posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 05:00 PM
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Can we get a vote choice, for someone "who is qualified for the job?" The last 8 years have proven to me we need qualified candidates not just
lawyers. If I had to vote I would vote for a governor I suppose.. It is all a farce but I think Jeb Bush, did well in FLA, but damn another bush in
my lifetime? That is how you know this system is all screwed up, it is either bush or Clinton thru-out my existence as a President LOL...
Broken system anyone?
Not to mention both Families now are filthy rich...
If I we lived in a free Political society why not vote for the candidate most qualified? The house and senate, all those members need to go, and
start everything fresh. At my age and watching our American Political system function in modern day, it does not matter who get's elected,
especially when the people funding these politicians are the ones running the country, and this government is working for them, they come first, then
we do..
Meh sorry about the rant, I vote for the qualified candidate if it was a option.. Personally..