A few years ago, a police chief from a small town in Gilberton, PA came forward as an extreme 2nd amendment advocate. He created many videos on
Youtube that went viral and began to attract many people to his "cause". There was a billboard put up in his honor during the whole debacle and he
was terminated from his job as police chief of Gilberton.
Warning, there is some profanity in these videos.
Now Kessler has come forward claiming that his videos were staged by himself on request by agencies in the federal government to be used as a tool to
attract the "worst of the worst" when it came to the patriot movements and militia members.
Kessler came forward with a tell all on a Fox News Radio Show.
So my question is this: is Kessler's story true? Could he have been asked by the government to draw out these people for who knows what reasons? If
it is true, how many people could be imbedded in society doing the exact same thing?
If it is true, I believe it sets a scary standard for the society we live. Yes, we all knew it was possible but this is the story of a man who
generated support from thousands of people of the course of his time and apparently was nothing more than a fraud.
Should Kessler fear for his life at this point coming forward with this story?
He'll be discredited as a loon and forgotten, but I can see it.
Friendface and other social networks proved how readily people will give up any information you could possibly want- so if someone wanted to overthrow
a nation where firearm ownership is legal, simply find a way to get the only people who will fight for it talking.
Now you've got a list of people that will likely fight you when you try to overthrow their nation, while the nations corrupt legal system is still in
place, and people can "legally" be locked up or have their guns taken away by force when they've done nothing wrong.
This kind of activity, while not calling shilling, happens off of the internet to lure in catch and potential risks. As well as push someone into
their scheme if they need an agenda filled. Why not on the net.