I have opposed Elizabeth Warren as a viable candidate for President (at least for me) in several other threads and I wanted to make it clear what
positions she holds that are deal-breakers for me. The sources I used for her positions on the issues are from
HERE which is a non-partisan website.
Supports public abortion funding. (Oct 2012)
Supports churches providing birth control. (Oct 2012)
Opposes a constitutional BBA. (Oct 2012)
Opposes the outright legalization of marijuana. (Apr 2012)
Lead the world in using green technology. (Sep 2011)
Supports gun control. (Aug 2011)
Extend the federal assault weapons ban. (Jul 2012)
Supports restricting the Second Amendment. (Oct 2012)
Voted YES on banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets. (Apr 2013)
Supports the President's Affordable Care Act. (Mar 2012)
Opposes repealing ObamaCare. (Oct 2012)
Not a good idea to strip terrorists of citizenship. (Oct 2011)
Strongly supports the DREAM Act. (Oct 2012)
Support the DREAM Act: Let kids stay. (Jun 2012)
Opposes "Secure Communities" immigration enforcement program. (Dec 2011)
Say the word long and loud: "Union!". (Apr 2014)
Social Contract: Americans don't become wealthy in isolation. (Sep 2011)
Make it easier for workers who want to organize. (Sep 2011)
Raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by 2016. (Jan 2014)
I know I'm 1/32 Cherokee because my mother told me so. (May 2012)
Fauxcahontas: Accused of using Indian heritage for gain. (Apr 2014)
Created intellectual foundation for Occupy Wall Street. (Oct 2011)
Rated 0% by the AU, indicating support of separation of church & state. (Jan 2013)
Opposes investing part of your payroll tax. (Oct 2012)
Supports increasing tax rates. (Oct 2012)
Voted YES on authorizing states to collect Internet sales taxes. (May 2013)
Political Philosophy: Elizabeth Warren is a Hard-Core Liberal (per OnTheIssues.org)
My biggest deal-breaker? I will NEVER vote for a gun-control candidate in any way, shape or form. This is a Constitutional, 2nd amendment right and
shall not be infringed. Other problems I have with her that are big are on Obamacare, Immigration and a binding, Constitutional 'Balanced Budget
Amendment' (BBA).
I do understand her appeal to some because she does have several good ideas and supports suppression of NSA domestic spying, but she has too many red
flags for me to consider her for my vote in 2016.