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Ebola Whole Virus Vaccine Shown Effective, Safe in Primates

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posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 08:49 AM

Ebola Whole Virus Vaccine Shown Effective, Safe in Primates

An Ebola whole virus vaccine, constructed using a novel experimental platform, has been shown to effectively protect monkeys exposed to the often fatal virus.

The vaccine, described today (March 26, 2015) in the journal Science, was developed by a group led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka, a University of Wisconsin-Madison expert on avian influenza, Ebola and other viruses of medical importance. It differs from other Ebola vaccines because as an inactivated whole virus vaccine, it primes the host immune system with the full complement of Ebola viral proteins and genes, potentially conferring greater protection.

Bird flu expert Yoshihiro Kawaoka, of Wisconsin-Madison University, has developed what looks like a safe and effective Ebola vaccine that confers cross-strain protection. Unlike other Ebola vaccines in the pike, this one uses inactivated whole virus. No word on when human trials might begin.

At this point, Ebola is not easily transmitted between people. But that could change. MSF reports that the Ebola epidemic in West Africa is not over - and the longer it lasts, a virulent mutation is more likely to appear.

…a significant challenge remains ahead to declare an end to the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus that has killed more than 10,000 people in the three West African nations of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.

In a release issued in Monrovia on Monday, the MSF observed that more efforts have to be exerted to bring the Ebola crisis to an end as the number of cases weekly in West Africa is still higher than in any previous outbreak.

According to the release, the MSF statement is part of a critical analysis of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa over the past year, revealing the shortcomings of the global response to the crisis as well as warning that the outbreak, despite an overall decline in cases, is not yet over.

This Ebola vaccine research apparently builds on Kawaoka’s previous research with H5N1. A few years back, Kawaoka and Ron Fouchier of the Netherlands created airborne H5N1 bird flu, in order to better understand why viruses become virulent in humans. In an unprecedented move, both Kawaoka and Fouchier wanted to go Open Source with their work, and cut Big Pharma out of full private ownership. The move triggered a flurry of sensationalized fear and panic, illustrated here:
Man-Made "Super Flu" Could Kill Half Of Humanity

It’s not clear if Kawaoka’s research on Ebola will be Open Source and publicly owned, or if ownership will revert to Big Pharma and be protected as “Intellectual (Private) Property.”

Unfortunately, vaccines are the only weapon modern medicine has against virulent viral infections. Like antibiotics, anti-virals develop resistance, often quite quickly. For example, H5N1 bird flu became resistant to Tamiflu quite early on. No anti-virals have proved effective against Ebola.

UW-Madison vaccine protects monkeys from Ebola

UW professor leads team that developed Ebola vaccine: Offers more protection due to broader immune response

Whole virus vaccine for Ebola found to effectively protect monkeys

Support is growing for sharing flu research
Big Pharma secured control of H5N1 treatments by imposing a 2-month moratorium on research involving human-to-human transmission

Bird flu studies OK to publish - U.S. biosecurity expert
Publication Delay Blamed for Bird Flu Fears

Scientists Develop New Strain Of H5N1, Avian Influenza, That Could Kill Millions

H5N1 Is Developing Tamiflu Resistant Genetic Mutations


Wisconsin lab broke Ebola rules, watchdog group says

Sep 25, 2007 (CIDRAP News) – Researchers at the University of Wisconsin at Madison (UW-Madison) worked on Ebola virus genetic material in a lab that lacked the required security measures, and federal agencies responsible for monitoring compliance didn't notice the problem, a watchdog group that monitors biodefense research safety reported recently.

UW-Madison's institutional biosafety committee (IBC) wrongly allowed well-known influenza researcher Yoshihiro Kawaoka to work with Ebola genetic material in a biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) lab, though federal rules require use of a BSL-4 lab for such work, the Sunshine Project, based in Austin, Tex., reported on Sep 19. BSL-4 is the highest biosecurity rating.

The university stopped the research in October 2006 after the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said a BSL-4 lab was required, even though the university disagreed, according to UW-Madison officials. The NIH was funding the research.

…..The Web site for Kawaoka's lab says that in addition to work on influenza viruses, researchers are exploring the molecular pathogenesis of the Ebola virus and have established a reverse-genetics system for generating the virus, which they hope to use for vaccine production and the identification of antiviral medication targets.

The Web site emphasizes that the lab has developed a novel complement system that allows researchers to study Ebola virus glycoproteins without having to do the work in a BSL-4 lab.

