posted on Jun, 4 2017 @ 06:13 AM
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YES Sanctuarywoods! Literally like 10 minutes ago I had the EXACT same incredibly unnerving incident happen. You described the whistling sound and how
it seems to inexplicably move its location in a weird-me-out baffling way.
Its unusually silent tonight- as regularly the frogs from the creek below our house are as loud as can be, and you can always hear one of many
neighborhood dogs barking intermittentlly between the far off sounds of passing cars. Not tonight though, so when I first heard the whisteling it was
far off and without any real concerted effort I subconciously filed said "familiar" sound under human. It wasnt until the whisteling increased in
volume and changed its location which was now eminating from just below my backyard that I all of a suuden became hyper aware of how unnaturally
silent it was toninght and how this freaking whisteling had been going on for about 8 minutes already without ceasing. I thought maybe the nerighbors
were looking for someone or calling their dog but I quickly discarded those theories as there were no accompying human sounds or voices. It was then
that I concentrated on the whistlers varrying pitch, rest intervals, and the uncomfortable realization that this oddity was getting closer and louder
to me. When my dog started acting out of character (both oddly needy and anxiouse),I held perfectly perfectly still and concentrated on locating where
this weirdo whistler was originating from- and where his projection was meant to target. This is when I absolutely, positvely and without any question
of doubt in my mind knew that this noise was not derived from any animal. Without giving my true intentions away, i silently began to plan on how I
would gather my belongings and dog and make it into the house without alerting or giving that "#ing thing" a chance to act before I was already behind
locked doors. I began taking the whole bizarre situation very seriously, especially when I realized that the whisteling was purposefully being
projected at me. What I mean by that is through all of its different pitches and vocal lengths, its seemingless instantaniouse change in both location
and distance- the actual noise was always being aimed in my direction. I think it was when the quality of the whisteling changed, like that of someone
who had whistled too much and it now comes out softer, lower and without as much power or form. I became absolutely frightened because all of a sudden
the whisteling was so close i should have seen "the person", and the way it was being projected at me was like when your walking down the street &
though initailly unaware of the world around, it becomes obviouse when someone is specifically calling out to you regardless of the presence of
others. For about a minute i struggled with the fact that I knew there wasnt a "person" in my backyard very purposely trying to get my attention. I
booked it into the house and locked that mother #ing door.
If anyone tries to tell me it was a bird, then I hope this # happens to you.