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When Accusations Of Racial Profiling Is Uttter BS:

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posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 04:16 AM

Empire Actress Apologizes For Racial Profiling Accusations

Taraji P. Henson just gave a public mea culpa, profusely apologizing to a police officer she accused of racism.
The "Empire" actress had accused a Glendale cop of profiling her son during a traffic stop, but the Glendale PD blew her claim out of the water by releasing dash cam video of the stop, and the cop could not have been nicer. In fact, he let Taraji's son, Marcel Johnson, skate on a traffic violation and possession of Ritalin without a prescription.
Taraji now says, "I would like to publicly apologize to the officer and the Glendale Police Department. A mother's job is not easy and neither is a police officer's."
She adds, "Sometimes as humans WE overreact without gathering all of the facts. As a mother in this case I overreacted and for that I apologize."
Our translation ... Marcel probably wasn't exactly straight with his mom on what went down.
Taraji ends by saying, "Thank you to that officer for being kind to my son."
Smart move.

Read more:

We have real problems in racial profiling, we certainly don't need made up BS from rich spoil bratty Black kids and their moms making sh!t-up, the way society works is, it is very hard to get many people, lets not beat around the bush here, "white people" who are not victims of profiling to believe you, sometimes with issues that had deadly consequences, in away it's kinda like the girl who wrongly accused some dude of rape and had to walk it this case the cop and the department should sue her/them for liable.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 04:31 AM
i think she is full of poop.
The kid didn't stop at a traffic light, was smoking weed and had ritalin on him. i mean come on.
And in her apology she talks about over reacting, that to me translates as "i played victim to get my son out of a jam."
she could have requested the dash cam footage under the FOIA and have a more educated opinion but she went with this nonsense instead

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: Spider879

It seems that this is a programmed response by those in the minority in America. It was even her first response to her son being held for Ritalin with no prescription, having pot confiscated, and a traffic violation! Her first response was that her son was innocent and that the cop was a racist? That makes zero sense logically. Her son was not ticketed or harmed or even told to get out of the car, and yet her first reaction is call Al Sharpton. She would have had to have zero facts besides that her son was pulled over, to make such a claim and feel remorse for it once she got one more fact than the zero she had prior.

Is racial profiling illegal to begin with? Is it immoral to have stereotypes? A belief of charachter judged by others similar to them can really save time with those who don't want to talk to you. It's how the brain works, makes assumptions that we either discredit over time or keep that assumption and not care to find out if it's right. We all do even if they are not bad, but they single out a race over an individual.

Also, profiling a race is not racist. It is a tool used especially by homicide detectives to find a specific subject. If there were no racial profiling, there would be no difference between race, and yet statistics show different. If there is a serial killer on the loose, 25-35 White Male, educated, not too many friends, etc. That's racist to presume he's a young white guy, yet by average it probably is, so that's where the investigation starts until more info comes in. You see 8 black guys sitting on a street corner in a rundown neighborhood counting wads of cash, acting suspicious, and staring you down. It's racist to say they are up to no good "started making trouble in the neighborhood," when it's not racist to think, "They must have an outstanding valet service, I must park with them." And that is where racial profiling can help you from giving your car to a criminal.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: iDope

But from my POV minorities and we are talking largely of Blacks and Hispanics here who do not live in up-scaled communities are indeed harassed and while the majority of people living in such communities are not criminals they are treated as such, but this kid live not only in a non depressed community he lived in among the most upscaled ,I posted a thread recently about a woman in the Bronx who called the cops to have a chat with her son that took money out her wallet,kid's about 9 or something and one cop was very abusive towards her, but the majority of response here on ATS was hostile and unbelieving of her story, in this case they would go seee!!! all lies all the time nothing to see here.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Spider879

The problem with this type of crap is that there will be people who only heard the first accusation and will believe that for the rest of their lives and use that to form opinions on police officers.

This happens way more than we realize, and it happen here on ATS quite often as well by people who think they understand the law or the training of LEOs and ramble on about this or that excessive force, or this or that violation of a freedom. Yes, it absolutely does happen from time to time, but I'd bet that nearly half of the posts on here that discuss excessive force or brutality don't have the whole story (like this actress) and don't have the knowledge of the legal system to make an intelligent assessment.

