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Weaponized Drones Coming to Your Neighborhood.

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posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:32 PM
"OH NO it will NEVER happen! They will never use this technology against the people. We have rights!"

Yeah right. Idiots.

You were told, warned but you were too ignorant of what was happening. Now you are going to pay.

Sure it's starting over in India and sure it's only "smaller non-lethal weapons" but how long before it's over here and how long before they are killing citizens from the sky? Justification..."He was acting suspicious and we were concerned for the safety of our brave officers, so we shot him. just in case of course."

Wake up people. This was coming the very moment the term "Predator Drones" came from the POS in the White House and laughed about it.

The recent announcement that India (a constitutional republic) has now green-lighted drones for controlling "unruly crowds" in its northern capital Lucknow should get any skeptic's attention. Incidentally, even among highly populated India, the Uttar Pradesh region is a populous area of 204 million people, putting it into the range of most of the United States.

Remember the term "constitutional republic" because it's coming home faster than you can say "WTF" is that overhead? I am so tired of repeating threads from a few years ago when many of us stated that it's coming and many more said our tinfoil hats were too tight.
It's just a soft testing ground folks:

It should be noted that India is by no means the first to consider drones for crowd dispersal or suppression. In 2014, drone maker Desert Wolf sent the drone pictured below to Turkey as well as to South Africa to potentially be used to quell dissent, which in South Africa included platinum miners who were on strike:


"We have purchased five drone cameras with capacity of lifting two kg weight. They can be used to shower pepper powder on an unruly mob in case of any trouble ...."

And yes, home is next on the agenda. Texas:

Back in 2012 the following comments were made regarding the use of a Vanguard Shadowhawk drone in Texas, which fortunately earned massive condemnation and a stop to any concrete plans:

While the drone is currently being used for surveillance purposes only, law enforcement officials are considering utilizing these weapons systems. "It might be advantageous to have this type of 'less lethal' weapons platform on the UAV," said Randy McDaniel, the chief deputy for the Montgomery County Sherriff's Department, in an interview with The Daily. (Source)

Pepper spray? Nah...Let's get serious!

The "weapons platform" included rubber bullets, taser, and tear gas. But its ultimate potential was slated to be far worse: According to Salon, an Ohio police lieutenant interested in the drone was told by Vanguard representatives that it is also capable of carrying grenade launchers and 12-gauge shotguns.
And of course we can't forget the justification of protecting the borders right?

The documents, obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation through a Freedom of Information Act request, show the CPB suggesting in a “law enforcement sensitive” report to Congress that its drones could be upgraded to include the weapons to shoot at “targets of interest.” The documents do not detail specific weapons, but “non-lethal” rounds deployed on drones could feasibly include rubber bullets, tear gas, or a Taser-like shock. [emphasis added]

How many will will agree and say "protect our borders!" because that's the hot topic right now? But what will they say when those same weaponized drones are hovering over their homes?

C'mon people...wake up! You are being played each and every single day and each and every step is according to plan. The only people unaware of what is happening is you.

Listen folks, these are weaponized drones period. It's only a matter of time before the little weapons turn to big weapons. How much more proof do you need? You can deny it all you want but in the end you will be on the same receiving end as everyone else.

Please wake up because we can't do this alone.


edit on 4-4-2015 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:42 PM
You covered most of my concerns. I am in complete agreement that we, the sheep are being cajoled by the folks in office the same way they belittled conspiracy theorists before in order to discredit legit concern. The whole system is already in place, the technology is vetted, the "meta data" is there for their scouring and use for elimination of unwanted "free thinkers"

No worries though...shortly we will be told that we are crazy and that this is normal and intelligent use of tech.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:44 PM
Are we allowed to shoot them down??? 😂😂😂

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: jude11

Yep sounds pretty sketchy!

But of course, if you don't break the law you have nothing to worry about right?

Now I will say the premise is a little slippery slope, but it is one that I can see happening based on how our police force has already been ramped up here in the states.
edit on thSat, 04 Apr 2015 16:45:38 -0500America/Chicago420153880 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:45 PM
It was just a matter of time.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: ATF1886
Are we allowed to shoot them down??? 😂😂😂


I'm sorry but I have no idea what that means anymore.


posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:46 PM

Would this help?

