Both young men and young women see our cultures current trajectory, VERY CLEARLY.
Are they more self absorbed than previous generations and a little naive about their ability to influenced political change? Yes. But make no
mistake, they know exactly where our country is headed and both marriage and children have no place in it.
I've said all of what I am about to say before and I've gotten a LOT of flak in the process, but YOUNG people know all of it to be true and are
opting-out of the system by any means they can imagine, despite having little real-world experience. Millennials and young X'ers have essentially
chosen a solution to their problems that requires no changes in current law and no support from the politicians running the current system and most
folks over 40 hate that solution.
Newborn babies, legal immigrants and illegal immigrants destroy the wage negotiating power of the 99% and the 1% know this. Children born today, WILL
be both jobless and skill-less labor in the near future. People should be discouraged from making more people. When there are no more legal or illegal
immigrants and no more “newborn biological DNA babies”, Americans would see both increased wages and a reduction in prices for vital goods &
services, due to decreased demand (assuming the supply and demand principle is actually true within the USA economy). Regular people have run out of
options, we must now actively choose to stop feeding the “industrial complex” with more bodies, ready to labor for less and less. To believe any
different is simply naive. Millennials despite having no real-world experience, instinctively know this is the answer. What we have in 2015, is an
overabundance of labor on the market. The 1% use this fact to artificially drive down the wages of the 99%.
The “owners of capital” have already decided, FOR US REGULAR PEOPLE, that there are going to be LESS jobs available in the NEAR future, due to
increased automation and modern, corporate, labor cost-cutting measures. These measures will affect and include ALL contract work, ALL self-employment
opportunities and ALL small businesses, NOT JUST payroll laborers.
So, I ask again, where do newborn children fit into that plan, circa 2015?
The answer is NONE.
From the Millenial view, as a typical “wage-slaves”, the answer is, newborn babies, legal immigrants and illegal immigrants, destroy the wage
negotiating power of the 99%. Children born today, WILL be both jobless and skill-less labor in the near future. Basically we have TOO many people
being born and not enough desire on the behalf of the “owners of capital” to employ them all for the sake of having a stable and safe civilization
to live in day to day. The Owners of Capital want more people born, not simply for “growing the future tax base”, but for the true purpose of
DECREASING overall wages for everyone. More people MEANS less jobs and pay per person, affecting even the educated and highly skilled. Its actually
quite simple for the peons/peasants of the world to start having more say in how the world is run. Simply don’t have children, nor support those
having children. The result will be soaring wages and diverse employment options expanding for all. Taxing those without kids more is a subconscious
way to influence the birth of more kids, by punishing those whom are abstaining from having kids in their own best FINANCIAL interests, while also not
giving into the desires for increased populations coveted by both government and large corporations.
Its easier to “pay less” or “nothing at all” to contracted or indentured “labor” when there is another willing laborer/slave waiting in
the wings to do the work for less or nothing at all. Its actually quite simple, if those not in the 1% refused to get married or have babies, from
here on out & blocked any future immigration, the 1% would very quickly need to raise wages. Otherwise nothing the 1% want to get “worked on”
would ever get done. When low-wage/low-skilled labor becomes scarce in the larger market, wages go up.
In the past when there wasn’t enough money to go around to pay both wages & PROFITS, the “owners of capital” simply brought in more indentured
servant immigrants (Irish, Italians, Chinese, etc) or used flat out slave labor (Blacks, Native Americans, domestic prisoners, POW’s, etc). The only
difference between now and then is that “owners of capital” can’t LEGALLY have slaves or indentured servants, BUT they have the same pressures
as before, to keep their high wages flowing and laborers working, even when there isn’t enough “PIE” to go around to pay those laborers for
services rendered. The mechanisms today that replaces slaves and indentured servants are the following: longer than needed formal education for basic
employment, off-shoring of labor, forced retirement, prisoners and welfare.
The largest “recorded” wage increase to happen in history, for non-land owing, wage-laborers, post the introduction of fiat currency, was after
the black death pandemic, in the 14th century, especially in post-pandemic England.
How is that possible?
Because “the owners of capital”, post-black-death-pandemic still needed wage-laborers, but there was a HUGE shortage of able bodied people. So, in
order for ANY work to get done, they had to pay the peasants and other undesirables more money, SIGNIFICANTLY MORE. This principle is still at work
today, when you take the time to recognize that sizable portions of the population are actively discouraged from participating in the full-time labor
market. This is easily done, by throwing people in prison, forcing them to attend formal school longer and allowing more people to claim themselves as
disabled or collect long/short term welfare. The next obvious step for government to further reduce the number of people participating in the
full-time labor market is to allow them easier access to welfare, or as some have been recommending lately, a guaranteed minimum wage/allowance that
everyone gets, without having to provide labor to an employer first. This above noted cohort of non-participants collecting a base amount of
guaranteed welfare/allowance, will likely keep wages stable for those whom are still working full-time. If all people capable of working full-time,
entered the job market simultaneously, wages would crash and to a certain extent have, as of 2015.
Contrary to popular, academic and authoritative opinions, history has already proved my above inference to be VERY effective against the quest of the
1% to drive down wages. Hence, if people NOT in the 1%, refused to get married and/or have babies from here on out & aggressively blocked any future
immigration, both legal and illegal, the 1% would very quickly need to raise wages for non-land owing/peasants/undesirables/wage-laborers, etc.
Otherwise nothing the 1% want to get “worked on” would ever get done. When low-wage/low-skilled labor becomes scarce in the larger market, wages
go up, FOR EVERYBODY. For us the peasants, “self induced labor shortages” is one of the few ways to get the “owners of capital” to pay
attention and start offering higher wages for services rendered. The formation of Unions also has a similar effect, but Americans have already voted
against their interests in that respect. All they have left now, to negotiate with, is making less babies and stopping both legal & illegal
edit on 3-4-2015 by boohoo because: (no reason given)