But, sadly, the gears will keep on cranking in the same way. I bet this actress still thinks Mike Brown had his hands up in a surrender.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: iDope

But from my POV minorities and we are talking largely of Blacks and Hispanics here who do not live in up-scaled communities are indeed harassed and while the majority of people living in such communities are not criminals they are treated as such, but this kid live not only in a non depressed community he lived in among the most upscaled ,I posted a thread recently about a woman in the Bronx who called the cops to have a chat with her son that took money out her wallet,kid's about 9 or something and one cop was very abusive towards her, but the majority of response here on ATS was hostile and unbelieving of her story, in this case they would go seee!!! all lies all the time nothing to see here.

You're correct, more depressed and impovershed communities are treated as criminals, harshly at times, a mere rolling through a stop sign could get the right race and age the right to search and seize property, and if nothing is found then it will be planted while the suspect sits on curb or back of car. And jail time is highly lopsided among the wealthy and poor (poor get imprisoned at higher rates and often for longer sentences), so it's not just race but also (as always) about wealth. More whites are arrested per year than blacks and mexicans combined, but young black males are arrested at a higher rate than any other race. So is it because that young black men committ more crimes on average, or is it because they are arrested as innocents and jailed as innocent?

Sure police use racial profiling, if they see a young black male walking around at night, he will be stopped before a black man in his 50's; if it's a mostly black neighborhood, maybe just observed for a bit and drive off, if in a mostly white neighborhood, he would likley be asked what his business was there and where he was going. If he is not a criminal and doesn't have the mentality that everyone is out to get him and police are all evil and racist, then he will give a good reason without being suspicious, not just run cause he is scared of flashing lights; if he was going to committ a crime or just did, profiling works and stopping that individual was for good reason. Goes for any teens walking out late night when compared to older people. Teens will get stopped no matter the race. Is it fair? No, but it's hard to prevent crimes by just waiting for them to happen, then hoping the suspect is found someday.

I have friends that have hard time getting and keeping jobs only because the way they talk, act, and even body language. I tell them, "Look, you work in retail-food-hospitality-service, you have to treat people/customers/employees you hate like you enjoy them, or ignore them the best you can. Smile, nod, go about your day. Get off work, do whatever you want just don't bring it even close to work. Noone wants to see your boxers, noone wants to hear your loud opinions on everything, no customer wants to hear curse word after curse word or sexist comments, everyone has to deal with it, not just you cause you are (insert race), noone is truly allowed to be themself at a normal job (no piercings, cover tattoos, trimed nails, dress code, nice language, etc.) So it's not that they are discrimminated against, it's because they recieve criticism from their boss to change something at work and they get upset like it violates their rights, spurt that the boss is racist, and either quit or get fired later for not changing.

Same thing with criminals. Many small time traffic tickets and such, cops give warnings, tell a party to be quiet, yell at a guy for smacking his woman, but if the action keeps occuring, then that person will not get off easy and likley will be stereotyped as some type of criminal based on record.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse

Either she went out of here way to exaggerate the events entirely, her son did not fully explain to her exactly where he was at fault, or she didn't read the ticket closely. I suspect all three.

Oh, god, can't we get beyond these media-made celebrities getting their views, travels and bodies stuck into our faces 24/7?
I rarely watch TV, but the problem for me is not TV, but so-called "news" on the computer. Maybe there are blocking programs that I can enlist to keep the K family and many others away from dogging my screen when I'm after real news. It is not enough to simply skip the story. It leaves a residual burn from the headline alone.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

Empire Actress Apologizes For Racial Profiling Accusations

Taraji P. Henson just gave a public mea culpa, profusely apologizing to a police officer she accused of racism.
The "Empire" actress had accused a Glendale cop of profiling her son during a traffic stop, but the Glendale PD blew her claim out of the water by releasing dash cam video of the stop, and the cop could not have been nicer. In fact, he let Taraji's son, Marcel Johnson, skate on a traffic violation and possession of Ritalin without a prescription.
Taraji now says, "I would like to publicly apologize to the officer and the Glendale Police Department. A mother's job is not easy and neither is a police officer's."
She adds, "Sometimes as humans WE overreact without gathering all of the facts. As a mother in this case I overreacted and for that I apologize."
Our translation ... Marcel probably wasn't exactly straight with his mom on what went down.
Taraji ends by saying, "Thank you to that officer for being kind to my son."
Smart move.