Researcher sought lighter restrictions
The Sunshine Project's report makes it clear that Kawaoka and his colleagues weren't working with live Ebola virus, but rather full-length copies of Ebola DNA (complementary DNA, or cDNA) that lacks two critical proteins that could trigger growth of an infectious virus. However, the group says that federal rules require use of a BSL-4 lab for handling Ebola virus genetic material "that has not been rendered irreversibly incapable of reproducing."

…."He made the request based on facts that his colleagues at the CDC are working with the same material under BSL-2 conditions," he said. Kawaoka's lab is part of the veterinary school.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 08:58 AM
Good news.
Especially for us primates.
Hopefully, if there is a mutation of the virus which makes it easily transmissible, the vaccine will still be effective.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:14 AM
The question is, will they give this away worldwide to eradicate this menace from earth?

I doubt it, no profit in it.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
The question is, will they give this away worldwide to eradicate this menace from earth?

I doubt it, no profit in it.

No the question is would the anti-vaxers take this vaccination if ebola were to hit the west in force?

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Hopefully, if there is a mutation of the virus which makes it easily transmissible, the vaccine will still be effective.

The fact that it's an inactivated whole vaccine seems to have that base covered.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
The question is, will they give this away worldwide to eradicate this menace from earth?

I doubt it, no profit in it.

No the question is would the anti-vaxers take this vaccination if ebola were to hit the west in force?

This one would not.

I'd wait a few years and see if these monkey's begin to turn into cancer ridden, zombie like shells before i started Human trials...but that's me.

You'd be safer isolating yourself until the viral mutated into a benign form and went away again.

But, i realise there are a lot of you who LOVE to be early adopters of any new technology...good luck with this innovation!

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
The question is, will they give this away worldwide to eradicate this menace from earth?

I doubt it, no profit in it.

Good question. I doubt it too.

Expect a flurry of public fund-raising to enable mass vaccinations. ...Or if this work is Open Source, there won't be any money from Big Pharma or anyone else to proceed with human trials - they'll stick with their proven profit-generators, even though they don't measure up. ....Maybe someone will start one of those online fundraisers to continue the research and fund human trials.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:27 AM
I hope this remains open source. I bet Pharma companies will buy it somehow though. They will use donations to the institute to gain control of it or cut it down finding mild side effects and accentuating them even though their own vaccines hurt more people than this probably will.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I hope this remains open source. I bet Pharma companies will buy it somehow though. They will use donations to the institute to gain control of it or cut it down finding mild side effects and accentuating them even though their own vaccines hurt more people than this probably will.

Nah, they'll simply buy the entire institute lock, stock and barrel..and patents of course.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
The question is, will they give this away worldwide to eradicate this menace from earth?

I doubt it, no profit in it.

No the question is would the anti-vaxers take this vaccination if ebola were to hit the west in force?

I know I would consider it (if Ebola went virulent and pandemic). Partly because I'm old and the worst effects show up in long term, and even though I no longer take vaccines because I've learned too much:

1. No one understands the human immune system well enough to know how to tinker with it, or to ensure that any tinkering is safe and effective;

2. Vaccines are well-known to be chock full of prions and misfolded proteins - some are created in the manufacturing process, while others result from contaminated components - not all cause disease, but no attempts are made to identify or filter out these potentially disease-causing molecules; and

3. Before vaccines, there was no way to fight epidemic viral diseases, and vaccines remain the only weapon in that arsenal - so I believe governments push vaccines only because they have nothing else to offer.

....AND ALSO, I happen to think Kawaoka puts human health first, and with Fouchier, is the most likely to solve the long term health issues.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: soficrow

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
The question is, will they give this away worldwide to eradicate this menace from earth?

I doubt it, no profit in it.

No the question is would the anti-vaxers take this vaccination if ebola were to hit the west in force?

I know I would consider it (if Ebola went virulent and pandemic). Partly because I'm old and the worst effects show up in long term, and even though I no longer take vaccines because I've learned too much:

1. No one understands the human immune system well enough to know how to tinker with it, or to ensure that any tinkering is safe and effective;

2. Vaccines are well-known to be chock full of prions and misfolded proteins - some are created in the manufacturing process, while others result from contaminated components - not all cause disease, but no attempts are made to identify or filter out these potentially disease-causing molecules; and

3. Before vaccines, there was no way to fight epidemic viral diseases, and vaccines remain the only weapon in that arsenal - so I believe governments push vaccines only because they have nothing else to offer.

....AND ALSO, I happen to think Kawaoka puts human health first, and with Fouchier, is the most likely to solve the long term health issues.

