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Bolivia detects buried pyramid at Tiahuanaco site

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posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: fotsyfots

Research: from May 15, 2017

Key point:

Nevertheless, eight drone flights over the complex to gather imagery have shown that the site encompasses at least 650 hectares (1,675 acres), of which 411 hectares are included in the topographical study. Among the key finds is that the Puma Punku area, one of the least-researched and most enigmatic portions of the complex because it includes extensive ruins and a terraced earthen mound faced with stone blocks, extends for at least 14 hectares.

Archaeologists have found that there is a large underground plaza and two platforms considered to be part of a pyramid, which Bolivian authorities want to excavate.

More on the same subject

This might also be part of that study

edit on 15/7/18 by Hanslune because: Added material

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

Hi Hanslune,
How have you been?

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: punkinworks10

Howdy Punkinworks

I was just cruising by.........

Anything happening that has been of interest lately?

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 10:54 PM
In addition to what Slayer had said about the findings, the archeologist Brian Forester had also recently done some video insisting that a great cataclysm caused all of the destruction in this area. Graham Hancock also mentioned it in his recent book. We are probably looking only at objects that were way high up, atop other buildings, monolithic structures and perhaps pyramids. The real city is probably hundreds of feet below.

The cataclysm shows a dense mud, when dug up it reveals large stones in situ where they were inundated by the wave of earth. The debris field may go down a long way. Imagine what they can find in a real big excavation!!! There would be pristine items at the bottom that relics robbers would never have had an opportunity to loot.
edit on 15-7-2018 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: charlyv
In addition to what Slayer had said about the findings, the archeologist Brian Forester

Do you mean Brien Foerster? If so he is very far from being a archaeologist.

had also recently done some video insisting that a great cataclysm caused all of the destruction in this area.

Yeah he has a tendency to make stuff up and then pretend its real - it's what he does for a living.

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: Hanslune
a reply to: punkinworks10

Howdy Punkinworks

I was just cruising by.........

Anything happening that has been of interest lately?

Not related to this forum....that gets posted to this forum.

I think everyone is kinda caught up watching the world burn.

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: Hanslune
a reply to: punkinworks10

Howdy Punkinworks

I was just cruising by.........

Anything happening that has been of interest lately?

Not related to this forum....that gets posted to this forum.

I think everyone is kinda caught up watching the world burn.

Well there is that....

Hey Big furry long time no read.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I've never really read the political side here....and yes...its does seem to be getting a tad smoky and hot on planet earth.

Sagan had it right i fear.....we are on the cusp of major achievements but cling to stupid beliefs and refuse to change our politics...thus we are the aliens eating our own tail

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

you know the same old chronic astonishment at anything egyptian, peruvian, mayan, old, mound or pyramid like.

But there have been some neat things to come along, like the 4500 year old metal working and temple complex in the Cyclades, that was topped with a gleaming white step pyramid.

or the 2 new genetics studies that show that modern african gentic diversity in nested within Eurasian diversity and is the product of admixture with archaic africans 40-12kya.

The earliest potato cultivation was in Utah 10kya, similarly the earliest use of tobaco was from utah and 12kya.

I found an older paper(1968?) about a site in the Yukon, very near bluefish cave whose early habitation dates have been vindicated by new studies, that shows that humans were hunting and butchering fauna in the yukon 325kya.

Mike Baillie found an error in the dating of one of the greenland ice core that propogated itself across samples and teams. The error correction has shifted first millenia ice core dates by 7 years.

Baillie and McAneneny also identified a link between climate excursions in the mid 24th cent BCE and the 2200 bce event.