Read more:

We have real problems in racial profiling, we certainly don't need made up BS from rich spoil bratty Black kids and their moms making sh!t-up, the way society works is, it is very hard to get many people, lets not beat around the bush here, "white people" who are not victims of profiling to believe you, sometimes with issues that had deadly consequences, in away it's kinda like the girl who wrongly accused some dude of rape and had to walk it this case the cop and the department should sue her/them for liable.

Exactly, real racism and racial profiling exist.

However, when people falsely accuse people of it, or pull the race card to manipulate or get out of something, they actually harm and disrespect those who actually experience real racism/profiling, because it diminishes the credibility of honest people saying the same thing. Moreover, this also provides fuel for all of the people who deny that there is real racial profiling.
edit on 31-3-2015 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: iDope
a reply to: Spider879

It seems that this is a programmed response by those in the minority in America. It was even her first response to her son being held for Ritalin with no prescription, having pot confiscated, and a traffic violation! Her first response was that her son was innocent and that the cop was a racist? That makes zero sense logically. Her son was not ticketed or harmed or even told to get out of the car, and yet her first reaction is call Al Sharpton. She would have had to have zero facts besides that her son was pulled over, to make such a claim and feel remorse for it once she got one more fact than the zero she had prior.

Is racial profiling illegal to begin with? Is it immoral to have stereotypes? A belief of charachter judged by others similar to them can really save time with those who don't want to talk to you. It's how the brain works, makes assumptions that we either discredit over time or keep that assumption and not care to find out if it's right. We all do even if they are not bad, but they single out a race over an individual.

Also, profiling a race is not racist. It is a tool used especially by homicide detectives to find a specific subject. If there were no racial profiling, there would be no difference between race, and yet statistics show different. If there is a serial killer on the loose, 25-35 White Male, educated, not too many friends, etc. That's racist to presume he's a young white guy, yet by average it probably is, so that's where the investigation starts until more info comes in. You see 8 black guys sitting on a street corner in a rundown neighborhood counting wads of cash, acting suspicious, and staring you down. It's racist to say they are up to no good "started making trouble in the neighborhood," when it's not racist to think, "They must have an outstanding valet service, I must park with them." And that is where racial profiling can help you from giving your car to a criminal.

The thing is, yes, many minorities are paranoid about racism or bigotry. And yes, sometimes the race card is pulled prematurely.

The reason for that fear, however, is several centuries of abject racism, oppression, and so on. You probably would feel the same way if you or your ancestors had experienced that.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

The thing is, yes, many minorities are paranoid about racism or bigotry. And yes, sometimes the race card is pulled prematurely. The reason for that fear, however, is several centuries of abject racism, oppression, and so on. You probably would feel the same way if you or your ancestors had experienced that.

Being paranoid of racism and bigotry is like being paranoid that it might rain someday. That's like saying I won't ride the city bus because a white man may call me black or negro so I'll listen to my hate rap that continues the cycle of violence and crime subversivley. Or I won't even apply to these jobs in this area of the city because I'm a minority and I might not get treated fair. Or, it could be used as an advantage without pulling the race card every time a majority race makes you feel singled out.

If there is white on black injustice or crime, it's a consistent cycle of pointing fingers at racism, blacks always calling everything racist if it doesn't fit their idea of just, yet very few even know the true details besides what is on the TV; so the just thing to do is to loot stores, burn them down, beat up innocent citizens, join the mob mentality and do as everyone does. Countless blacks sticking up for their race, uniting together to defeat the man, yet few are calling for integration of race, many resort to fighting and violence to spread the word that they are no more violent than others. Black on white Black on gay Black on Mexican crime goes unnoticed unless it is gang oriented because it is status quo for this violence and noone is making a huge racist statement over it.