I'm in complete agreement with you on this. I will only take a vaccine if the threat is great and the disease justifies the used of the vaccine. Most vaccines out there have complications that are far worse than getting the disease they are trying to avoid. There are some important vaccines, I would say about four or five of them. They couple some of these with unnecessary vaccines though.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Prezbo369

Considering this Virus has remained where it has its origins for thousands of years until very recently...Im not sure why we would want to vaccinate people in the West. I am happy with this discovery though as it really may help millions in Africa.

This whole anti-vaxxer appellation is misconstrued you honestly believe the people who don't want to submit their children or selves to live vaccines and adjuvants etc...are against good safe medical technology and that they dont want the best for their families? The venom I feel from people who cant accept that people have good reason to be suspect because we have yet to isolate the cause behind a number of actual adverse effects from vaccines, is not founded in truth.

Back on topic, Thank you for bringing this to our attention Soficrow, I was unaware that of Kawaoka and his work, I now have a great deal of respect for his method and desire for Open Source. Thanks

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: Prezbo369

Considering this Virus has remained where it has its origins for thousands of years until very recently...Im not sure why we would want to vaccinate people in the West. I am happy with this discovery though as it really may help millions in Africa.

The problem is that it has moved into cities and infected over 10,000 people. The more human "hosts" are infected, the more likely it is that a virulent strain will emerge and go pandemic. Then we'll all be up to our eyeballs in deep doodoo.

This whole anti-vaxxer appellation is misconstrued you honestly believe the people who don't want to submit their children or selves to live vaccines and adjuvants etc...are against good safe medical technology and that they dont want the best for their families? The venom I feel from people who cant accept that people have good reason to be suspect because we have yet to isolate the cause behind a number of actual adverse effects from vaccines, is not founded in truth.

Back on topic, Thank you for bringing this to our attention Soficrow, I was unaware that of Kawaoka and his work, I now have a great deal of respect for his method and desire for Open Source. Thanks

Good points and observations. And thanks.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: Prezbo369

Considering this Virus has remained where it has its origins for thousands of years until very recently...Im not sure why we would want to vaccinate people in the West. I am happy with this discovery though as it really may help millions in Africa.

I agree but the question was if it hit the west...

This whole anti-vaxxer appellation is misconstrued you honestly believe the people who don't want to submit their children or selves to live vaccines and adjuvants etc...are against good safe medical technology and that they dont want the best for their families? The venom I feel from people who cant accept that people have good reason to be suspect because we have yet to isolate the cause behind a number of actual adverse effects from vaccines, is not founded in truth.

I think the ignorance and arrogance of anti-vaxxers allow them to justify putting their families and loved ones at risk. They think that armchair 'research' and anecdotal tales and experience can take place of established science.

The venom you feel my stem from the fact that by refusing vaccinations you are potentially putting many others at risk. Which would of course be incredibly selfish.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Prezbo369

...I think the ignorance and arrogance of anti-vaxxers allow them to justify putting their families and loved ones at risk. They think that armchair 'research' and anecdotal tales and experience can take place of established science.

The venom you feel my stem from the fact that by refusing vaccinations you are potentially putting many others at risk. Which would of course be incredibly selfish.

'Tis a complex issue with complex -and varied- responses, and it's just downright wrong to describe all critics as ignorant and arrogant. There is no doubt, at all, that the hunt for profits can, and does, supersede concerns for public health. In virtually every industry including the pharmaceutical industry.

Fact is, vaccines are the only weapon we have against epidemic viral diseases. So the most you can say, really, is, "Vaccines are better than nothing." And you have to admit that as a result, Big Pharma has our governments, and us, over a barrel.

As far as "herd immunity" goes, vaccines do NOT promote it. They may do the opposite.

Vaccines Harmful, Ineffective: Mainstream Studies

New studies from Canada, the US, Japan and Hong Kong support Canada's 2009 finding that seasonal flu vaccination almost doubled the risk of infection with pandemic flu - and does NOT provide higher protection than no vaccine. This information is being suppressed in the mainstream media, and most published public reports spin the info to minimize the data's importance and protect Big Pharma.

* Flu vaccines prevent children from building their natural immunity to other flu viruses. By comparison, a natural infection induces cross-immunity. This means that regularly vaccinated kids are sitting ducks in a pandemic - because they haven't built up their immunity.

edit on 27/3/15 by soficrow because: tnkr

edit on 27/3/15 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 10:59 AM
After you.

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