Much evidence exists for the major climate anomaly c. 22oo–
2ooo BC. In this paper, we demonstrate that precisely dated
Irish bog oaks record this climatic event, which appears to
begin abruptly in 22o6 BC and last until around 19oo BC.
However, it might be unwise to ignore the precisely dated,
abrupt environmental downturn that occurs some 15o years
earlier. Irish and English oak tree rings draw attention to a
notable decade-long growth downturn spanning 2354 BC to
2345 BC with hints of inundation. Interest in this apparently
localised inundation led to the discovery that traditions from
around the world preserve stories specifically dated to within
1o years of 235o BC. These stories involve the Chinese emperor
Yao (traditional reign date 2357 BC), who presided over a
series of catastrophes, including floods, in 2346 BC; Archbishop
Ussher, who used the dates 2349–2348 BC for the biblical
Flood; and the »birth« of three Mayan deities, GI, GII
and GIII, in the year 236o BC. Why, one might ask, should
people around the northern hemisphere have generated stories
that appear to hark back to a two-decade window between
236o BC and 234o BC. Furthermore, a smoothed growth
response for North European trees suggests the existence of a
37-year cycle of reduced growth, hinting that the events
around 235o BC and 22oo–2ooo BC may be related.

One possible scenario to account for these various observations is
that something happened in the sky around this time with
memorable consequences for those on the ground; a scenario
highly compatible with controversial evidence for an anomalous
dust deposition event observed at Tell Leilan in Syria.
Overall, this unusual accumulation of evidence, including
similarities in stories from widely separated areas, suggests
that the scenario should be treated seriously as a basis for
further research.

Some new work in ancient chinese human dna brings up some interesting conundrums,
40 kyoTianyuan man is related to east asians and some native americans, Tianyuan has no denisovan DNA while the south americans that are related do have Denisovan DNA.
Therer actually has been a lot happening.

and there is the 730kyo humans in my ancestral home lands of the northern phillipines, they had to get there by boat.
the site has produced debitage and the broken long bones of rhinos, and is widely accepted as a human site,
while then same set of circumstances(broken long bones of mammoth plus hammer and anvil stones) in california are ignored.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: punkinworks10
a reply to: Hanslune

you know the same old chronic astonishment at anything egyptian, peruvian, mayan, old, mound or pyramid like.

Oh yeah, I've been answering questions on Quora a bit same denial of evidence on those subject as elsewhere.

But there have been some neat things to come along, like the 4500 year old metal working and temple complex in the Cyclades, that was topped with a gleaming white step pyramid.

Yes that is an interesting one. I saw some sites on the nearby islands but don't recall visiting it back a few decades ago

The earliest potato cultivation was in Utah 10kya, similarly the earliest use of tobaco was from utah and 12kya.

Is that one still considered valid?

Some new work in ancient chinese human dna brings up some interesting conundrums

People have been sloshing around Asia for a long time so each new discovery causes new questions this should continue for next half century. Delightful.

730kyo humans in my ancestral home lands of the northern phillipines, they had to get there by boat.
the site has produced debitage and the broken long bones of rhinos, and is widely accepted as a human site,
while then same set of circumstances(broken long bones of mammoth plus hammer and anvil stones) in california are ignored.

Not aware of the pre-Pinoy adventure any links? I've looked at the butcher site in CA (is that what you are referring too) and I am firmly on the fence over that one.

Thanks for the update!
edit on 17/7/18 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

About the potatoes,

Ancient stone tools from a desert shelter in Utah have been found to contain traces of potato flour, the earliest known evidence of potato use in North America, archaeologists say.

The starchy traces were found on a pair of grinding stones from a cliff-side site in south-central Utah known as North Creek Shelter, which had been used intermittently from 11,500 to just 150 years ago.

The stones — including a flat grinding rock known as a metate and a handheld pestle-like tool called a mano — were found in a stratum of the shelter dated to between 10,100 to 10,900 years old, making the particles of potato starch found on them the oldest known on the continent.

The small, white-flowered S. jamesii plant is found in shady spots around the Southwest, particularly in New Mexico.,....

In south-central Utah, however, it’s mainly found near archaeological sites, including a patch that’s still growing some 150 meters (about 500 feet) from North Creek Shelter.

By contrast, the next-closest population of S. jamesii is found 150 kilometers away (about 93 miles), near the spectacular rock art panel known as Newspaper Rock.