And slavery has been abolished in the U.S. for over 150 years. So it is unlikely that anyone has a direct connection with any family member that was a slave in the U.S. Racism and oppression exists in every country, there is no end in the near future unfortunatley.
Spanning back to the first record of slaves being used, if each of your ancestors lived an average of 70 years you would have 55 ancestoral lifespans consisting of 110 people (man/woman).
I'm pretty confident that throughout history, each one of us has an ancestor that was in some way a slave. from 18th century B.C. in Babylon, Then Greece, Then Rome, Egypt, British, all of Asia had slaves of some sort, Africans enslaved Africans, Germans enslaved 6 million jews, caste systems ensure oppression no matter race, 29 million people approx today are sold illegaly through trafficking.
Thrown in jail for religious persecution and there are even more forced slaves.
It would be appropriate for Kanye West to talk to this cop, tell him that the kid deserves a ticket cause he earned it.

If a white dude was shopping at a Phat Farm or FUBU type store, you think he would get treated like the black shoppers? In order for racial bigotry to stop, all sides need to ellicit kindness and acceptance, everyone to everyone, if everyone was nice and passing love and positivity, brothers and sisters is all we really are genetically, there would be no reason to have a hatred towards anyone. Yet, hate is an accepted emotion and violence is accepted as a reaction to anger. Just like wars no problems are ever solved.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: iDope

For truth most BLK folks don't sit around bemoaning slavery in of itself, what they do have a problem with is the post slavery attitude that persist in many quarters, but for this Blk really want to move beyond it but can't,long standing attitudes and practices by many makes that very difficult,look slavery is depressing you really think most Blk folk would rather wake up in the morning thinking daaamn that slavery thing is really bugging me right now or is it a thousand and one daily little insults or reminders that you are not like everybody else, that make them feel the way they do.
edit on 31-3-2015 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: iDope
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

The thing is, yes, many minorities are paranoid about racism or bigotry. And yes, sometimes the race card is pulled prematurely. The reason for that fear, however, is several centuries of abject racism, oppression, and so on. You probably would feel the same way if you or your ancestors had experienced that.

Being paranoid of racism and bigotry is like being paranoid that it might rain someday. That's like saying I won't ride the city bus because a white man may call me black or negro so I'll listen to my hate rap that continues the cycle of violence and crime subversivley. Or I won't even apply to these jobs in this area of the city because I'm a minority and I might not get treated fair. Or, it could be used as an advantage without pulling the race card every time a majority race makes you feel singled out.

If there is white on black injustice or crime, it's a consistent cycle of pointing fingers at racism, blacks always calling everything racist if it doesn't fit their idea of just, yet very few even know the true details besides what is on the TV; so the just thing to do is to loot stores, burn them down, beat up innocent citizens, join the mob mentality and do as everyone does. Countless blacks sticking up for their race, uniting together to defeat the man, yet few are calling for integration of race, many resort to fighting and violence to spread the word that they are no more violent than others. Black on white Black on gay Black on Mexican crime goes unnoticed unless it is gang oriented because it is status quo for this violence and noone is making a huge racist statement over it.

And slavery has been abolished in the U.S. for over 150 years. So it is unlikely that anyone has a direct connection with any family member that was a slave in the U.S. Racism and oppression exists in every country, there is no end in the near future unfortunatley.
Spanning back to the first record of slaves being used, if each of your ancestors lived an average of 70 years you would have 55 ancestoral lifespans consisting of 110 people (man/woman).
I'm pretty confident that throughout history, each one of us has an ancestor that was in some way a slave. from 18th century B.C. in Babylon, Then Greece, Then Rome, Egypt, British, all of Asia had slaves of some sort, Africans enslaved Africans, Germans enslaved 6 million jews, caste systems ensure oppression no matter race, 29 million people approx today are sold illegaly through trafficking.
Thrown in jail for religious persecution and there are even more forced slaves.
It would be appropriate for Kanye West to talk to this cop, tell him that the kid deserves a ticket cause he earned it.

If a white dude was shopping at a Phat Farm or FUBU type store, you think he would get treated like the black shoppers? In order for racial bigotry to stop, all sides need to ellicit kindness and acceptance, everyone to everyone, if everyone was nice and passing love and positivity, brothers and sisters is all we really are genetically, there would be no reason to have a hatred towards anyone. Yet, hate is an accepted emotion and violence is accepted as a reaction to anger. Just like wars no problems are ever solved.

