Greetings community
The entire telepathy reality, based on what I've read on ats, many seem confused about it and dismiss it altogether.
It seems; if telepathy were real to people, it would be as easy as talking through vocal chords. Another misconception.. I will give my version, in
hopes to clear the muddy waters.
I'll make it as short and sweet as possible;
(As per wikipedia)
User can read/sense another person's thoughts and/or communicate with them mentally. Telepathy falls into two categories: Telepathic Communication,
which is the ability to transmit information from mind to another, and Telepathic Perception, which is the ability to receive information from another
I get the sense that most people who don't understand this ability or have not experienced it; liken it to speaking in languages.
This is very far from the reality of Telepathy, at least in my experiences. You don't THINK in a language "at" someone and expect them to receive
said thought.
There is no language, meaning no words or symbols tied to those words, so don't THINK in words/language when practicing telepathy.
It's mental signals and patterns. One does not receive a telepathic message by mental language or words as I've said..
They "pick up" on the pattern of thought and strength of the thought (thought is a form of energy = output), which in their own mental feed will be
translated with mental projection (like pictures in the mind of what is being thought).
No one can deny, the internal mind projects thoughts, which influence the external world. It's the PROJECTION of the thought, which is received,
projection which is giving the thought energy, output.
Telepathy is the combination of thought process, mental projection (exercise "image-nation"), internal feeling and sometimes body language.
If I want to communicate, I think the thoughts naturally, project them in my mind, outward to the specific person I'm conveying too.
Receptive person, if in tune, will "see" the projection of my transmitted thought (in the form of mental picture), and sense the thought depending
on what they see and how it makes them feel.
This way of communication is most subtle and natural/true. But you have been tamed to force Thought, into vocal coordination via phonetics of symbols
of languages... you lost the subtle part of your mental faculties.
By never devoting development to your mental faculties, and focusing only what the limited 5 senses can receive, you have with your own Will,
abandoned your internal potential.
Hence alot of people are not "spiritual" or have any psychic or internal experiences. This should seem obvious now..
Everything of your humaness, is like muscle, it must be trained for optimal performance and regular use.
Why wouldn't your minds eye and internal potentials be the same? Well it is... so if your atheist or bash/dismiss spiritual nature, go figure, you
focus only on yhe external..
Telepathy can be done by everyone we are all hardwired the same, neurologicaly. The difference is; who trained and developed their mental faculties
and who hasn't. It's APART OF YOU, naturally, so don't dismiss it.
Telepathy is PURELY an internal connection. For one to be receptive to your mental projections, you must hold intent of that person, and have some
kind of established connection.
To rebreif this reality and ability of the human mind;
If you want one to receive your thought creation; you must have a trained mind, use mental projection and use intent of who is to receive said
thought. As well as have a connection with that individual or group.
If you are receiving a thought creation; be in tune, pay attention to your thought activity and notice if thoughts are not your own, if mental visuals
pop in your head your being conveyed too, be subtle and don't judge the thoughts.
Pretty simple to understand. But as I said language or words have nothing to do with it and an over active mind will miss mental reception 9/10.
Control your thought train, and relax the mind.
Be in tune with thyself, as that is where your identity is, that is where you are, within the body that talks..
Thanks for reading