Come on people...what are some of you possibly thinking here.
All nations spy on other nations...all of them exceptions. Spying up to the limits of their abilities.
We...the USA...spy on our friends as well as our enemies. No difference here. Only priorities.
So when Germany's Merkel...showed outrage in the news at US Agencies intercepting her Phone calls..I asked myself dumb can a German possibly
be. You mean to tell me that Germany does not have the ability to spy on their own people as well as foreigners...and foreign governments.
Some of us just now fell off the tailgate of the truck...some of us fell off many many years ago.
I figured this out many years ago when working on the 688 Los Angeles submarine program good an intelligence gathering platform submarines are
...then went on to realize that this information was retransmitted to a overhead aircraft or satellite for distribution to the necessary agencies back
home. But make no mistake..our Navy ships, aircraft and other assets spy on our friends as well as our enemies.
There are no good guys in the spy business...they are all bad guys. Some guys have caught on. I believe Snowden is one of them. There have been
others..who have gone around the country telling this kind of tale. Some of them too have wound up in jail for educating the American people and long
before Snowden. For waking the American people up.
Here is one free for you cover charge...
It is no ones business how much electricity you long as you pay your much water, how many cars you have much gasoline you much groceries..what you watch on television, movies.etc etc etc. The only reason for a government to be interested in this information is
to control and eventually regulate how much you can buy with what monies they are going to allow you to you are going to think or not
think...and how much this is taking place.
This means that from a government are viewed as a competitor ..not as a economic competitor. And competitors need to be
controlled and regulated..even as to how they are going to vote.
If someone in this system does not trust you with your own monies often earned at great risk you think they are going to trust you with
a vote??? Or would they stack the deck on voting by bringing in a whole new set of voters on the public purse and putting others on the public dole so
that they can out vote you...and get paid for it.
You are a competitor..and competitors need to be spied every aspect of their lives..even through their own children.
All governments are doing this to some level on their own people and up to the ability of their technology.
Don't worry what Israel is doing ..worry about what your own government is doing to you and your children...and also using/misusing the media to
carry this out.
When you are in the major business of spying on and not trusting your own index of this is that as a government or the body
must always create bad guys in the news media..or something for the people to be afraid of..even to hate...time after time after time.
When you have been fooled enough..fallen off the tailgate enough begin to notice a begin to think differently...sometimes
even gets woflie after can see them coming..with the next crisis.
One predictable pattern which is going to be used more and more ....and you will come to recognize this ..each time..
is the use and misuse of the word and name "Hitler." The next bad guy is compared to "Hitler." This means you are supposed to automatically stop
thinking for yourself and automatically get on the bandwagon and don't worry where the bandwagon is going or how much it is going to cost us. No
thinking required...just join up and stop thinking for yourself.
I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have seen leadership use and misuse this name...for political gain....control.
Bewarned...all nations spy on all other nations...and our government does not trust us and must needs spy on us because we are competitors to
them..not citizens. And competitors must needs be controlled...if possible in every aspect of their lives. To do this ..they must be spied upon and
given distractions..such as Israel...or the next bad guy they want to create to prevent us from thinking for ourselves.
edit on 31-3-2015 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)