I agree that there is racism or bigotry towards whites too.

I agree that many other groups have been enslaved or experienced bigotry, for sure.

The main difference is that within the US Blacks experienced slavery much more recently, which DOES have socio-economic impacts still felt today. Moreover, Blacks experienced such racist laws as Jim Crow and also prejudicial housing laws in various states in the last 80 years. So much so that there are still people alive who experienced those things.

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14

originally posted by: iDope
a reply to: Spider879

It seems that this is a programmed response by those in the minority in America. It was even her first response to her son being held for Ritalin with no prescription, having pot confiscated, and a traffic violation! Her first response was that her son was innocent and that the cop was a racist? That makes zero sense logically. Her son was not ticketed or harmed or even told to get out of the car, and yet her first reaction is call Al Sharpton. She would have had to have zero facts besides that her son was pulled over, to make such a claim and feel remorse for it once she got one more fact than the zero she had prior.

Is racial profiling illegal to begin with? Is it immoral to have stereotypes? A belief of charachter judged by others similar to them can really save time with those who don't want to talk to you. It's how the brain works, makes assumptions that we either discredit over time or keep that assumption and not care to find out if it's right. We all do even if they are not bad, but they single out a race over an individual.

Also, profiling a race is not racist. It is a tool used especially by homicide detectives to find a specific subject. If there were no racial profiling, there would be no difference between race, and yet statistics show different. If there is a serial killer on the loose, 25-35 White Male, educated, not too many friends, etc. That's racist to presume he's a young white guy, yet by average it probably is, so that's where the investigation starts until more info comes in. You see 8 black guys sitting on a street corner in a rundown neighborhood counting wads of cash, acting suspicious, and staring you down. It's racist to say they are up to no good "started making trouble in the neighborhood," when it's not racist to think, "They must have an outstanding valet service, I must park with them." And that is where racial profiling can help you from giving your car to a criminal.

The thing is, yes, many minorities are paranoid about racism or bigotry. And yes, sometimes the race card is pulled prematurely.

The reason for that fear, however, is several centuries of abject racism, oppression, and so on. You probably would feel the same way if you or your ancestors had experienced that.

My ancestors were enslaved by Muslim Ottomans, does that mean I'm actually ok to view Muslims with distrust and hatred?

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14

originally posted by: iDope
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

The thing is, yes, many minorities are paranoid about racism or bigotry. And yes, sometimes the race card is pulled prematurely. The reason for that fear, however, is several centuries of abject racism, oppression, and so on. You probably would feel the same way if you or your ancestors had experienced that.

Being paranoid of racism and bigotry is like being paranoid that it might rain someday. That's like saying I won't ride the city bus because a white man may call me black or negro so I'll listen to my hate rap that continues the cycle of violence and crime subversivley. Or I won't even apply to these jobs in this area of the city because I'm a minority and I might not get treated fair. Or, it could be used as an advantage without pulling the race card every time a majority race makes you feel singled out.

If there is white on black injustice or crime, it's a consistent cycle of pointing fingers at racism, blacks always calling everything racist if it doesn't fit their idea of just, yet very few even know the true details besides what is on the TV; so the just thing to do is to loot stores, burn them down, beat up innocent citizens, join the mob mentality and do as everyone does. Countless blacks sticking up for their race, uniting together to defeat the man, yet few are calling for integration of race, many resort to fighting and violence to spread the word that they are no more violent than others. Black on white Black on gay Black on Mexican crime goes unnoticed unless it is gang oriented because it is status quo for this violence and noone is making a huge racist statement over it.

And slavery has been abolished in the U.S. for over 150 years. So it is unlikely that anyone has a direct connection with any family member that was a slave in the U.S. Racism and oppression exists in every country, there is no end in the near future unfortunatley.
Spanning back to the first record of slaves being used, if each of your ancestors lived an average of 70 years you would have 55 ancestoral lifespans consisting of 110 people (man/woman).
I'm pretty confident that throughout history, each one of us has an ancestor that was in some way a slave. from 18th century B.C. in Babylon, Then Greece, Then Rome, Egypt, British, all of Asia had slaves of some sort, Africans enslaved Africans, Germans enslaved 6 million jews, caste systems ensure oppression no matter race, 29 million people approx today are sold illegaly through trafficking.
Thrown in jail for religious persecution and there are even more forced slaves.
It would be appropriate for Kanye West to talk to this cop, tell him that the kid deserves a ticket cause he earned it.

