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Terrorist plot to attack the U.S. thwarted

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posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 06:16 AM
Did you know that there was a terrorist plot to attack the U.S., this past week?

"I don’t wanna annihilate anybody, I wanna #in’ change America,"

"If you had contact with the people that you say you had contact with, I could kill the President of the United States, and then we storm Washington, and then we take over the country

Here we have a nut job not only threatening to take over Washington, DC but to also kill the President because he wants to take back America, and wants to change it.

Apparently the terrorist went into great detail about his plan to assassinate the President.

He also allegedly researched wind speeds in Washington and the type of weapon he would need to carry out the plot. Stout also allegedly drew diagrams of D.C. for the informant, who gave them to law enforcement.


The terrorist's name is Cameron Stout and he's from Missouri.

But yet I'm not hearing any outrage or rants on any news network about why we should start to racially profile whites because you know..just in case they might be plotting something.

Hell this story barely even made the national news.

But can you imagine if this guy's name had been Omar Mohammed and had immigrated from some Middle East country?

Oh yeah they also refuse to label this guy a terrorist.

I don't want to talk about the news aspect of this story because it has already been posted, but of course the thread has almost disappeared now since it only received 5 flags. I want to discuss the social aspects of it.

But I'll go ahead and link it here

Why aren't people demanding that Whites apologize for this sort of behavior? Like we demand that moderate Muslims stand up and apologize for the actions carried out by a few of the same faith?

Why aren't we hearing more about these cases? And why do we refuse to label these guys what they really are? And that's terrorists, because that's exactly what they are.

Why do we dismiss these cases and just some random nut jobs? Lets imagine if this guy had been a would be plastered all over Fox News and I'm sure there would be threads here with over 100 flags.

Because let's face it, nothing gets the people riled up like a good ole' Muslim demonizing/bashing thread.

I've been alive for 23 years, and in those 23 years there has been almost double the amount of terrorist plots in the U.S. by radical right wing/racists groups than there have been by Muslim extremists.

and that includes the suicide attack on an IRS building in Texas, a truck bomb in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people which included 20 children in a day care, an attack on a Sheik temple in Wisconsin, numerous abortion clinic bombings and the murder of a doctor that worked in an abortion clinic.

But yet I find it odd that it's the Muslims and the disease ridden, leprosy carrying, brown skinned people that I am supposed to fear?

When you think about it, you find out that this is simply not true.

The biggest threat to you and I comes from within our country.

Not Iran, not ISIS and definitely not Muslims.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 06:30 AM
Is he really a terrorist? Or is he a pissed off American who is sick of continuous gross violations of the US constitution by the POTUS and a failed congress and justice department who refuse to address these violations?

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 06:33 AM
not sure about yr numbers there. McVeigh I think is the biggest native-born US terrorist. Rudolph bombed a few clinics but there were no 'numerous abortion clinic bombings'.
thing is, there is no vast right-wing terrorist conspiracy, just the occasional nut or maybe small group (Bruder Schwengen). They gather occasionally in places like Idaho and seig hiel and make speeches about the evils of ZOG then go home and have a beer.
Muslims on the other hand have international organizations devoted to terror and are openly planning attacks in the US, and encouraging same (Major Nidal Hasan).

***Americans radicalized by online propaganda from Islamic State and other militant groups pose the main terrorist threat to the United States, which is especially vulnerable to foreign fighters returning from Syria, senior U.S. security officials said on Wednesday.
While there is no evidence that the radical Islamist group plans an attack on U.S. soil, its vigorous propaganda machine and sophisticated online recruitment efforts created a clear potential threat, they said.
A law enforcement bulletin obtained by warned that Islamic State fighters have increased calls for 'lone wolves' to attack U.S. soldiers in America in recent months, citing one tweet that called for jihadists to find service members' addresses online and then 'show up and slaughter them.'***

imho Obama, Holder etc would love to find some right-wingers to prosecute.

funny, the right-wingers and the muslims have one thing in common, they both hate Jews.
edit on 21-3-2015 by works4dhs because: typo

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 06:38 AM
That's certainly a terrorist however it's dresses up.

