Skepticism is, in my opinion, one of the most necessary and useful tools of the philosopher, scientist, any type of person that uses thinking and
I also am an existentialist. There are many ways to define someone who considers his/her-self as an existentialist.
for sake of me typing ( sorry lol), I am going to shorten existentialist/existentialism to "EX".
EX is self-deterministic. The main points of EX that I talk about are the
1) Philosophically libertarian mindset. Not hard deterministic, soft determinism if anything.
Even politically libertarian is compatible, in that everyone should practice free-will until it infringes the rights of other
2) Only judging what you experience. Subjectivity is very important.
The demand of evidence is a premise. Not only being presented evidence, but further looking into the evidence, the source of the evidence.
Many people on ATS practice both of these with/without realizing it. This is the place of ultimate skepticism, it is why I love these forums. If
someone presents something absolutely ludicrous they usually get torn to pieces. lol.
Unless, of course, they supply the needed evidence from an actual source.
One of my friends at college, I'll name him R, thinks that we should dismiss metaphysics all together. He believes since by definition it means
outside of the natural world, and not measurable, it is a waste to even discuss it.
We have been in countless philosophy classes together.
As you guess, he is an atheist, he is one of the smartest people I have ever come across when it comes to history (west/east/ancient/premodern),
philosophy, well educated in all branches of science. But yet, I am not sure if it is because he is more militant in his views or what, but I do not
believe metaphysics should be dismissed all together.
We often have quite a few people get involved in our discussions of philosophy and/or whatever comes up.
Quantum theory obviously comes up a lot.
I usually get a kick out of the quantum woo that people come up with. BUT, regardless of people going overboard. Certain aspects of quantum theory are
"weird" are they not?
Isn't the idea of "quantum entanglement" absolutely mystical and metaphysical if it would have been discussed a few hundred years ago?
(not saying it hasn't, I just don't want to open up that can of worms)
Isn't Plato's idea of The Forms becoming more reasonable the closer we get to a "multi-verse" type of discovery?
I like metaphysics. They are why I got involved with philosophy in the first place. I love the weird branch that deals with vibes, the eastern chakra
system, the idea of reincarnation, etc. Whether or not they are quantifiable or not, I believe they are a fun topic to explore with people.
So I ask you ATS, should metaphysics be dismissed all together? Or do you believe that one day, through quantum theory and science, some of the ideas
we consider "metaphysical" could be proved.
Example I gave R to ponder. Before the discovery of bacteria, viruses, etc. If someone came up with the idea that instead of evil spirits causing
humans illness, it was these tiny tiny tiny tiny (they didn't have the word microscopic lol) alive "things"
that caused illness, would that be or not be considered metaphysics to that time/place?
Thank you for the time.