posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 11:44 AM
'All great truths begin as blasphemies". - George Bernard Shaw
First - hat tip to
celticdog who used this quote in a post
at ATS. I read it and got to thinking ... is it true? Have all great truths began as blasphemies? Most 'great truths' that I can think of have
been fought against by those in control or by the indoctrinated. I thought we could examine 'great truths' and see if George Bernard Shaw was right
about them starting as blasphemies. And I thought we could look at what is going on in the world today and see what truths are trying to make inroads
but are not being accepted by the masses because they are considered blasphemies or heresies, or because people aren't prepared to accept the 'new'
great truth.
- Jesus coming to say that 'Love God and Love Your Neighbor' was what God really wants. He was murdered for saying it. His great truth was
'love'. It was considered blasphemy because it was so simple and it took power away from those in charge.
- A great truth that is considered blasphemy by many today - 'All men are created equal'. In different places around the world people are not
respected because they are women, or because they are homosexual, or because they have a certain skin color, etc. The great truth 'all men are
created equal' is literally considered blasphemy by billions of people on the planet.
What other great truths, through history or in play now, were/are considered "blasphemies" (rejected) by humanity?