If a white dude was shopping at a Phat Farm or FUBU type store, you think he would get treated like the black shoppers? In order for racial bigotry to stop, all sides need to ellicit kindness and acceptance, everyone to everyone, if everyone was nice and passing love and positivity, brothers and sisters is all we really are genetically, there would be no reason to have a hatred towards anyone. Yet, hate is an accepted emotion and violence is accepted as a reaction to anger. Just like wars no problems are ever solved.

I agree that there is racism or bigotry towards whites too.

I agree that many other groups have been enslaved or experienced bigotry, for sure.

The main difference is that within the US Blacks experienced slavery much more recently, which DOES have socio-economic impacts still felt today. Moreover, Blacks experienced such racist laws as Jim Crow and also prejudicial housing laws in various states in the last 80 years. So much so that there are still people alive who experienced those things.

I had absolutely nothing to do with Jim Crow laws, nor did my parents have any involvment with their creation or implementation. Why should I feel guilty about what happened to blacks fifty years ago?

I also take it you haven't heard about the black city council woman in Brooklyn New York who wants to know why so many Asians live in Brooklyn and thinks they people in housing projects should be seperated by race. What gives her the right to discriminate against Asians?
edit on 2-4-2015 by chuck258 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: chuck258

originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14

originally posted by: iDope
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

The thing is, yes, many minorities are paranoid about racism or bigotry. And yes, sometimes the race card is pulled prematurely. The reason for that fear, however, is several centuries of abject racism, oppression, and so on. You probably would feel the same way if you or your ancestors had experienced that.

Being paranoid of racism and bigotry is like being paranoid that it might rain someday. That's like saying I won't ride the city bus because a white man may call me black or negro so I'll listen to my hate rap that continues the cycle of violence and crime subversivley. Or I won't even apply to these jobs in this area of the city because I'm a minority and I might not get treated fair. Or, it could be used as an advantage without pulling the race card every time a majority race makes you feel singled out.

If there is white on black injustice or crime, it's a consistent cycle of pointing fingers at racism, blacks always calling everything racist if it doesn't fit their idea of just, yet very few even know the true details besides what is on the TV; so the just thing to do is to loot stores, burn them down, beat up innocent citizens, join the mob mentality and do as everyone does. Countless blacks sticking up for their race, uniting together to defeat the man, yet few are calling for integration of race, many resort to fighting and violence to spread the word that they are no more violent than others. Black on white Black on gay Black on Mexican crime goes unnoticed unless it is gang oriented because it is status quo for this violence and noone is making a huge racist statement over it.

And slavery has been abolished in the U.S. for over 150 years. So it is unlikely that anyone has a direct connection with any family member that was a slave in the U.S. Racism and oppression exists in every country, there is no end in the near future unfortunatley.
Spanning back to the first record of slaves being used, if each of your ancestors lived an average of 70 years you would have 55 ancestoral lifespans consisting of 110 people (man/woman).
I'm pretty confident that throughout history, each one of us has an ancestor that was in some way a slave. from 18th century B.C. in Babylon, Then Greece, Then Rome, Egypt, British, all of Asia had slaves of some sort, Africans enslaved Africans, Germans enslaved 6 million jews, caste systems ensure oppression no matter race, 29 million people approx today are sold illegaly through trafficking.
Thrown in jail for religious persecution and there are even more forced slaves.
It would be appropriate for Kanye West to talk to this cop, tell him that the kid deserves a ticket cause he earned it.

If a white dude was shopping at a Phat Farm or FUBU type store, you think he would get treated like the black shoppers? In order for racial bigotry to stop, all sides need to ellicit kindness and acceptance, everyone to everyone, if everyone was nice and passing love and positivity, brothers and sisters is all we really are genetically, there would be no reason to have a hatred towards anyone. Yet, hate is an accepted emotion and violence is accepted as a reaction to anger. Just like wars no problems are ever solved.

