posted on Mar, 28 2015 @ 06:28 AM
I find myself in an awkward situation... I think I'm going to defend the guy a bit!
He's an excitable guy and has a few 'mind states' that he switches between which is where I think where he loses much of his audience. His most
annoying is his immature mockery tone, rife with belittling of his opponent before he clarifies his position. His next mind state is his stretching
out of concepts with so much superfluous bulltish that his message he tries to convey is completely lost.
His other mind state however can occasionally shine a little bit of light on things in quite profound ways. That's the Russell I like. And I think
he can actually monetize that power for good, which is what I think he genuinely is trying to do.
Yes he has a good wad of dough in the bank, but it's nothing in terms of the gross inequality at the top end of town. The ONLY reason I am trying to
actually give him a go here is because I've been watching his series 'Trews' on youtube. If you can accept he is
that kid, you know the
annoying one in class that was always causing trouble and yapping but occasionally came out with a cracker of a very hard to swallow truth that turns
a teacher bright red...
Ignore the excitable puppy side, but try and hold in there to actually hear his summising words. Usually the Trews is around 6 minutes - but it's not
until the last minute he finally pulls together his points and thoughts, and honestly each week I'll find myself agreeing with the guy at least once.
Anyway, I'm just saying if you think he doesn't care I think you may be prejudging him slightly - at least he is actively out there trying to get his
message out, he direly needs a real time mouth editor though. (much like myself)
Check out Trews on youtube, it took me a while to find its worth, but it is there.
edit on 28-3-2015 by Qumulys because: (no reason