This thread is for ATS small business owner insight and reflection. I have long believed U.S. small business owners grease the American Wheel and
carry the majority of the economic burdens our country imposes. I respect home grown products, goods, and services. We as American citizens
inherently know we should buy domestic. The competitive nature of our consumerism leads us wherever the best price meets adequate quality or user
satisfaction. Still no problem in my view.
I take personal offense where CEOs of so-called "Home Grown" small businesses aim to set their sails on corporate wind falls. Point in case...our
Medical Industry and the ancillary businesses that feed off their wakes. Hospitals, Doctors, Admins, and Boards are not the enemy. Small business
owners are. Numerous start up ancillary companies run their services bare bone, exploit markets with absurd pricing all in an effort to gain
customers, or Books of Business. Revenue streams are no longer the focus for major industry small business owners. Market share by mass customer
volume is the agenda. Once the customers are locked into bottom line or sub profit pricing, the Wolves come calling. Sell...Sell...Sell. Employess
of sold businesses scramble to fit into Corporate employment. CEOs walk straight to their banks, after paying off their investors, who orchestrated
every step of small business X's demise.
Corporations buy people, not consumers. Services sold below profit, damn the regime. And the kicker? We all feed the enemy we despise and curse.
How? Every person, every budding career has barriers to life and their financial path. Doctors want free or discounted everything. Why? They are
burdened with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt! They feel entitled to discounts, especially early on. This doesn't only apply to doctors, or
the Healthcare Industry, but it is the industry where I have well identified this problem.
Medical Waste is necessary, and heavily regulated, rightfully so. However, the big Pharmas, Medical Device Makers, and Waste Disposers have more
lobbyists and attorneys than Big Oil. They back small businesses by providing insane windfalls to small business owners, I.e. retirement security.
The consumer recieves short term gain only to be enslaved to laws and regs which marries them to the large corporations at a later date. There is no
saving. Only passing the burden of market entry to the consumer, the customer.
I am sick and effin' tired of the skeptics who blame Corporate America for poverty, imbalance, debt, interest rates, and crushed hope/dreams. Small
businesses enable these Goliaths to feed, and they do so not caring about their customers, who were them, and they become again. Look inside
yourself, not around. Grow your business, don't sell. We need each other to bring about balance of markets again. Make your money, retire, live,
enjoy life...but do not do it in a fashion that no one following you will be able to do the same. Pay it forward, let the system work.
I may add more to this later, as I am pissed off right now, but please share and talk amongst our community about this, specifically about how small
business is far too susceptible to cashing out when their involvement and effort is needed. Small business owners are the key to the World Economy,
so much promise, ingenuity, leadership, responsibiliy to their communities...damn the lot who sell us out.
edit on 25-3-2015 by Boscov because: (no reason given)
edit on 25-3-2015 by Boscov because: (no reason given)