I agree that there is racism or bigotry towards whites too.

I agree that many other groups have been enslaved or experienced bigotry, for sure.

The main difference is that within the US Blacks experienced slavery much more recently, which DOES have socio-economic impacts still felt today. Moreover, Blacks experienced such racist laws as Jim Crow and also prejudicial housing laws in various states in the last 80 years. So much so that there are still people alive who experienced those things.

I had absolutely nothing to do with Jim Crow laws, nor did my parents have any involvment with their creation or implementation. Why should I feel guilty about what happened to blacks fifty years ago?

I also take it you haven't heard about the black city council woman in Brooklyn New York who wants to know why so many Asians live in Brooklyn and thinks they people in housing projects should be seperated by race. What gives her the right to discriminate against Asians?

It's not about YOU! it about a legacy from that era that continues, there is no complete break from the past things have gotten better in some areas in other it remained the same or there are others working to roll back the clock to those so-called "good ol days", and as far as you being distrustful of Turks/Muslims maybe YOU! don't but many Armenians,Greeks, Serbs or who ever still hates and distrust them.
I hadn't heard of the council woman from Blkyn that proposed such a thing but if true she is an idiot and will not rise very far.

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 11:09 PM

originally posted by: chuck258

originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14

originally posted by: iDope
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

The thing is, yes, many minorities are paranoid about racism or bigotry. And yes, sometimes the race card is pulled prematurely. The reason for that fear, however, is several centuries of abject racism, oppression, and so on. You probably would feel the same way if you or your ancestors had experienced that.

Being paranoid of racism and bigotry is like being paranoid that it might rain someday. That's like saying I won't ride the city bus because a white man may call me black or negro so I'll listen to my hate rap that continues the cycle of violence and crime subversivley. Or I won't even apply to these jobs in this area of the city because I'm a minority and I might not get treated fair. Or, it could be used as an advantage without pulling the race card every time a majority race makes you feel singled out.

If there is white on black injustice or crime, it's a consistent cycle of pointing fingers at racism, blacks always calling everything racist if it doesn't fit their idea of just, yet very few even know the true details besides what is on the TV; so the just thing to do is to loot stores, burn them down, beat up innocent citizens, join the mob mentality and do as everyone does. Countless blacks sticking up for their race, uniting together to defeat the man, yet few are calling for integration of race, many resort to fighting and violence to spread the word that they are no more violent than others. Black on white Black on gay Black on Mexican crime goes unnoticed unless it is gang oriented because it is status quo for this violence and noone is making a huge racist statement over it.

And slavery has been abolished in the U.S. for over 150 years. So it is unlikely that anyone has a direct connection with any family member that was a slave in the U.S. Racism and oppression exists in every country, there is no end in the near future unfortunatley.
Spanning back to the first record of slaves being used, if each of your ancestors lived an average of 70 years you would have 55 ancestoral lifespans consisting of 110 people (man/woman).
I'm pretty confident that throughout history, each one of us has an ancestor that was in some way a slave. from 18th century B.C. in Babylon, Then Greece, Then Rome, Egypt, British, all of Asia had slaves of some sort, Africans enslaved Africans, Germans enslaved 6 million jews, caste systems ensure oppression no matter race, 29 million people approx today are sold illegaly through trafficking.
Thrown in jail for religious persecution and there are even more forced slaves.
It would be appropriate for Kanye West to talk to this cop, tell him that the kid deserves a ticket cause he earned it.

If a white dude was shopping at a Phat Farm or FUBU type store, you think he would get treated like the black shoppers? In order for racial bigotry to stop, all sides need to ellicit kindness and acceptance, everyone to everyone, if everyone was nice and passing love and positivity, brothers and sisters is all we really are genetically, there would be no reason to have a hatred towards anyone. Yet, hate is an accepted emotion and violence is accepted as a reaction to anger. Just like wars no problems are ever solved.

I agree that there is racism or bigotry towards whites too.

I agree that many other groups have been enslaved or experienced bigotry, for sure.

The main difference is that within the US Blacks experienced slavery much more recently, which DOES have socio-economic impacts still felt today. Moreover, Blacks experienced such racist laws as Jim Crow and also prejudicial housing laws in various states in the last 80 years. So much so that there are still people alive who experienced those things.

