbenko

the 13 families of the Illuminati are found here

An excellent book entitled "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" can be purchased here

BTW, the author of this book is now a political prisoner here in the US, having been sent up on phoney bank robbery charges.

hope this helps, these people are evil beyond belief and seek to destroy 80% of the humans on this planet. visit and read it in their own words...

posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 02:11 PM
Xio, great links! Thank you!

The other aspect to this is having the courage to consider things which may appear extremely improbable. Look for evidence yourselves, because it will mean much more to you.

Time and time again, I've spoken to people (in person) who ask me to provide the evidence for them about this agenda. What happens? They directly challenge and refute the evidence, and ask me to defend it. I am not in a position to defend evidence, I can only report what I have researched on my own.

When you do your own research, and notice that certain historical events have commonalities (i.e. the consequence of the event occurring seems to benefit the same groups of people, or they have the same consequences), you will see very clearly that in fact these ideas are NOT crazy. I happen to be quite familiar with the diagnosis of psychotic disorders (I have diagnosed many severely ill patients). One hallmark of this distinction is that psychotic/delusional systems tend to be disorganized and not backed up by real-world evidence.

The other thing to keep in mind is that this theory about an agenda is just that- a THEORY. It is open to rational debate that is supported by evidence that should be provided in both directions. Either evidence will confirm or disconfirm the probability of the theory being valid. If you want to take a stand, and say "no, you are wrong", NO PROBLEM!

Simply present the objective evidence which demonstrates that this theory is incorrect. Subjective evidence, "I feel this is BS", "this is insane and can't possibly be true" is just that- subjective. The theory of an illuminati agenda is based on objective evidence. In order to be refuted, objective evidence must be offered to counter the theory.

Does that make sense?

posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 09:33 PM
well said...

one thing to always keep in mind are the rules of logic and critical thinking. The truth is so horrible that few dare face it, it requires a major paradign shift and total rethinking of a world view. I have asked many to show me where I am wrong and if the evidence bears out, I make adjustments when neccessary... all part of keeping an open mind. That doesn't happen too often when you adhere to points of logic and apply the critical thinking process, a point that is often lost on those with a cult mindset who aren't worth the time of a debate...

the difference between these two modes of thinking are succinctly put here, . moral of the story... don't waist your breath when you encounter the "cult mentality"... its irrational

posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 05:20 AM
well done lads, that's much better.

posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 05:47 AM
I think FreeMason is one of the more ingenious members of the Illuminati. He is impervious to harm.

posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 06:48 AM
are there any sites/essays on the illuminati written by people who don't follow a certain religion?

As i do not follow any religion i don't worship God and don't believe in Satan, have any people with similar beliefs to mine (undertermined) written on the illuminati?

posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Peace
are there any sites/essays on the illuminati written by people who don't follow a certain religion?

As i do not follow any religion i don't worship God and don't believe in Satan, have any people with similar beliefs to mine (undertermined) written on the illuminati?

Well I have.

Don't know if that counts or if I was what you are looking for but I have no religious doctrine other than my own.

You can use the search engine to find some of my old stuff on the Cabal, but I like to use the term "Illuminati"

posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 01:09 PM
Check out:

This guy has the most evidence-based theory that I have seen, although some aspects are completely bizarre (that doesn't necessarily make them false).

Let us know what you think. See if you can find some videos online of his lectures, he explains the theory & verbally presents the evidence much better than he writes it.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 06:10 PM
i'm finding alien shape shifters, underground bases and Prince Charles being the anti Christ a bit too much.

don't you guys ever think that over the years some kids imaginations have manifested themselves into myths which in turn get turned into theories about the Royal family being evil reptilian aliens, just try to imagine not having watched all those movies about aliens, would you believe it then?

i suppose for you guys that is the point, that these films exist, but thats not enough for me.

if you believe this, you will believe anything, if Prince Charles turns out to be the Devil, i will apologise, hopefuly before he eats me, to everyone for doubting the existance of the Alien Family, sorry, Royal Family.

Did that David Icke used to be a goalkeeper, his theories are pretty far fetched, i don't think i take him very seriously, seems to me some people will rather be labelled crazy than anti-semitic.

[Edited on 11-6-2003 by Peace]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 02:02 PM

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 02:18 PM
Well Cabal could refer to this.It is really just another name for the Elite.
A technical name.
A cabal is a number of people united in some close design, usually to promote their private views and interests in a church, state, or other community, often by intrigue.

And the Illuminati is real and is still around.
Clearly Rockefeller's and Rothschild's are part of it.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:54 PM
Why are we ressurecting threads that are 5 years old?

If a thread goes more then a year without a post, it is considered to be dead and should be laid to rest.

If you have something on this matter to contribute, please start a new thread.

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