And from other material I've read it seems that this particular species is fairly common in the highlands of new mexico, but literally non existant apart from human sites in Utah.
Sure sounds like at least horticulture if not outright ag.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:58 PM
On the philipines,

Researchers found 75% of a fossilized rhino skeleton—ribs and leg bones still scarred from the tools that removed their meat and marrow—lying in ancient mud that had long since buried an even older river channel. To determine the site’s age, researchers dated the enamel in one of the rhino’s teeth, as well as quartz grains embedded in the sediment layers above and below the bones, using electron spin resonance (ESR), which measures the buildup of electrons as a material is exposed to radiation over time. The team dated the bottom sediment layer to about 727,000 years old, the rhino tooth to about 709,000 years old, and the top sediment layer to about 701,000 years old. Several independent experts say they were impressed by the team’s careful use of the technique. “They’ve nailed it,” says Alistair Pike, an archaeological dating expert at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom.

And given that we now know homo had been at 2.1 mya,

Ancient humans appear to have reached northwestern China about 2.1 million years ago, and they lived there for hundreds of thousands of years, according to a new study published Wednesday in Nature. It suggests that hominins migrated out of Africa much earlier, and spread much farther east, than once thought.

Humans in the philipines 700kya is not surprising.

And that leaves a lot of time for humans to go even further.
Moderns spread from the same part of east asia into the new world within 40k years(traditional rime frame).
Why could not a water craft using people do it 200-300kya?
And as to the California thing, what would you say if I told you that the two pre-eminent lithics at the site, are not native to the site and are very distinctive.
One stone has limited exposures in the area and they are all several miles and 2 river drainages away.
The other stone is a river cobble that orginated with a multi million year old mega flood from mexico.
These cobbles were laid down in strata well below, like 20mya's worth, the level of the site and would have only been found several miles downhill from the site, toward the coast.
Would that tilt the fence a little.

edit on p0000007k09722018Tue, 17 Jul 2018 22:09:21 -0500k by punkinworks10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 10:44 PM
Probably destroyed in the same timeframe, the city of Tanus on the Nile delta.
Huge megalithic granite structures shattered and destroyed with a strong evidence of high heat. All buried under a soil that is sterile. Vegetation all around this city, but nothing grows.

Brian Foerster did a great video: Tanus
edit on 17-7-2018 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: charlyv
Probably destroyed in the same timeframe, the city of Tanus on the Nile delta.
Huge megalithic granite structures shattered and destroyed with a strong evidence of high heat. All buried under a soil that is sterile. Vegetation all around this city, but nothing grows.

Brian Foerster did a great video: Tanus

Tanis was in the Nile delta. The delta shifted and Tanis became silted over.

Tanis was found largely as it was abandoned, so the city is home to many archaeological treasures in addition to the tombs. Temples, including a Temple of Amun and a Temple of Horus, have been found. Even urban districts of the ancient city remain, and the site continues to host archaeological expeditions in search of more finds.


Foerster is a liar, and certainly no video he makes is worth trusting.


posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: Harte

originally posted by: charlyv
Probably destroyed in the same timeframe, the city of Tanus on the Nile delta.
Huge megalithic granite structures shattered and destroyed with a strong evidence of high heat. All buried under a soil that is sterile. Vegetation all around this city, but nothing grows.

Brian Foerster did a great video: Tanus

Tanis was in the Nile delta. The delta shifted and Tanis became silted over.

Tanis was found largely as it was abandoned, so the city is home to many archaeological treasures in addition to the tombs. Temples, including a Temple of Amun and a Temple of Horus, have been found. Even urban districts of the ancient city remain, and the site continues to host archaeological expeditions in search of more finds.


Foerster is a liar, and certainly no video he makes is worth trusting.


Wrong in context. It was silted over after the catastrophe, which would have been a natural occurrence due to the shifting of the Nile delta and subsequent silting of the surface. The original structure was devastated by a huge wall of debris, similar to a lahar or a pyroclastic flow. The megaliths and structural blocks embedded in this strata had nothing to do with Nile silting. They were buried in a cataclysmic event that probably hit them close to the speed of sound. Read the geologic synopsis of what happened there.