I had absolutely nothing to do with Jim Crow laws, nor did my parents have any involvment with their creation or implementation. Why should I feel guilty about what happened to blacks fifty years ago?

I also take it you haven't heard about the black city council woman in Brooklyn New York who wants to know why so many Asians live in Brooklyn and thinks they people in housing projects should be seperated by race. What gives her the right to discriminate against Asians?

First, no you should not feel personally guilty about all of it. I am against that. For example, my relatives moved from Sweden around 1900 and were poor farmers there and here. They weren't even around during slavery. And they lived in Minnesota, not in Jim Crow land.

However, what we are responsible for is calling out racist behavior in others AND accepting that some of the problems and anger (some, not all) that minorities are experiencing IS due to some of this oppression. It is all actually completely studied, well researched, peer reviewed, etc, in fields from psychology to economics. We also have to get rid of any subtle racism in our society. Again, you and I, are not personally guilty of any of it.

Third, yes, of course there are racist minorities. This is something I am adamant about, that it is ridiculous to believe that only white people are racist. That viewpoint is racist itself, i.e. "white people are racist and others are not." It seeks to stereotype negatively all white people and put a so-called "positive stereotype" on minorities, which is still inaccurate.

I live in Brooklyn by the way.

posted on Apr, 2 2015 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: chuck258

originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14

originally posted by: iDope
a reply to: Spider879

It seems that this is a programmed response by those in the minority in America. It was even her first response to her son being held for Ritalin with no prescription, having pot confiscated, and a traffic violation! Her first response was that her son was innocent and that the cop was a racist? That makes zero sense logically. Her son was not ticketed or harmed or even told to get out of the car, and yet her first reaction is call Al Sharpton. She would have had to have zero facts besides that her son was pulled over, to make such a claim and feel remorse for it once she got one more fact than the zero she had prior.

Is racial profiling illegal to begin with? Is it immoral to have stereotypes? A belief of charachter judged by others similar to them can really save time with those who don't want to talk to you. It's how the brain works, makes assumptions that we either discredit over time or keep that assumption and not care to find out if it's right. We all do even if they are not bad, but they single out a race over an individual.

Also, profiling a race is not racist. It is a tool used especially by homicide detectives to find a specific subject. If there were no racial profiling, there would be no difference between race, and yet statistics show different. If there is a serial killer on the loose, 25-35 White Male, educated, not too many friends, etc. That's racist to presume he's a young white guy, yet by average it probably is, so that's where the investigation starts until more info comes in. You see 8 black guys sitting on a street corner in a rundown neighborhood counting wads of cash, acting suspicious, and staring you down. It's racist to say they are up to no good "started making trouble in the neighborhood," when it's not racist to think, "They must have an outstanding valet service, I must park with them." And that is where racial profiling can help you from giving your car to a criminal.

The thing is, yes, many minorities are paranoid about racism or bigotry. And yes, sometimes the race card is pulled prematurely.

The reason for that fear, however, is several centuries of abject racism, oppression, and so on. You probably would feel the same way if you or your ancestors had experienced that.

My ancestors were enslaved by Muslim Ottomans, does that mean I'm actually ok to view Muslims with distrust and hatred?

Nope, which is why I tell people that just because some white people were bad to some other group, does not make it okay for a member of said other group to therefore project hatred on to random white people who had nothing to do with the original crime.

As long as someone doesn't do that to me (which some have), I am perfectly willing to sit down for a convo or read an article about racism and it's ills. But yes, if they pull that then it shuts down the convo.

(post by TheCleezeReport removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on May, 12 2015 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: TheCleezeReport
Check this video series

a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Thank you for this.

However, I'm not sure what it has to do with my post. I've been studying history, social justice, and race relations for over a decade now. I actually have worked on a number of social justice initiatives. You are preaching to the choir here.

Re-read my post. It's saying real racism exists. But when some abuse people's feelings around that or "cry wolf," it's a problem.

posted on May, 12 2015 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: Spider879

Holy crap, and he didn't even get ticketed or charged with any of that?

Talk about black privilege!

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