Time to get a wicked and get wicked.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: lostbook
It was just a matter of time.

Many knew, most denied.

Sometimes a victory is bittersweet.


posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: eisegesis

You read my mind about the lasers!

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:58 PM
Sorry my humors a bit off ill start getting the .308 ready 😈😈a reply to: jude11

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:00 PM
Oh come on, i bet if you people were around 1920 you would be complaining of the pesky cops getting cars... Technology advance and pigs advance with it, do the evolution too and start developing home made jamming devices and instead of complain thanks the cops for that free drone + gun

If Iran can do it, any teenager with access to radioshack can

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: Indigent

I don't like the idea of taking the person out of enforcement.

Law enforcement has lots of grey area that a person has to use judgement to asses.
Drones can't do that. Nor not follow orders they don't agree with.

I am by far not LEO's # 1 fan, but would still rather see men and women doing the job not drones.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:14 PM

VICTORIA Police is considering introducing unmanned drone aircraft to assist in operations, following the lead of US authorities who from tomorrow will begin using them for surveillance, searches and car chases.

Victoria Police has confirmed it is assessing so-called unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for ''potential operational use''. But in a written response to questions from The Sunday Age, a Victoria Police spokeswoman did not spell out what kind of operations. Nor did she reveal how far police plans had advanced. It is, however, the most explicit statement so far on Victoria Police's interest in acquiring high-tech, remote-controlled drones that can be fitted with high-definition cameras and sensors - and, in some larger versions, weapons.

Other agencies, including Queensland police and arms of the Australian Federal Police, are also interested in acquiring drones.


Sky-net evolves it seems.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Indigent

I don't like the idea of taking the person out of enforcement.

Law enforcement has lots of grey area that a person has to use judgement to asses.
Drones can't do that. Nor not follow orders they don't agree with.

I am by far not LEO's # 1 fan, but would still rather see men and women doing the job not drones.

We still have a person on the controls of Drones but those people are just seeing us as a VID game. That's exactly how we are seen. Pawns.

People at the controls are nothing more than psychopaths without a hip holster. Think about it...What type of personality signs up to monitor/kill their fellow humans?


posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: ATF1886

I got my grandpa's old double barrel goose gun. 10 gauge, that ought to do the trick... But what's the bag limit ?

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:28 PM
Unlimited bag limit I'll pay 5$ a drone if you can hit it with a 10ga a reply to: slednecktx

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: jude11

Ya I have to admit I didn't think about that the drones would be controlled via RC.

Still takes them out of the environment and open to being told things are different then they actually are.

People at the controls are nothing more than psychopaths without a hip holster. Think about it...What type of personality signs up to monitor/kill their fellow humans?

Completely agree!

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:50 PM
The sad part is;the rogue government in office will take over America, change what it stands for, and how it operates at home and globally.

All this, without a single fight by American populations. Just bend over and take it like an abused child..

Why is it so easy for them?

The people have been passified, pushed to their obedience and steered away from their own WILL POWER, especially as a collective.

Instead of these whiny internet ragers; how about taking all that energy and showing your immediate community and people, the truth of what is going on.

Telling people who sit at a computer and do f* all, gets nothing done. Whining and firing "opinions" at each other doesn't make anymore progress.

Americans need to band together. They talk of how powerful and great their nation is, is a nation it's own people or its government and military?

Me thinks people are confused. Government and the people are never on the same page... one controls the other, For reasons stated in the first paragraph.

Drones overhead?

Do something about it asa collective.

Or shut up and suck it up like a good little citizen.

Goodluck in the coming transitions of America, it's not what you want, but what you will be forced into if you do not ACT COLLECTIVELY.


posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:56 PM
I'll let the late, great George Carlin speak for me about our "rights." I suppose I should warn about language in case someone doesn't know who Carlin is.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: jude11

Imagine what technology 100 years from now will bring.

Kind of scary to think about where this could all lead.

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