That being said, I expect plots like this are foiled on a weekly basis at the very least.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: muse7

This guy is hard to take seriously - whatever colour or creed he is.

Seems like a bloke saying stuff to impress another guy.

All threats need to be taken seriously - but on further examination - this isn't exactly another (2008) Mumbai style attack in the making.

"Storm Washington"

Storm'n Cameron Stout of Stover is just a fantasist - a Walter Mitty in over his head.


Your point about the race/ethnicity of the 'terrorist' is taken though - however, it is human nature to fear novel, unknown quanities more than the humdrum quotidian aspects of live.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: muse7

Why aren't people demanding that Whites apologize for this sort of behavior? Like we demand that moderate Muslims stand up and apologize for the actions carried out by a few of the same faith?

Why aren't we hearing more about these cases? And why do we refuse to label these guys what they really are? And that's terrorists, because that's exactly what they are.

Do you really think a white guy with a gun that wants to see Obama dead is newsworthy? I'm pretty sure that describes half the country at this point. Probably more than that.

And in case you missed it white people with guns is at the tippy top of the DHS "terrorist" list.

Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
Survivalist literature (fictional books such as "Patriots" and "One Second After" are mentioned by name)
Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
Belief in a New World Order conspiracy

Pretty much everyone on this site is a "terrorist" judging by their definition of it.

Also if you dig a little deeper into the Murrah federal building bombing. All is definately not as it seems with that one.
edit on 21-3-2015 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: muse7

When will CIA arrest itself for participating in 9/11

Or if not that, how about for all the other crimes they engage in on daily basis

Biggest terrorist is called CIA

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 06:53 AM
So you're saying racial profiling is an effective tool
that should be used by the authorities?

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 07:24 AM
Good luck with this thread, you will get mostly dead silence or weak attempts to paint this guy as a good ol american boy with mental illness etc etc.....a reply to: muse7

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: EternalSolace
Is he really a terrorist? Or is he a pissed off American who is sick of continuous gross violations of the US constitution by the POTUS and a failed congress and justice department who refuse to address these violations?

He's a terrorist.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: muse7

Yeah GET ANGRY!, Make others angry, race, muslim, white....AAAAAAARG. You can find a nutjob in every color, weak minds are easy to manipulate and the media on both sides inculcate this continuing destructive dialectic just so people like you propogate this crap on line and rile other people up, probably affecting other weak minds to do more of the same.

People need to STOP hating on each other.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:02 AM
So a man wanting to storm the White House was sharing his ideas with an informant, how so very anti-climatic.

Let me guess. He wrote something on Facebook about his disappointment with a coup that heppened in America years ago, some alphabet agency was data mining and saw his post. Sent an "informant" or better put an "inciter" to make him cross the line. Once done he's arrested. Another win for the FBI, now give them there budget money. You see, they're worth it.

edit on 21-3-2015 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: EternalSolace
Is he really a terrorist? Or is he a pissed off American who is sick of continuous gross violations of the US constitution by the POTUS and a failed congress and justice department who refuse to address these violations?

You seem to be confused, so let me point something out to you...

a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims.

He fits the definition perfectly well.

Here's how politics works in a democratic nation: you vote for the people who best represent your views. If you are unhappy with the decisions of a government you have the right to campaign against those actions, the right to publicly disagree, the right to protest against those acts and decisions. Then you have the right to vote for someone to change those policies.

You don't get to claim that someone making exactly the same threats as a "foreign" terrorist would is "different" because you agree with their opinions. The man is a terrorist not because of the opinions he has, but because of the violence he planned to use.

And yes, you probably are now on one of those special lists, because you are directly expressing support for a terrorist ideology.

I'm reminded of another thread here a couple of weeks ago, where right-wingers were seemingly shocked and appalled that the right-wingers in the US were now considered to be a greater threat to the US than ISIS. I agreed, and this example is proving that point.

You don't get to adopt terrorist ideologies without response just because you're a white, Christian American rather than a brown, Muslim person from another country.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Shakawkaw

Can you define the US government's definition of 'Domestic Terrorist' and provide examples?

