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Richard Gage Blasts Dr Judy Woods!

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posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 08:13 AM
Its interesting to see Richard Gage challenging the more out of the box 9/11 conspiracy theories and I suppose that its only right to give him some credit for that.


He is also using his own conspiracy theory to try to debunks Juddy Woods. First of all let me say I think me and Richard have found something we agree on in having very little admiration for Mrs Woods, but I do disagree with how he has gone about his debunking.

He tried to use therimte to debunk her theory, now not to mention that the thermite hypothesis is highly questionable (see my thread Revisiting Thermite) he makes one statement in this video that just made my jaw drop. Listen, and I mean really listen to what he has to say about Woods "mushroom cloud" and how he explains that this was actually caused by the extreme heat created by the thermite explosives which caused the Mushroom cloud. If that were the case then why is there no mushroom cloud over WTC-7?

Its also further evidence of how disjointed the 9/11 truth movement is that one of its biggest voices accuses Woods of spreading disinformation. So she disagrees with him, he disagrees with her, so he accuses or spreading disinformation.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 01:06 PM
Nope, I think judy is spot on about weapons that no one knows about. if the tptb can have all guessing till now about 9/11, then they can certainly deliver the Georgia guide stone scenario too. 9/11 was was just a demo of their tech.
a reply to: samkent

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Nochzwei

Nope, I think judy is spot on about weapons that no one knows about. if the tptb can have all guessing till now about 9/11

You mean no one including her.
She admits she has no idea what kind of weapon could 'dustify' steel.
But she thinks the power source was a hurricane 200 miles off shore.

No one is guessing about 911.
A few are second guessing because of 'for profit' websites and lack of knowledge.

posted on Apr, 6 2015 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: samkent

No one is guessing about 911. A few are second guessing because of 'for profit' websites and lack of knowledge.

I agree Judy has more than a lot more explaining to do to make her story plausible. I agree that too many people are profiting off their alternate suggestions.
My one problem with your statement is that "no one is guessing" part. NIST calls their own report a working hypothesis, especially when referring to building 7. The FBI has not 100% verified they have the right 19 names etc. While the idea of official story is certainly not unrealistic and based solidly on mostly fact, it's still a best guess.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 03:24 PM

Its also further evidence of how disjointed the 9/11 truth movement is

Any disagreement about how exactly it was done is unavoidable. Conspiracies are mostly carried out in secret and covered up.

Very few have the time to sit and quarrel about who has the best theory.

My impression is 95% of truthers do agree that 911 was a Reichstag fire. Even J. Wood and R. Gage do..

posted on Apr, 22 2015 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: wotyathink

My impression is 95% of truthers do agree that 911 was a Reichstag fire. Even J. Wood and R. Gage do..

Setting one fire is concealable.
The total number of events of 911 are not.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: samkent
Here is a video where RG throws cold water on the theories of DJW.

In it he mentions the steel beams being blasted 600 feet away at 60 mph.
I other videos he says 200 mph.

He sticks with his thermite and nano thermite beliefs.
But thermite burns. It does not explode.
So are we to believe black ops used thermite AND explosives?
Can you imagine the wiring nightmare if had to rig three buildings using both ?
And yet TPTB pulled it off without a trace of detonation devices left behind.
And yet not one device failed to go off after being subjected to a plane impact and fires.

Observe Gage's body language and see how nervous and uncomfortable he is. He looks to be a man experiencing emotional contraction - struggling not to WET himself LOL. By contrast Dr Judy Wood never mentions Gage by name but rather very calmly and confidently UTTERLY DESTROYS the thermite fairytale.

Gage had a short HeyDay when he first came out and I am humbled and embarrassed to admit that I sincerely admired him for some time... But now the truth is out, and in case you had not noticed Gage gets questioned now A LOT about Judy Wood and DEW - poor guy!!! I would not like to be him at all! He's ruined.

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