This is the problem with these recent geological findings. There was more than one event that caused the disruption that we observe. Non-Scientifics usually respond to the first bit of evidence they find and ignore the condition of the real event that came before it. This is why people like Graham Hancock, Bryan Foerster and Robert Schoch will become the new scientific forces to be reckoned with in the future.

edit on 18-7-2018 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 03:12 PM
You armchair talking heads that would say that Graham Hancock, Bryan Foerster and Robert Schoch are liars, really need a #ing enema. They are field researchers, been there countless times, doing the groundwork, talking to the locals and arguing with the headstrong archeologists. They have provided the controversy that you "stick in the mud" academics are going to fail on because they are doing while you are just writing. The world is changing quickly because we are done with academic substantiations that DO NOT hold up with what is being discovered today.

This is not saying that all archeologists and geologic scientists are wrong, it is saying that those in those fields that have taken the legacy of their work and made a sort of religion around it, have lost the scientific method and now "BELIEVE" they are correct. History will show this as futile behavior and generally bad for the person, as well as the science.
edit on 18-7-2018 by charlyv because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: [post=23594049]

Brian Foerster did a great video: Tanus

What is 'great' about this video. I watched it and found it to devoid of any useful science and full of made up fringe cliches. More that a dozen outright lies, many misstatements.

I've been to that part of the Nile. In case you are unaware of it the Delta is in the desert and unless there is an arm of Nile nearby or irrigation channels it isn't particular green. Only 100–200 mm (4–8 in) of rain falls on the delta area during an average year, and most of this falls in the winter months. The soil is silt and sand.

Image of the area of Tanis - note the fields of crops - irrigated! Tanis excavation site NOT irrigated

30 59 04.78 N 31 51 33.01 E from Google Earth

A lot of stone he was showing was sandstone not granite

This is Schoch idea

Perhaps you'd like to pick three items from Brien's wild statement you think are valid then show the evidence that they are - we can start there.

edit on 18/7/18 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: [post=23595947]
You armchair talking heads that would say that Graham Hancock, Bryan Foerster and Robert Schoch are liars

Schoch is a real scientist he does real science and offers up his ideas, the consensus is that most of his ideas are not supported. Brien is tour guide who tells lies to generate money, Graham is a journalist who writes interesting fantasy novel about things he believes in.

They are field researchers, been there countless times, doing the groundwork, talking to the locals and arguing with the headstrong archeologists.

Really while Schoch does real research the other two sadly do not. If they do please link to their published excavation studies?

This is not saying that all archeologists and geologic scientists are wrong,

Actually you are. Give us the best 3 pieces of evidence that Brien has published.

edit on 18/7/18 by Hanslune because: fixed quotes

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: punkinworks10

Excellent I missed that story. Thanks for the information

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: charlyv
You armchair talking heads that would say that Graham Hancock, Bryan Foerster and Robert Schoch are liars, really need a #ing enema.

Schoch's not a liar. Just deluded. The other two? Absolutely.

originally posted by: charlyv They are field researchers, been there countless times, doing the groundwork, talking to the locals and arguing with the headstrong archeologists.

Foerster's a tour guide. Hancock is a journalist. Neither does any "field research."
Schoch has done some field research though. Read what he says about Yonaguni.

originally posted by: charlyvThey have provided the controversy that you "stick in the mud" academics are going to fail on because they are doing while you are just writing. The world is changing quickly because we are done with academic substantiations that DO NOT hold up with what is being discovered today.

Yet no examples of these incredible discoveries are given that can't be explained mundanely.

originally posted by: charlyvThis is not saying that all archeologists and geologic scientists are wrong, it is saying that those in those fields that have taken the legacy of their work and made a sort of religion around it, have lost the scientific method and now "BELIEVE" they are correct. History will show this as futile behavior and generally bad for the person, as well as the science.

Here you have gone completely off the deep end. Your description in no way resembles the field you so despise (for not complying with your personal wishes.)
These people you're trying to describe only exist as constructs in your mind.


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