I can.

18 U.S.C § 2331

"Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:
■Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
■Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
■Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.

Definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. Code

That coupled with the DHS report from 2009 that claims people who are paranoid about the government infringing on the 2nd Amendment, the governments lack of action on immigration, loss of US jobs, resistance to gun control efforts, those who believe in "NWO" or "one world government" conspiracies, and even disgruntled veterans are all the be watched for as potential domestic terrorists. Below is a link to a CBS article that contains a PDF of the DHS bulliten and an outline of what it contains.
DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists

That bulletin, coupled with the government’s definition of a domestic terrorist, is far reaching. I could say that anyone who buys bulk ammunition, believes in small government, has a weapons "stockpile", believes in limited gun control, believes in privacy, and even believes that the government isn’t doing a thing about immigration can be labeled a potential domestic terrorist.

Further, everyone who came to aid the rancher at the Bundy Ranch standoff is a domestic terrorist according to US code.

Back the the point; Do I think Cameron Stout is a terrorist? No. I believe he's just a pissed off American who wen't about things the wrong way.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
Sent an "informant" or better put an "inciter" to make him cross the line.

How exactly does one MAKE someone cross a line?

I agree that there are some people who are not mentally capable and probably led down a certain path by agencies looking for someone to show "results", but everyone has free will.

No one can "make" someone like this start murdering people or acting violently against their own society, unless they are genuinely psychologically ill. Even so, they are clearly still a threat to those around them.

No one "makes" another person act in this way, they choose to, and this makes them a threat.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

So are the men who gathered at Bundy Ranch are terrorists because they prepared to use violence in response to a hostile government takeover of the rancher's land?

Or do you believe that just because we vote that the government can do no wrong?

How's congress doing at upholding the constitution. How's the POTUS doing at upholding the constitution? How's the justice department doing at upholding the constitution?

The biggest question: How's the public doing in holding their politicians accountable for upholding the constitution?

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who believes the time for that statement is fast coming.
edit on 3/21/2015 by EternalSolace because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: EternalSolace
That bulletin, coupled with the government’s definition of a domestic terrorist, is far reaching. I could say that anyone who buys bulk ammunition, believes in small government, has a weapons "stockpile", believes in limited gun control, believes in privacy, and even believes that the government isn’t doing a thing about immigration can be labeled a potential domestic terrorist.

You seem to be misunderstanding a lot of that. You're missing out on the "and" and "if" and "when" and simply reading each point as though it stands alone.

You have freedom of opinion in the US, freedom of speech, freedom to own a gun... however, if you use your freedom of speech to call for an attack on your government, express your opinion in violent terms, AND happen to be stockpiling weapons... of COURSE you should be considered a threat!

There is a massive difference between being disgruntled about things (and it seems most are more disgruntled about things that actually have zero impact on their lives, while claiming to be "libertarians") and expressing a desire and PLANNING to use violence to make your point.

When the US government is rounding up hundreds of thousands of people who are all simply political opponents, then you have reason to whine about it. Until then, seeing them arresting people actively planning to maim and kill others based on their idiotic political ideology is a GOOD THING.

What gets me is if this guy had done what he wanted to do, no doubt you would all be on here claiming it was a false flag designed to increase the power of the state...

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:24 AM
If I'm not on some watch list, I will be after this thread...

*sigh* Such is life.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: EternalSolace
a reply to: Rocker2013

So are the men who gathered at Bundy Ranch are terrorists because they prepared to use violence in response to a hostile government takeover of the rancher's land?

No, because they were not using terrorism and they had the legal right to hold weapons.

This is an entirely different scenario. This is a man actively planning to commit a terrorist attack against INNOCENT PEOPLE to make a political point.

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:28 AM
He is a terrorist and we should bomb his country back to the stone age... wait, what? He's white and 'Murican? Well, that changes everything, clearly he's just disgruntled and in need of mental health care. Why he's just a good 'ol boy and who doesn't want to storm the White House and kill that Islamo-fascist Commie? Of course if he's a Fox news viewer he probably is in need of serious mental health care...

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