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Inside Morgellons, the Internet's Disease

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posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:25 PM
Well, it seems to be the fine folks at the CDC have determined Morgellon's disease to be nothing more than a delusion , the "Slenderman" of epidemics.

Joni Mitchell was hospitalized this week, but the songwriter has been sick for years. She has described her debilitating illness as “a slow, unpredictable killer–a terrorist disease. It will blow up one of your organs, leaving you in bed for a year.” Yet doctors have described this same illness as an internet meme, a delusion spread online.

What about all the fibers that sufferers have documented, photographed, and collected?

Didn't the FBI analyze Morgellon's fibers and find themselves unable to identify them?

Or was Morgellon's simply discredited because some tried to tie the disease to the chemtrail phenomenon?

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: abe froman
morgellons is the strangest malady there is.
i studied it several years ago and it is just plain weird.
its very real but i dont get it or understand it at all.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:51 PM
"Internet disease" my left foot!. I heard about this in a magazine in the pre-WWW days circa 1991.

I really hope Joni makes it thru, I have lost so many inspirational people in recent times. Sending love your way Joni

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 11:07 PM
They are possibly trying to lump it with schizophrenia with which you can also have sensations of things crawling under your skin,itching etc,with schizophrenia it is psychosomatic there are no physical manifestations like with morgellons; the plan may well be that the CDC is going to recommend antipsychotics for treatment which like schizophrenia wont cure it but will make a bloody fortune for the drug companies.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 11:28 PM
I've always wondered if, perhaps, the disease is a biological response to magnetic fields.

I have never done legitimate research.

What if it is the body attempting to adapt. What if these fibers are a bio-mechanical response. I would like to know the electrical conductivity of these fibers.

I do not have a biology degree or a mechanical engineering degree.

All conjecture using very,VERY limited information

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 11:51 PM
Well Abe, This sorta sounds like how Doctors treated Migraine Sufferers for years. They made their patients feel like they were nuts, that it was all in the mind and was not physiological at all. Until it was discovered that migraines were caused by a long term low level viral infection. In their minds, Yeah Right! Good thread and S&F
Arjunanda. a reply to: abe froman

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 12:21 AM
Poor Joni Mitchell. A great creative mind, but now obviously quite unhinged. Perhaps she should join ATS; she'll find lots of like-minded company here.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: abe froman

Morgellons is emphatically not accepted by the medical community. In fact, many doctors and researchers credit the internet with creating the conditions to spread Morgellons self-diagnoses as a kind of digital folie a deux. “It seems to be a socially transmitted disease over the Internet,” mass delusional specialist (yup, that’s a thing) Robert E. Bartholomew told the Los Angeles Times in 2006.

I've never heard of this and this is the second paragraph from your link.

Do you have any facts to confirm this is a real disease?

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: abe froman
Hope and Pray these CDC people come down with it. My Dad has it and he does not do the web CDC morons.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 01:01 AM
It's a black military project gone wrong from the beginning, with no congressional oversight, no one to ask since no one will be able to tell you anything, except maybe one or two gents inside the pentagon, but to make them talk you would need to (hypothetically) take them somewhere and do a little bit of kneecap drilling to get them to "loosen up" and talk about it.

This assumes you would know which person to even get to begin with.

I remember hearing about someone who took a lab report in hand to someone in the military and they were told to forget about it, unless they never wanted to see their family again.

It's a very high tech infection of Nano tech married to organic biology and is said to incorporate some percentage of non human technology. Of course this is hearsay, but that's about the most anyone has on it.

The only way to get revenge would require storming the pentagon and doing random judge and jury, and sentencing sessions.. Theoretically speaking.
But regardless of what any person can ever do, those who unleashed this will be very likely judged. I would rather be a victim of this whatever it is than one of those responsible for it.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 01:08 AM
a reply to: rockintitz

Do you have any facts to confirm this is a real disease?

It is not a real disease.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

Do you have any proof it's not a real disease?
(Not playin favorites yo)
edit on 4-4-2015 by rockintitz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: rockintitz

As you know, it is impossible to prove that something isn't something.

However, years of failed attempts to prove that Morgellons Disease is something tell their own story.

I can't prove that fairies don't exist, either, but what do you reckon?

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 01:28 AM
I hear all the time of "things" that cannot be identified under a microscope, so they must be parts of a new disease...

The fact is for anyone who have done some serious work with a microscope, there is alway full of things that cannot be identified with a microscope. Try some dirt or some degenerate cells! There is a reason we call this contamination, sh*t or garbage.

However I would be interested about birefringence microscopy of those fiber, very easy way to differenciate between lots of stuff like artificial fiber and pseudohyphae. Any such analysis being done on some specimen?

Any standard stains (coloration) done?
edit on 2015-4-4 by PeterMcFly because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 01:44 AM
I lean towards it being both physiological in origin as well as somewhat psychological. Basically, I don't doubt it exists, I just have a real strong feeling it's directly tied to sensory input & subsequent processing.
Think about it, the more you focus on something irritating or unpleasant, the worse it gets if you keep fixating. What if Morgellons is the same in this sense, say you get a splinter you're unaware of that eventually is rejected from or absorbed into the body & broken down, but the nerves keep telling you it's there, thus the never-ending feeling of something in you. Morgellons could be a miswiring of nerves regarding foreign objects in the body, quite simply. Psychosomatic affects would likely be a side of that persistent feeling.

Right now, I see it going through the same BS as people with CFS did (and to a degree, still do -- it's NOT merely in our heads) It's little understood now, but given time, I'm pretty certain Morgellons will be found to be a sensory disorder of sorts.

Edit: As for the fibers, I'd have to wager a guess that it's entirely possible, even with the above possibility, that they too are of physiological origin. We have a lot of genes we don't fully understand yet, I'd love to see what going over the genes of Morgellons sufferers would turn up. Something odd may be switched on, producing something we're unfamiliar with.
edit on 4/4/2015 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 03:30 AM
If you really dig into it, Magellon's gets really weird. Nanotech, etc. I posted a thread around two years ago Morgellon's disease and nano technology after a few blunders (it being one of my earliest threads) we finally get to links showing some evidence of nanotech possibly playing a role. Even to the point where some of the debris ejected through the wounds of Morgellon's sufferers displayed microscopic writing and numbers.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: abe froman

Even to the point where some of the debris ejected through the wounds of Morgellon's sufferers displayed microscopic writing and numbers.

You won't mind providing link to such photomicrograph? I think I already saw it but want to be sure before commenting.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: PeterMcFlyClick the link in my previous post and scroll down.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:03 AM

“It seems to be a socially transmitted disease over the Internet,” mass delusional specialist (yup, that’s a thing) Robert E. Bartholomew told the Los Angeles Times in 2006.

I wonder if this mass delusional specialist acknowledges any of the mass delusions that totally permeates and governs most aspects of modern society. What by any sane measure constitutes a severely delusional mass psychosis. Oh how I would've liked to see his little pedantic bubble punctured in the dread night, his mind forever after reeling.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: khnum

In all honesty, this was huge, for ATS, years ago and really inexplicably has gone absent largely since then. Also since then I've gone into medicine. And with the obviously increased internet presence since then, and significantly less information about it, on ATS even, it really has to be bunk. As knowledge is increasing, this just happened to go underground? By even its supporters? There's been more on big foot the last couple years, even on C2C.
edit on 4-4-2015 by ghaleon12 because: (no reason given)

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