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Inside Morgellons, the Internet's Disease

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posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 06:29 AM
Can this disease come from too much plastic in our body?

Ever since I saw the documentation about plastic planet of how people become impotent or sick because of plastic contamination, I'm considering worse consequences.
Maybe if a specific amount of plastic is inside the body, and the body can't get rid of it - the organism tries to collect the plastic particles, and then create shapes (fibers are the next best form after round bulbs), until they are big and sharp to pierce through the skin. Once it has get rid off the major part of fibers, you got piece for a while. But it doesn't look good, for even tap water is contaminated with plastic. Anyways... if research shows that part of the fibers is plastic or a mixture of plastic and cells... it should be mentioned.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: abe froman
If by "dig into it" you mean read unsubstantiated reports by people with no working knowledge of such things, then sure. However, if you do a little digging in regards to the CDC, you'll find that many of these fibers HAVE been identified as common household materials (cotton, etc).

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:18 AM

edit on 6-4-2015 by PragmaticMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: neveroddoreven99

The Carnicom Institute is dedicated to researching and finding cures for Morgellons. Morgellons specifically targets those with A negative blood. It destroys the hydrogen bond changing our DNA weakening our immune system to the point where we contract other diseases that mask the underlying cause.
It replicates via electricity.It is literally changing our bodies ability to fight disease. The red blood cells are particularly being assaulted.
There is no single method of transmission for it is in our air ,water and soil.
The Carnicom Institute is your best bet for reliable information.
Love to all!

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: neveroddoreven99
a reply to: abe froman
If by "dig into it" you mean read unsubstantiated reports by people with no working knowledge of such things, then sure. However, if you do a little digging in regards to the CDC, you'll find that many of these fibers HAVE been identified as common household materials (cotton, etc).

If you do a little digging in regards to the CDC you will find a screen print of a page the CDC removed from their website which confirms Morgellon's is real and links it to trisonomy in a particular gene ( I don't remember which one).

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 01:00 PM
A yeast infection, such as candida, might be a cause in some cases.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: chardonnay

The Carnicom Institute is dedicated to researching and finding cures for Morgellons

Actually the Carnicom Institute is laughable, as he said he had the cure to the Morgellons disease but obviously he doesn't.

The Carnicom Institute is your best bet for reliable information.

I think you missed a word, but here I fixed it for you.

" The Carnicom Institute is not your best bet for reliable information "

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: abe froman

If you do a little digging in regards to the CDC you will find a screen print of a page the CDC removed from their website which confirms Morgellon's is real and links it to trisonomy in a particular gene ( I don't remember which one).

And yet we have other folks not just the CDC doing tests on so called Morgellons Disease, as we see here...

The conclusion for their tests.

We undertook a detailed microscopic and molecular study of North American MD patients to investigate the presence of borrelial spirochetes systemically and in dermatological specimens. Based on culture, histology, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and molecular testing, we present extensive evidence for spirochetal infection in MD patients. Our study confirms that MD is a true somatic illness associated with Lyme disease. The proposed clinical classification scheme for MD should aid in the diagnosis and treatment of this complex illness.

And I guarantee you won't find a paper, or anything that shows the CDC saying Morgellons is real, but feel free to provide that if you can find it.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 05:52 PM
The disease is absolutely real. I do not understand the reasoning of those who state it is psychosomatic, or just plain fake. Idiotic if you ask me, considering there is plenty of documented evidence proving the condition is real. And yes, the fibers were analyzed, against the database of all known fibers in existence, yet there is no match. The fibers are obviously being produced by the body. And like someone else stated, this disease is not new, and was around before the internet. What really upsets me is the fact that doctors and scientists, who are educated individuals, do not first analyze the evidence before forming a conclusion, but instead automatically dismiss the claims. There are very few medical scientists pursuing an answer to this disease, and it is ridiculous. Science has many shortcomings, and almost all of them stem from individual scientists deviating from the scientific method by allowing their personal opinions to infect the subject in question.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 06:30 PM
You want a real internet spread disease? Check out gender fluidity and cutting.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 12:30 AM
a repllon
I`m sorry you have difficulty understanding the Carnicom Institute`s studies concerning Morgellons/
They are very precise and scientific and I must admit a little difficult for the layman to understand, but laughable
they are not.

Just because you don`t understand something or it hasn`t happened to you or you haven`t seen it, doesn`t make
it non-existent. You must widen your scope of acquiring knowledge to include anything and everything as a via-
ble possibility and only then can you form a valid opinion.: tsurfer2000h

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 12:50 AM
I think it's telling that the sufferers of this "disease" make great strides in recovery when they are given decent psychological treatment. The problem is that with many of these kinds of diseases, the person inflicted tends to become extremely psychologically resistant to the treatment, perhaps fearing that they'll be labeled as psychologically abnormal or weak. After all, even in this day and age, wouldn't you rather be thought of as having a rare and mysterious disease than suffering from a strong delusion?

That's really the sad part. Not the supposed failure of the medical establishment to discover a cause or cure.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 02:14 AM
Have any of you researched the increase in fatalities of microbiologists,astronomers,nuclear physicists,military
personnel,UFO researchers,reporters and just scientists in general?Take your blinders off and
look at the facts within the last ten years.Morgellons is just a small but significant part
of the picture. Something Wicked This Way Comes.

posted on Apr, 7 2015 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: chardonnay

I`m sorry you have difficulty understanding the Carnicom Institute`s studies concerning Morgellons/

You do understand this isn't the first time I have heard of Cliff Carnicom and his so called institute. The man is a computer specialist he has no background in medical research and his top adviser is a chiropractor, so to say I don't know anything about what they do is as laughable as his institute.

They are very precise and scientific and I must admit a little difficult for the layman to understand, but laughable
they are not.

Precise and scientific...Are you Cliff Carnicom.

Just because you don`t understand something or it hasn`t happened to you or you haven`t seen it, doesn`t make
it non-existent.

I understand it and so do the real medical professionals that have done their research unlike the Carnicom Institute that has little to no credibility as a research institute.

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 04:11 AM
This is a psychological illness, I think. Brought about by media/people who thinks can manipulate mind of the they thought of "weak ones". Thus, resulting to Nocebo Effect triggering the individual to believe such idea which does not actually exist at all.
edit on 17-4-2015 by SummerHaze because: (no reason given)

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