posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 09:18 AM
i would think that if would come to pass, that the 500 million have pretty much been decided on, first there would be those that are part of the
guidestone group, then those that are needed to keep the infrastructure up and running, a certain number of scientists in some fields, not all fields
of science would be needed for survival. i would expect engineers, technicians for day to day operation of equipment needed to run the plants, and
manufacturing, and so forth. then there would be a need for some people to do menial labor.
i think it safe to say that, if you do survive the initial cull, and if those who initiated it really wanted to reduce the population down to 500
million. there would be no place safe for a indefinite period of time.
as one member posted a highly contagious disease or some other biological / chemical means would likely be employed. during the time that passes after
deployment, those who weren't part of the plan or willing to go along in order to survive, would be indoctrinated / reeducated to see the " need "
for the control.
then the hunting and elimination of survivors would began. first i suspect that the urban areas would be cleared, then suburbs, then rural areas, and
the last would be wilderness.
after all can't have a bunch of yahoos, running around out in the boonies screwing up sh@@ for the haves.